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Everything posted by dsx100
Good, at least you can give some reasons for why you hate SC and that is fine. I respect your opinion. I'm just saying I think it is unfair to exclude it as a major fighting game. I personally hate DOA and for sort of the same reason you hate it. I find the game boring. I don't find the game very challenging, the countering system is way to easy and in high level play it just turns into a who can counter first contest which turns into a countering fest. I need something more deep and challenging. Even though I don't like DOA, I never suggested removing it. I just think you should consider more fighting games that are very suited for that list.
Nice site man and thanks for suggesting it. Some really cool music there.
I don't know why but I just barely came across this thread today so please excuse me for my late response. Anyway I love 2D fighters and I definately agree that SF 3rd Strike for DC needs to be on that list. What do you guys think about Neo Geo Battle Colliseum? I personaly don't fighters on the X-box. The controller sucks horriblely for fighters in my opinion. And I thought this was the 2D Fighter Thread? Why are 3D fighters on the list. And lets even say you intended to make this the Fighter Thread then why ignore the best 3D fighters like Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Soul Calibur. Now EasyP, I know you don't like Soul Calibur but you can't deny it is a good 3d fighter. This "it is broken and unbalanced" agrument is just plan crap. Fighters are good because they have a deep fighting systems that take a lot of skill to master. If being broken and unbalanced makes a fighter bad, then MvsC2 and CvsSNK 2 would be shitty fighters too. Besides, the PS2 version of SCIII was the only game in the series that was really seriously broken. I think there should be more talk about SSF II Turbo HD Remix. I personally am a little disappointed that it is not a full-fledged brand spanking new Street Fighter but I also think it is the closest were going to get to one. Also I don't see the gameplay being exactly identical like Capcom states it is going be. I think the new graphics would have to change it around at least a little bit.
What if Sonic's super samsh special (hyper, or whatever everyone else calls it) would be him turning to Super Sonic for a short period of time. I think that would be pretty cool but thats just me. PS: If anyone knows of some good gaming merchandise websites please post them in my thread titled "Good Gaming Merchandise sites" in the Help and Newbies section.
Nice site but it is more of an anime merchandise site. I want a site that has more video games merchandise. Thanks for the site anyway, looks cool.
Does anyone know off any good videogame merchandise websites? I mean websites that sell video game realted stuff like clothing, posters, figures, cell phone ringtones and wallpapers, graffix, soundtracks (especially), and pretty much anything else. Also does anyone know of any good Anime remix sites, especially ones that have a lot of good Dragonball remixes?
What is wrong with a SSB for DS. There is nothing wrong with porting a game series traditonal being on consoles to handhelds. It has been done tons of times with Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Mario Kart, and Metroid series and they have produced great games (New Super Mario Bros., Metroid Zero Mission anyone). Even a port of the N64 version would even be fine with me because I personally find the original still very fun (can't wait till it comes to virtual console). I would prefer a new game though. 3d or 2d doesn't matter to me though 2d would probably have alot more characters. The DS has enough buttons, the graphic capabilities, and fan base for a SSB game so why not. If it turns out bad (which I doubt) just don't buy it. They don't even need to add touch screen features just like Mario Kart DS. PS: This thing that SSB needs an analog stick is BS. It would probably be alot easier to do smash attacks with a D-pad.
I think they would allow that kind (match type length, items, handicap, score display etc.) of customization when playing with your friends. For random matches against random people, porbably not. I just guessing on that based on the on-line play for Mario Kart DS and Metriod Prime Hunters and from what I have read on how Mario Strikers Charged will work. I personally hope thay add a least a little customization options for random play because I don't have many friends.
I don't really like nuetral stages but I guess they are needed for serious competitive play. I hope they add classic stages form melee in Brawl. Mute City, Yoshi's Island, and Pokemon stadium were my favorites. I know this is kind of off topic but does it bother anyone else that they decided to contiue to use Samus's Super Metroid design. I personally think her design from MP2,MPH, MP3 is much cooler and more modern. Not to mention the armor actually looks metallic.
