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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Ok, changed the bass to make it sound more clear I actually layered it this time around. Added an interlude section (still don't know how I feel about it though) so now it's around 5 mins long. Did some tweaking to the other instruments. So you guys know the routine let me know what you think... Update
  2. What the hell is with you guys and saying the new songs don't have any soul? Who are you to say the song has no soul when you're not even the one that made the song? I've read that from a couple people now and to me, that's a form of discouragement to future remixers. I feel you guys really have no say so in judging if a song has "soul" or not because really, it's all based on the remixer. They can pour their heart and soul into a mix hoping that everyone will like it but then you'll get some people that claim the song has no "soul" that's just retarded. And you (Not the last guy but everyone in general) make it sound like that the older songs had nothing but bangers when you get some flops in there as well just like the newer stuff. In regards to the evolution of OCR, I haven't been here long so I don't really have anything to say about the community, but listening to a lot of the older stuff, on a production side the music has evolved greatly but I don't feel the songs lack any more fun or soul to them than the older remixes and I don't think we should be judging how much "soul" a song has anyway, if it's good it's good, if it's bad then it's bad just my 5 cents anyway.
  3. Thanks man! Yeah I definitely can't wait, unfortunately I'm gonna have to hold off until I come back from this Smash Bros. tourney tonight xD. I'm definitely gonna work my ass off though once I get in the crib best believe that lol.

  4. I don't have a problem with any of this. Hurry up and sub it if you haven't already lol. Good news too I got my new motherboard in and my Goldeneye remix doesn't take nowhere near as much cpu as it did before so I'm ultra happy, my face will probably be stuck in the smiling position if I don't stop haha. This remix has given me the motivation to finish my remix so thank you lol.
  5. This is tight as hell man. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to vote can someone tell me lol?
  6. Yeah I knew I wouldn't be able to use em right away I just wanting to figure out what I needed to get to use them but now I know thanks guys =). And about the center parts, how much do you think the sound will be affect by that? Edit: I did a little bit of research and I found out the dust caps do just that, keep the dust from entering the inner magnets, which is why my dad continued with using these I'm sure he coulda poked em back out or somethin but he probably didn't want to risk actually screwing up the sound of 'em just my guess I'll have to talk to him about that.
  7. Yeah I agree with Abadoss, not bad though man just don't be so quick to do stuff for free, nothin wrong with gettin paid doin what you love to do.
  8. Fortunately I'm good at all that stuff and I have all of my shit backed up on my external harddrive so it won't be a problem. I guarantee though the song will sound A LOT better once I get that installed, I'm just gettin pumped thinkin about how much this song is gonna improve once I get a good computer lol. On a side note, maybe someone here can help me with a problem I have with some custom built monitors in this thread because I don't have any idea how to set em up with setup I have specified there.
  9. So my dad gave these to me. I don't know how they sound but he says they sound really good which I can believe him because he used to do dj'ing and make his own mix tapes back in the day so he has an ear for this type of shit. My question is though, from the pictures of the connections in the back, what kind of setup would I need to use these with my computer system? I'm using the EMU 1212M soundcard if that helps. I have an idea of what I can do but I want to hear other peoples ideas before I blurt out somethin stoopid lol xD.
  10. I thought about it and I will go with adding an interlude. I kinda wanted to stick with the whole hyper through the whole song theme but there were a few people who said they were expecting or wanting to hear an interlude in the song. When you said the harmony was off on the string section at the beginning I don't really notice anything. Now I'm no music expert but I haven't been listening to music long enough to hear dissonance or if the intervals is off or somethin not to sound like a douche and I apologize if I did, but I'll look into it though and see if there's a better choice. But yeah Imma get on the updates. Thanks for the feedback evktalo 'preciates it =). Hopefully my motherboard comes in by Friday so I can rekindle my motivation to finish this song and work even harder on it. Just keep the feedback and support goin so I can make this song the best it can be!!
  11. Haha damn this is sick man. Wasn't expecting your woman's voice to come in so soon in the beginning of the track, she's pretty damn good though. Another thing, you don't hear to many remixes on here that's actually about the game but you rap in a way where I realize it's about zelda but it could stand as it's own song in the mainstream world I don't know if that makes sense at all lol. But yeah clean that up not like there's much cleanin to do but get on that and sub it lol.
  12. Glad someone said that for me, my response woulda been nastier.
  13. If you haven't heard the updated version, listen to it now!! Please and thank you lol =).
  14. Hah! I'll look into it, I want to go back and change the kick a little bit, I don't know how to explain it, but it's too fat and doesn't really stand out. So Imma go back and fix those things. Edit: The bass was at 68. And no, the strings are the same, I just added the CF-101 to it pretty much, and thanks 'preciates the feedback on the latest revision. This is like the one millionth incarnation of this song can't wait till this bitch is done.
  15. Alright here's an update, I took the song through Audition and tried to clean this up with the added tweaks to the instrumentation and stuff. So here it is... Check it!
