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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Yeah I realized this after I posted. That's why I edited. Which I know won't stop him, but at least when he posts he'll know he's not getting one back. Common courtesy.
  2. Well, you're completely disillusioned if you think that a good demoman has any advantage at all against a good scout, a good soldier,or a good sniper. For the most part, he's at a disadvantage against a scout or a soldier, and the outcome is circumstantial against a sniper. On these grounds, you specifying that the demoman has to be good, only implies that everyone he's fighting has to be bad. So what the hell do you mean. EDIT: Actually. Please don't reply.
  3. I know. And that seems to be the extent of Bleck's arguement. So I won't disagree.
  4. Not so. Okay. I'll concede that a good demoman is overpowered against a pub full of noobs. You win.
  5. ... do you think it's easy to land pipes or something? Headshots do 150 damage at the very least. Both require precision aiming. I think one headshot is a lot easier to land than 2 consecutive pipes. Two rockets are also easier to land, and will also kill. If the pipes don't make a direct hit, you're screwed. The demoman's close-range game is one of the hardest. Skilled demomen stand out because they're better at this. It's still hard.
  6. That sounds awesome. Good on you guys.
  7. But... what about Christmas?
  8. It can only OHKO them with random damage on. It can sometimes do a little more than 125dmg, but it can also do as little as around 70dmg. How is THAT reliable? For whatever reason, that multiplier is the silliest of any. Without random damage, a direct rocket and a direct pipe do approximately 100 each. At medium to close range, no-scoping is very effective. At point blank the smg does over 80dps. The sniper is more than capable of defending himself... Oh. And snipers don't injure themselves in an attempt to kill thing's in close proximity.
  9. Is Buck awesome? He's voiced by Nathan Fillion. I was partially looking forward to the game for that reason. lol EDIT: What the hell?!? Adam Baldwin as Dutch and Alan Tudyk as Mickey!?!?
  10. I really think that the second paragraph is what Zircon is trying to say. Even if demoman is considered the best class, it doesn't inherently mean that he's overpowered. Generally speaking, there is always going to be a "best of" in a videogame. This is only a problem when the margin between 'best' and 'worst' becomes nontrivial. People still play the other classes, because they still have merit, because the game is fairly well balanced. Demoman does not break the game. That's usually the definition of overpowered. EDIT: The scope of this reply obviously isn't targeted at you Sensai.
  11. So is a skilled soldier. And a skilled scout. And a skilled sniper..... These classes don't need nerfs. Classes with LESS depth need buffs.
  12. *corks Powerlord's bottle. Then kicks it. Then steps on it. Then kicks it again.*
  13. Thanks Brush. I'm a little weary of not having our own transportation though. If people have different ideas for the day/night... I don't wanna be in, or cause a bind. [Example: some people want to stay longer, leave sooner... or eat somewhere with others. And some don't] Blarg Thanks for the offer Baha , and I don't think splitting a room with the lot of you would be a problem... I'm just concerned about management finding out about these overbooked rooms. I've been in a situation like this once before where people were denied access by reception to the room we were all sharing... . That would make for a pretty terrible experience in an unfamiliar city.I've never been to MAGFest and I really don't know how it goes down, so either of worries may be unwarranted. THESE THINGS ASIDE... Bonzai and I would both love to go.....
  14. I don't suppose there's a hotel/motel that isn't $100+ a night in the area?
  15. Yup. With random damage on (which is the case in pubs), both pipes and stickies can one-shot (these are the only two weapons[barring crits] that can do that). With AND without crits, the demoman has the highest DPS of any class. Pipe bombs don't suffer from any damage drop-off, unlike rockets. And stickies can be used to manipulate the enemy's movements. There's a reason why they limit demoman to 1 player in competitive matches.
  16. Soldier's can't one-shot. With the primary, OR the secondary. EDIT: they also can't trap.
  17. Not sure. To my knowledge he's not on a team. But he mulls through this thread on occasion. Maybe He'll answer that one. Sure it is. Well... maybe not OVER powered. It's the... most powered.
  18. Surgery?? I've been away for a week. What for?? ALSO. I got the drinks/patch you sent! The 'Street Fighter 20th' can is in mint condition! ! THANKS MAN!
  19. I was gonna do Luigi fighting Knuckles just to spite you... but now there's no point.
  20. That's unfortunate. Miyako (RED) is one the few players who can swing a game, who's also kind enough to aid a losing team. I've seen him switch to the losing team many times over. You should learn from him!
  21. Why isn't fastlane in the rotation.
  22. I've been hard bent on learning a song well above my skill level lately. The last few days have frustrated me immensely because I felt as though I've stopped making progress. But today I found this thread... and listened to the first half of the project. Everything fits so well, and it all sounds so good. You've reminded me of the joy in creating and playing music, and I feel a lot of weight lifted. I'll listen to the rest of the project later, but for now I'm feeling inclined to play. Thanks once again for the inspiration Mike. I'm glad you're in the front lines of the music scene once more. I look forward to hearing future works!
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