They could add the hook or claw shot as an item. It could allow players to grap enemies from a distance and they could also use for recovery purposes. The energy tank idea to recover 100% damage was really cool. How about the POW (power item) from Excitetruck. Players will temporarily be faster, stronger, and more durable but not invincible. It should also be a rare and very short lasting item. What do you guys think.
Completely agreed. Stay away form this topic.
Dude, you are way into the competitive scene. And, Character profiles with fully animated 3D models would be realy cool. Nice idea FuriousFure.
We definately need to start talking about something else other than characters. I can not stress how many times people mention FF VII characters. I am not even going to get into that. Read my previous posts, which aren't that far back in the thread, for my opinion on that. Here is a list of topics I think we can discuss that does not concern characters. 1. Game Play (new mechanics, destructible envirnoments, classic vs. motion sensitive etc.) 2. Minigames (end cerdits, remeber it was said motion controls would not be used for "main" gameplay) 3. Music (Come on, this is OCR. Don't tell me nobody thinks about it) 4. Stages (Classic and New) 5. Cinematics (Opening, Character endings) 6. Nostalgia (Trophies, Character Profiles, Stage History) 7. On-line Play and Wii-connect 24 And I am sure that there are much more.
I would have to agree because I don't believe the X-box Controller was made well to play the "good" fighting games on the system which in my opinion are Capcom vs SNK 2 and Street Fighter AC. Trying to pull of quarter circles on that thing is a pain in the ass.
Many fighting games have gone online including many 2D fighting games. DOA Ultimate, Mortal Kombat Deception, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, Street Anniversy Collection, and Capcom Fighting Jam where all on-line on X-box. X-box 360 has DOA 4. PS2 had the Mortal Kombat games online. And NO I don't count the Def Jam games as fighting games. Def Jam is worse than DOA and MK combined in my opinion. Sorry about that rant, but I just don't like those games.
I like the space theme for the credits mini-games. It fits the ending of the game as you fight at Final Destination which looks like it takes place in space. So in short, the credits mini-game for Brawl should fit the Final Stage theme. At least that is my opinion.
Yes is does look cool however, a Kirby stage would have been enough as MetaKnight is from the Kirby series so you could indentify a Kirby stage with MetaKnight. Still a realy cool addition though.
Game and Watch has a stage. Anyway that is not what I was talking about. I said every video game series represented in SSBB should have a stage. For example, Ganodorf doesn't have is own personal stage but there stages form the Zelda series in the game. Same for Luigi, he doesn't have a stage but any Mario stage could be indentified with him.The same goes for the Pokemon. However, There was no Fire Emblem stage in melee. So my point is, if a character or characters are going to represent their game in SSBB they should have a stage. Basically they should have a Wario, Kid Icurus, and Metal Gear Solid stage in Brawl and if I am not mistaken I believe they already do. The same should go for other new characters.
I completely forgot about Norfair. That seriously would be cool. Norfair fully orchestrated would just sound awsome. I also like the idea a lot about having multiple BGMs for each stage. Only about 3 or 4 (correct me if I am wrong) stages had multiple themes. I would also like every one of the series in game to be represented with a stage. Fire Emblem didn't have a stage in Melee. Can't think of any others at this time which is good meaning only one series didn't have stage in the last game. More Metroid Stages would be nice as well.
