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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Hello folks! Thought I'd throw my remix into the fire of the workshop thread and see how long this burns up. I kinda had this James Cameron thing goin when I've always wanted to make a remix of this song, but didn't really pose the tools necessary to work on this, but now I do and I present it to you lol: Remix: Rat Race Source: As you can hear, the source music wasn't really that expansive, so I tried to expand as much as I could with the knowledge I posess, without completely washing out the source tune which some may criticize me for already doing xD. I did find the tune really catch and I felt it had potential for an energetic big beat/breakbeat track. My brother will provide vocals once I'm finished which is soon because I'm really just trying to find a way to top it off at this point. Also, a friend of mine will be recording for me as well once I finish the arrangement. I'd like to hear peoples input and whatnot, say whatever the eff is on your mind, I'll take what I can from all of the feedback recieved!! =D
  2. Ok I've given this enough time I'll give some of my thoughts: Not sure what this genre fits under, I would assume this is "brostep"? Either way, it's irrelevant I was just curious. I was really moved by the movement in your songs; from the cool 80's style melodies and solos and interesting timbres, then going hard with the crazy choppy sections, except for "Epicenter" since it wasn't structured like the other songs. I think my two favorite from this album are "My Fax Machine is Broken" and I'll Fly Away. The former I like because of the craziness of the choppy section with that punchy snare and kick beat, I can see some kind of montage with a flurry of clips that depict the issues of the world. I'll Fly Away got kinda touchy, but I could relate because I've been feeling the same way since a year ago, and it actually inspired me to work a little harder on my goals. Productions pretty solid. It's not commercial, but I would still take the songs from this album over a majority of skrillex's stuff. Well, this is the end of my short review, each track is fun and quirky while having substance, so props GTH! =D
  3. Yeh, I keep forgetting I do haha. It's blackpanther6389

  4. I have to say I'm diggin your "Step Back" album. When I get the opportunity, I want to talk more with you! =D

  5. Ok ok, this is slick shit dude. Oh the gems you find on the internet, thanks! I'll give more deets at some point in time in the future =D.
  6. Dont forget about Rashad lol '_'.
  7. That's awesome. Super appreciate it bro!! ^_^

  8. Duuuude lol!! Just enter! You can potentially learn a lot from competitions done in this manner. I feel like I can attribute a lot of my most relevant improvements on entering the megaman remix competitions. Granted I think I only finished one, but regardless, it was the inspiration to try something new in conjunction with having to know and understand my music theory to blend two themes together. Just enter bro =D
  9. Hellz yeah man! I've been wanting to go to one for the longest time, but majority of these meetups happen in the east coast as you've already pointed out. This time I know in advance when it is, and I have a job and more reasons to go now!!
  10. If I lived in Chicago I would gladly take on that role xD. Why don't we just agree to start by meeting up somewhere then just work off spontaneity? I'm talking out my butthole I've never been involved with stuff like this but I figured it would work out once we're all together.
  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought MM was the best one. Still haven't played Skyward Sword. Now that we're talkin about Zelda, I don't think I ever finished Twilight Princess @_@.
  12. You can put me down as interested but only for Chicago!
  13. If you guys did a meetup in Chicago, I'd be able to go. I'm only about 2-3 hours away from Chi town. Money is very tight though, I'll have to skim through the thread and see when you guys were talkin about meeting up.
  14. This would pretty much be my answer to the second question, minus the dumb part lol. Video game music's pretty cool too...
  15. I wholeheartedly agree with this.
  16. Hell, I figured Rozo woulda been a judge by now, congrats either way!!
  17. I'm diggin retro delay. My only complaint it seems is that it does a number on the original feed as far as volume goes, unless I'm doing somethin wrong to get the volume back up.
  18. Oooo this may help a little, although I do want to get some things cleared up before I assume I understand this chart. Not sure I still understand the semitone original chart could you possibly clarify what the numbers mean? Also I'm assumin the generic major scale degree colum just means go up that scale and play based on the sharps and flats shown correct?
  19. ALL of my music goes into the music folder.
  20. If someone would care to tell me what a delay calculator is, I would greatly appreciate it.
  21. Happy born day bro!
  22. Somethin tells me I need to step up my abilities. Lack of feedback bothers me a little bit. Either way, I appreciate all the feedback on this track "good" or "bad" and I apologize that I couldn't please everyone . That's the way the cookie crumbles in the world of subject experience xD.
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