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Everything posted by dsx100
Ridley is not Bowser or DK sized. He is much, much, much, much (get the picture), much bigger than those two. He is so big to the point to keep him authentic, he would have to be on the same level as Giga Bowser as far as defense and flinching go. He is also very fast. He isn't some slow moving fat and stupid boss. Basically I am saying that it is very unlikely that there would be a really authentic Ridely in the game. He is too big and powerful. Yes, a very dumbed down of version of Ridley is possible. One that is Bowser sized and can't fly and is probably very slow. But I just don't see that happening. Nintendo likes keeping the characters authentic. I am also personally agianst a dumbed down version of Ridley. Also this flight issue, Mewtwo can only fly in the anime, not the game. Kirby and Pit can't fly during gameplay, they can just multijump. I'm not sure about Metakight though.
I haven't played it but also haven't heard anything bad about Daxter. I actually here nothing but good things about it. I am sure some one has played it that can vote on it. But then agian, only 2 PSP titles even got votes. I guess very few people actually play the PSP. If we could only get one more vote for Metroid Prime 2, then it could make the must have list. Come on somebody else has got to have liked the game.
Man, I really like this new arrangement. Best version of Ridley's theme I have ever heard in my opinion. Also I seriously doubt Ridley would be a playable character in Brawl. Those that have played Metroid games should know why. First, he is really big. He would tower over the other characters easily. He is so big he could be a very cheap character. Second, he can fly. Not glide, not multi-jump, but FLY. It would just be stupid to make him only have 2 jumps and a 3rd jump. A Ridley that can't fly is stupid. I think this will most likely be the music for a new metroid stage. That sounds more reasonable to me.
I stayed with this thread since the beginning so I pretty used all my votes. Here are games that seriously need votes in my opinion. Jak 3: Whoever voted yes to Jak 1 and Jak II other than me, whats up. Vote for Jak 3 now. It is the best in the series and people seriously need to give this game a chance. Please vote for Jak 3 in you have played it and liked it. Tekken Tag and Tekken 5: Man there is no Tekken love on OCR. Why doesn't anybody play Tekken games. It seems to me that nobody plays 3D fighters here period, except the crappy DOA series. These game are classics and some of the best 3D fighters ever made. Even if you didn't like, still vote just to show that you at least played the game. You want some words of encouragement just read what I had to say about both game earlier in the thread. Virtua Fighter 4: Not my cup of tea but you got to respect what the game has done for the Fighting genre. This game is arguabley the best 3D fighter ever made. Like I said before, I have never liked this game but I can respect what it has done. Anyone who has played this game needs to vote for it now. Metriod Prime 2: I know this game is on the majority no list but to anyone that played Metriod Prime 2 and enjoyed it, please vote. It pains to think that this game isn't considered one of the best Gamecube game ever just because a few people think it was too hard or not as epic as the first game. Its a really great game. People just need to give it a chance and really let them selves get sucked into the absolutley great gameplay experience. On the side note, I am really glad that Wind Waker and Soul Calibur III didn't and up on the Majority NO list. Awsome games that rightfully deserve must have status.
Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition: No The Zelda games are great, particularly the ones in this collection are fantastic, however I think it is stupid to include a game that was made in limited supply and only given to those that pre-ordered Wind Waker. Heck this game was never even sold as its own standard retail title. You could probably get lucky and find a used copy at Gamestop but that is also still hard to do. Great game collection but to recommend as must have is ridicoulus. Its not you can go to the store and just buy the game. If you already have it, then great for you, but if not, you probably never will get it. Mario Kart Double Dash: Borderlined Yes A very fun and frantic game. It is also a blast to play with friends. This game has everything you would ever want from a Mario Kart game. The new 2 people per Kart feature is pretty cool. the graphics are good and I honestly didn't mind the sound and music for the game. The only reason why I have trouble recommending this game is because It is basically a game of pure luck. So little skill is involved in playing this game it is ridicoulus. This game puts way to much focus on items. The game is a basically contest of who gets the best items. It doesn't matter how far ahead you are you can get hit with 2 blue shells and finish the race in 6th place in a matter of seconds. For multiplayer, this isn't such a big problem. You and your friends will have tons of fun just blasting items at each other and You will argue in the end that it was only because you got better items. For single player, it can be fustrating as it makes the game very hard at times but in circumstances out of your control. Just imagine trying to get a gold trophy on the star cup at 150cc and you get so close to getting first and then you get hit with 5 items in a row and finish in dead last. Anyway, very fun and exciting game that any Gamecube owner should at least give a chance. More likely than not, you will enjoy it very much. Just give it a chance.