Haven't posted in awhile so forgive me for late responses. First, about the whole Wi-Fi thing, I am sure that Nintendo will have a ranking systems which will allow you to play characters of you rank. Metroid Prime hunters does it so why can't they put it into SSBB. Tournaments are certainly possible but if it is anything like Mario Strikers Charged then it would be up to Nintendo to hold them. Also if it will be anything like MP: Hunters and MarioKart DS, the matches will be agianst random opponents. You won't be able the pick the matches like in Starcraft. So it will most likely be more like Warcraft where they pick the match you play in. Second, I would love to see Wario use some moves from his platformers especially the tackle and butt slam (don't know the proper name). Waluigi would be realy cool to add. It makes perfect since to add him in my opinion. He will basically be Wario's Luigi. He could jump higher, slide further, and have some similar moves to Wario. Third, I hate to bring this up agian but, I just don't honestly see what is so wrong with Kirby in SSBM. I know he got nurfed a lot but I just don't see it. I actually kick even more ass with Melee Kirby than I ever did with original Kirby. I just don't see why people find it so suprising that Kirby is my best character. He has like the best recovery in whole game. My friends know better and now they get all tense when I pick him. So forgive me for still liking Kirby equally (if not more) in SSBM. Finally, I justed wanted to know what you guys think about the music in Brawl. This is OCR after all and I am sure most us listen to the music on this site. I personally want more themes from the games. The Dark World theme would be cool to hear in some form or another. The Brinstar Red Soil area music would be cool to though I don't know if it would fit well into a game that is as fast paced as SSBB. A face paced techno themed Super Mario World Overwolrd theme would be cool for a new Mario stage. Any way, does anyone else have any ideas music wise for Brawl.
I have seen that pic a million times but I must admit, it never really gets old. On the side note, STOP!!!! requesting Final Fantasy VII characters. Enough is Enough already. I can even probably understand FF:CC but VII or any other main series characters have no place in SSB. VII is a playstation exclusive, this is and will always be a NINTENDO brawler. The addition of Snake doesn't change anything. Wishing for Cloud, Tifa etc. is pointless. It is much better to wish for a final fantasy fighting game. Until then play "Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring" if you can even Find It. The closest thing you will find to Final Fantasy brawler. There cast includes Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, and pretty much any other of your stupid beloved Final Fantasy VII Characters.
I to hate spin-attack abusing noobs. Link is my second best character (Kirby the first and C.Falcon the third) and I always own my little cousins with him. The first thing they think is that he is good and that will probably have a chance at winning with him. The first thing they do is abuse the spin-attack. They don't get that it is so easy to avoid and counter. However I do know this one guy that plays a real mean Link. He is constently using projectiles to keep you away until he decides to attack you. he utilizes the sheild a lot to. I can still beat him with Kirby on some occasions though.
Very helpful information. Thanks a lot. I still need to do more research just to see if I can still sell it. By the way they are completely original works except they are based off exisiting characters.
I just wanted to ask if anyone new how Fan Art copyrights work or if they can even be done? I tell you my situation to see if this helps clarify the question. I have a profile at deviantart and have submitted alot of works. They give me the option(for free) to copyright the work and to sell them as prints. Now I would love to take advantage of this, especially the print selling, but I don't want to get sued or be forced to take my works down. So if you can, please give me good answer? Nothing vague. Thanks to anyone that can help.
I think we should focus on considering new characters that actaually have a chance at being in the game. I know so many of you guys want people that have no chance in hell of being in the game and I know it is just wishing but why even bother if it is guaranteed they won't be in the game. The creators already said any 3rd party character had to appear on a nintendo console at some point in time just to be considered. So this wishing for Final Fantasy VII characters is not going to happen and is completely stupid in my opinion. In fact I dislike the adding of 3rd party characters to begin with. This is suppose to be a Nintendo brawler. Also the creators said the total amount of 3rd party cahracters in the game would only amount to 3 -1 including Snake. I will bet $100 that Sonic will be that second 3rd party character. It is so obvious because: 1. He was the most voted character on the official Smash Bros. forums, 2. Both Nintendo, Sega, and the Sonic Team expressed much intrest in Sonic being part of the game, 3. Sonic is an iconic character so he fits well into the game, 4. There have been many sonic games that came out on Nintendo consoles including many exclusives. So I think it is a given Sonic will be in the game but that is just my opinion.