  16. I thought this was really cool. Some things that bugged me though: That very first part was loud, and you then it went into the buildup and after that it got really quiet and while I thought the kick was a little weak, for the mix it fits in really well, it just caught my attention when it came in after that buildup. Another thing was that I felt like in some parts, the lead melody didn't stand out enough. That's all Imma say though because anything else will be out of my boundaries. I definitely like this though, nice dark vibe.
  17. Wooow this is sick as fuck 'scuse my language lol. But yeah definitely amazing piece right here. Great solos, great everything. Jazz is amazing stuff I want to hear more. Great work guys.
  18. @ Nubioso - Wish I could tell you how much db the compressor is compressing, but my computer is so slow that the music plays but nothing visual happens within Reason because all of the cpu is put into playing the song, and it doesn't even do that well so the meter never shows up and if it does, it's lost in the slowness that is my computer, I'm hoping to get a new mother board sometime in the next month because this is driving me crazy. And this is a string soundfont from Audix's website that he found on some website it's not from the Orkester soundbank. @Rozo - I'm still not following you on the bus part It'll be almost a year since I started workin on this song. No breaks, I've been working on this almost every day except for the two times I was waiting for it as it got judged in the judges panel so subtract about 4 months off. I'm gettin tired of listenin to it and I'm sure everyone I keep sending this to so they can help me is gettin tired of it as well. By the time this hits the panel(if it does) it's gonna lose all of it's luster. I guess making it more 'organic' will help but I've lost a lot of drive to finish this and you two seem to be the only ones interested around here. Lol for 99% of the time I'm a positive person, I guess I'm just tired of hearin my song get torn to shreds after all of the work I put into it I guess being a newb, shit like this is gonna happen. Edit: Thanks Harmony, I use Reason though unless using the multi band compressor in Audition won't make a difference. I'll be lookin into all of that once I'm done eating my cereal.
  19. I'm seriously so close to just stop messing with the song. This computer is so fucking slow I have to render it to a wav and listen to it in audition. That and coupled with the fact that apparently this song has so many things wrong with it I can't even keep my head on straight about where to start, and I've only got the judges and two other people to help me with this. I know you guys are helping but do you even like the song or is this just bein broken down as to what's wrong with it? Ok bitching aside : @Rozovian - How do I add vibrato to a string sample that has no vibrato to begin with? That synth that you hear is the one Palp isn't talking about he likes that one although I'm not really feelin it. I'm not sure what you mean by organic Or Amp sim bus for that matter lol. @Nubioso - I will check that out about the kick and see what it sounds like. Are you talkin about the compression on my kick? If so I'm using the mclass compressor input gain of 0 db threshold of 0 db I think I have the ratio around 16:1 soft knee with a super fast attack and 100 ms release. You guys also had a problem with the strings. Unfortunately this is my best sample unless you guys were just talkin strictly about the attack. So I need less attack so they come in slower or what? One more thing thank you guys for givin me feedback. I'm gonna throw it out there but you guys apparently have eyes I know there are alot of people wanting some feedback on their shit but I think I throw myself out there enough that I should get some in return plus this has already been through the judges and it's not a bad sounding song so it's not far from passing it's just nerve wrecking to the point of jumping out my six story window. So thank you again guys *end wall o text.
  20. Ok I've made some tweaks so can I get some more feedback people? Let's try to make the wip boards a little useful, this is close to passing and I don't want to get NO'ed again so I would appreciate all of the comments and critiques.
  21. Honestly I don't think getting a resub doesn't make a difference at all I see plenty of subs out there that get a (RESUB) so I don't feel special or honored in any form lol. But yeah Imma get to workin on that low end when I get the chance I do notice that you can't even hear the bassline clearly which bugs me but I can never fix it, I might just change the instrument it would probably help with balancing it out better.
  22. Thanks for the feedback man seein as how this isn't gettin any love, it's all good though I suppose. Thanks for pointing out the bass and the kick, although noone else really had a problem with it, but if one person has a problem then more will follow. Actually this is what the judges said just to give people an idea of what my main problems will be. I will definitely get to the bass issue though I would just like some more feedback from people >_<.
  23. Ok so like I didn't really want this to be out there until it got posted but it's been rejected twice now mainly due to my poor production skillz, so what I'm askin from you guys is stuff I can do to clean this up. I've already got some help from palpable about some of the synths I had in the song that some of the judges shat on pretty much and he helped me with some production stuff. I want to see if you guys can bring anything new to the table. I'll provide the source tune as well although the arrangement is done just incase people forget what it sounds like or whatever. I would greatly appreciate the feedback guys. Edit: Subbed
  24. It is a good excuse when you only had 5 minutes to spare =P. But yesh, reupload!!
  25. Hah, so true but one can hope. Plus I feel like this is the Ronald Jenkees of percussion and you see how big he is.
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