Wario Ware Touched! : Yes Wario Ware Touched! is one of the many DS games that really shows the potentional of the DS touch screen. The mini-games are what you expect for Wario Ware games which is loads of fun. The graphics, I thought, where pretty good for an early DS game. The touch screen mini-games are innovative and blast to play. I think anyone with a DS should try out this game. Tekken Dark Resurrection: YES!!!! This game is unbelievable to me. I didn't even think they could pull off a Tekken Tag port on the PSP let alone and updated Tekken 5 port. If there is any game that shows off the amount of potential the PSP has it is Dark Resurrection. The graphics and sound are just amazing for a handheld system. Other than this, DR still has a lot to offer just like Tekken 5. Basically Tekken DR is a must-have for the same reasons I said Tekken 5 was (minus the some of the extras like arcade history and devil within). It has an amazing fighting system which is now revamped and more balanced than Tekken 5's. The ability to fight Ghost characters is pretty awsome as well. Viewtiful Joe 2 I haven't gotten a chance to play Viewtiful Joe 2 yet. I just ordered on-line last week. I hear very good things about it. They say it is similar to Viewtiful Joe 1 but with a cool new story and the ability to play as Silvia. I am really looking forward to playing it and I am sure I will like it but for right now I can't give it a yes or no. King of Fighters 2006: NO This game is good and probably the best 3D SNK fighter ever made. It is also very fun to play. However, it is no where near good enough to meet "Must-Have" status. Its fun and I recommend it to fighting game and King of Fighters fans but it is not a Must-Have title. If any King of Fighters has "Must-Have" status its one of the 2D titles in the series. KIng of Fighters XI is probably the best one. For those that don't know, King of Fighters 2006 is known as King of Fighters Maxium Impact 2 in Japan. Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee: No Man I love this game. This easily the best Godzilla game ever made. However, I can't recommend it as a must-have. If you aren't a huge Godzilla fan, chances are you might not find much to like in this game. It has limited game modes, the story is a little bland and there isn't much replay value unless you have buddies to play with. The gameplay is unique, frantic and well done though. For me, this game is loads of fun just because I love and know the source material well and the game pulled it off great. I recommend this game to anyone who has a Gamecube but I just don't think it is must title. God of War II To tell you the truth I have never played either of the God of Wars. I just haven't had the time to pick one of them up. They look cool and interesting but at the same time it doesn't look as great as people say. The combat seems familiar to Rygar and the I heard that there where very few boss fights and that they sucked as well. When I get a chance I will try it out but for right now, I can't give it a yes or a no.
Street Fighter Anniversary Colletion: Hell Yes! In my opinion any Street Fighter fan, or 2d fighter fan for that matter, would be a fool to pass this one up. There is one major reason to get this game and that is for Third Strike. I already said why I thought Third Strike is a must-have on the DC a while back and honestly it is any different for PS2. In fact I would say Third Strike on PS2 is actually better. The new filter system they implemented makes the game look realy good and polished without losing alot of detail and without making the sprites look very blurry like other filter systems. The color seems a little more vibrant to me a well. I also love the new arranged versions of the tracks and BGMs made exclusively for the PS2 version. Hyper Street Fighter II is also a very nice addition. We all know the legendary status that Street Fighter II holds so I am not going to say much on the subject. The ability to mix and match playstyles from all the versions of Street Fighter II is great. The collection also includes the consored version of the full length Street Fighter II movie (the anime not the crappy live action one). This is a very good collection that anyone should try out and it is alone worth getting just so you can play SF3 Third Strike on your PS2.
Well I recently just tried ordering a game from their and they are giving me a real hard time. First they sent me an e-mail that there was problem processing my cerdit card. They told me to contact ASAP. The problem was they didn't tell me how, so I e-mailed them twice. It took like 3 days for them to respond only to tell me I needed to call live support. I call live support and find out that the problem with my cedit card was simply that the billing and shipping address didn't match and that they just wanted to confirm that they were different. The guy tells me every thing is fixed yet I still haven't recieved a order confirmatin e-mail and my store account still gives me an error message telling me that their is a problem with my order. I am thinking of just cancelling the order as this is becoming really fustrating.
I know this is kinda of old news but has anyone here been keeping up with Super Street Fighter Turo HD Remix (man what a long name). They recently released a Ken sprite early last week. This week, about 2 days ago, they released several Akuma sprites. You can see these images at any game site. Udon also posted these sprites in there Deviantart gallery. All and all I would say they look really good. The Akuma sprites look really detailed. I can't wait to see what the other characters look like. Here are some links http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/900/900199/imgs_1.html http://udoncrew.deviantart.com/gallery/
Soul Calibur III: YES! I know this game will add up on the Majority No list but like with Metriod Prime 2, I will defend this game as long as I still have life in me. Yah the game is unbalanced but then agian the Soul Calibur Series was never that balanced to begin with. Also being Unbalanced doesn't make the game bad. If that was the case Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Capcom vs SNK 2 would be some of the worst fighters ever made. But of course, I m sure most agree, thats not the case as these games are praised quite often. Also I know the movesets have changed but that seriously isn't a big issue. Just relearn your character. It adds replay value anyway. Also people always complain that they want something new and when the company listens and does, those same people turn around and flame the game. It happened to Tekken 4 and now it happened to SC3. They try and do something new for a change and people quickly jump on it and criticize it. Yes the movesets are different, yes the new game modes aren't amazing, but it is something differen for a change and it brings new life to the series and adds more replay value. Also, as I have said with Metroid Prime 2, I don't think difficulty is a serious issue with this game. I am not a very good top level player at all and I still kick the CPUs ass. Yes the CPU is cheap but it makes up for it by being ridicously stupid. Like with MP 2, I am going to make a list of what makes this game great. Breathtaking visuals, the enviroments are the best I have seen in any fighter including next-gen (current-gen know). The models don't look worse than those of SCII's. If you honestly think they do then I would to say you have impared vision. At the very least they are they same which is still very good considering SCII's models looked great The Presentation is superb. Its amazing to me. I have never seen a game that has such a unique and beautiful interface. The artwork is amazing as always. The menu transitions are also well done. The sound is also very good. The support for surround sound really helps. The music is just as great as it was in the other SC games. The fighting system, unbalanced or not, is very deep, tight, and amazingly well done. With the new movesets, it just makes learning the system more fun and engaging. SC3 actually has a real canonical story mode unlike that that stupid conquest mode in SCII. You realy get sucked in to this story when your playing it. The ability to control things during cinematics is also a welcome addition. Also the their are actually cinematics in the game unlike previous soul calibur games where you just got a black and white picture at the end with some text. Finally and most importantly, SC3, just like all the other soul caliburs, is a very user friendly game that both casual and hardcore players can enjoy. It is similar to Smash Bros. in the way that is often very easy to control and learn but tough to master. Anyone can play SC3 and have fun. Great fighting game that every PS2 owner should at the very least give a chance and actually play it seriously.
Street Fighter Alpha 3: YES!!! This game is just awsome. SFA3 is really fast paced and really deep at the same time. I still personally prefer 3rd Strike but Alpha 3 is most definately no slouch either. The graphics might seem a little dated compared to other 2D fighters of the time but Alpha 3 looked great on the Dreamcast. It was very colorful and sharp and the animation was really nice and smooth. I also thought the sound was great, especially the music. The gameplay is just as tight as it could ever get. The alpha series was one of the first fighting games to introduce the multiple fighting systems aspect. Alpha 3 pulled it off perfectly. Great Street Fighter and just all around great fighter. Must play for Street Fighter fans and Dreamcast owners. If you can't find it for dreamcast then just pick up Street Fighter Alpha Anthology for PS2, which contains a Arcade perfect version of Alpha 3. Also this game is known as Street Fighter Zero 3 in Japan. Dead or Alive 3: No I personally don't like Dead or Alive games. I also think that the only Dead or Alive that has must play status is DOA2. Basically if you have played DOA2 and didn't care for it much or just felt indifferent about it then their is no reason for you to pick DOA3. It is pretty much the same and the fighting system feels looser as well. Not a must have game in my opinion.
I will most likely be using the Classic Controller. I would like to try all the styles though. I like the cube controller and the Classic just feels nice and comfortable in my hands. I also think the Classic has more responsive buttons. The placement of the analog sticks doesn't bother me either since I play alot of PS2. Nice update overall.
I really hope ZS Samus is an entirely new seperate character from Samus. Like Eternal Zero said earlier, It would suck not to have control over the character your playing. Samus and ZS Samus have different move sets and that would serioudly suck if they changed mid match.
2007 really is a good year for the fighting genre. First Virtua Fighter 5 came out, then Tekken DR for PS3 and games that are going to be coming out include Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Guilty Gear Accent Core for Wii, King of Fighters XI, Neo Geo Battle Colliseum, and finally Tekken 6 for Arcades. I am also still hoping for Garou. This year is going to be awsome.
Kirby kicks ass. I don't care if he hasn't changed much from Melee to Brawl. The expression on his face was priceless in the first trailer.
Why don't you support your reasoning for giving these games your respective yes or no votes. To me it justs seems like your listing random crap.
Jak 3: YES!!! In my opinion this game is the best in the Jak series and one of the best single player experiences avialable on the PS2. Just read what I said about Jak1 and JakII a few pages back and apply that to this game. What makes this one better, well lets see: Better combat thanks to new weapons upgrades and Light Jak. Smoother framerates and much better sound. Larger and more expansive world, tons of explorable areas. The story is more tied into the game than any of the other games. The story is also deeper and there are tons of interesting twists. As I said before, you really need to play all three games to get the best expriece out of any of the games, especially Jak 3. Anyone who has a PS2 should play this game at least once. Its a fun and engaging experience. Grand Theft Auto San Andres: No Same reasons I said no to GTA III. Only, by the time of its release I personally think other games pull off the free roam aspect much better. The graphics are even more dated as well. The technical issues are inexcusable. The new features, like the level up, just aren't interesting enough for me to make the game feel new. The story is even more dual than the others. I just don't think this game is a must have or play for that matter. Ok game thats fun for while but the level of entertainment just isn't that great compared to other games.
Holy crap!!! I just saw SNK Playmore's USA site and it looks like they are planning on bringing King of Fighters XI and Neo Geo Battle Colleseum to the US. Fightersgeneration.com says this year, but I couldn't find any release date or possible release date on the official site. Hopefully I'm not just seeing things and I could be playing KOF XI and Neo Geo BC soon. http://www.snkplaymoreusa.com/in-development.php
Burnout Revenge: NO This game does very little to change the formula established in Burnout 3. The Revenge mode is unique but not all that great. The graphics and sound are absolutely no different from Burnout 3. I see absoultely no reason to own this game because it is so much like Burnout 3 its ridiculous. They also did something that I thought wasn't possible and that was make crash even crappier. I though Burnout 3's crash mode was a step down from the Burnout 2, just imagine what I think of Revenge's. I am hoping Burnout 5 has more to offer than this game. If you have Burnout 3 or want to get Burnout 3, then there is no reason to get Burnout Revenge.
I know but I would really prefer playing it on a console. Anyways, hopefully your speculation is right we might see Garou here in the US at some point.
I know many of you love Twilight Princess but Raziellink is entitled to his opinion. Don't flame him for disagreeing. I love Twilight Princess just as much as anyone else and I disagree with what he says but I still respect that he has opinion and the right to voice it. People are always going to disagree with each other and we just need to accept that and realize that I doesn't matter if the game makes the list or not. All that matters is that you like the game and you love playing it. I know thats how I view things since at least 4 of my favorite games have recieved a majority no and at least 3 are still undecided. Just a Few Examples Metriod Prime 2 Zelda The Wind Waker Mario Kart DS Jak series Tekken series And I know Soul Calibur III will and up on this list too.
I hope now that SNk is releasing their Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury Anthologies that they will consider releasing Garou Mark of the Wolves here in the US as well. I have only played the game about 5 times before at an arcade. Man I really want this game.
Did anyone else notice that the screens where taken at pokemon stadium. To me, thats just another stage we can add to the list of known stages up to this point. I have always liked playing at pokemon stadium. I am glad to see a version of it in the game. Oh, and about the whole poloygon thing issue, These could easily early screen shots. When don't know when they were taken. The final product could look a lot better. Remeber how quickly Red Steel improved before it came out.
The Yoshi Story arrangement is alright. As long it is not the BGM for a stage I think it will do fine. Also I think, but not sure, that was just a small sample of the song.
Virtua Fighter 4: Yes I personally don't like playing Virtua Fighter games. I tend to like more over-the-top fighters like Tekken and Guilty Gear. Virtua Fighter just seems more like a simulation to me. However, the contributions Virtua Fighter has made to the fighting genre are undeniable and can't be ignored. Virtua Fighter 4 in this case made quite a few. It had some revoultionary graphics at the time, The fighting system was more refined than it ever has been, and it was the first fighter to successfully include character customizations and ranking. Almost every fighter since has tried to include some level of customization to their characters, usually at least a color edit mode. Many also try to include some type of ranking system. The production quality of this game is top notch as well. Good game that anyone should try. Halo 2: No Its not a bad but I just don't it is "Must Have" status for the same reasons I think Halo isn't. Just read a couple of pages back and you'll find out why. But to some it up, weak story, slow paced gameplay, nothing special for a FPS, and average if not somewhat dull single player. Jump Superstars: Yes This game is really fun. Its the closest you'll get to having a portable super smash bros. However it still has its own uniqueness to it that still makes it worth a try even if you feel don't need to play another SSB style game. Basically this game is Shonen Jump's version of Smash Bros. but instead it is a cross over of Shonen Jump manga characters. They have characters from pretty much any Shonen Jump series you can think of. Dragonball, Naruto, One Peice, YuYu Hakasho and etc. Its a really fun and unique gameplay experience for the DS. Anyone with a DS who likes manga and anime should try this game. The only downside is that it is an import and there isn't much english in the game. Okami: Hell YES! In my opinion, Okami is the best single player game on the PS2 and nothing even comes close to matching the expeirence this game delivers. There are so many reasons why this game is great and I honestly have trouble summing it all up. Heres what I can tell right off the bat. This game is amazingly beautiful. The graphics are unique and extremely artistic. It really does look your playing a watercolor painting. The sound is very atmospheric and engaging and the music is just plain awsome. The story is incredibly deep and engaging. There are so many twists and back stories in the central story that it really never seems to get dull. The gameplay is top notch for an action adventure game and the celestial brush mechanic offers something new to the genre which makes gameplay, especially combat, much more fun and deep. The environments are huge, beautiful and very well designed. This game willl keep you busy for a while. I would say it will take about 20 hours to complete the game without doing any side missions or minigames. When you include those, it well take about 35 hours. And if like to explore a lot like me, then it will take you close to 50 hours. A couple of things change the second time you play the game. This game is a great addition to the PS2 library that anybody should try. I highly recommend this game to any PS2 owner. Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes: Yes I really don't like playing Metal Gear games. I hate the whole stealth and hiding part of the game. However, I got to admit that Metal Gear Solid was a really good game. This remake is pretty good too. It has everything that made the first game had plus more. The improved graphics and new gameplay mechanics that became staples for the metal gear series are reason enough to play this game. Its good and I think fans of Metal Gear and stealth games should try it. Not my cup of tea but not a bad game either.