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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. haha that would be atrocious. If we ever manage to get a regular only day, this would be a lot of fun
  2. Thank you. The previous map rotation was great. This one gets rtv'd an overwhelming majority of the time. I don't mind alot of the maps in this rotation, but they can be voted at any time if enough people want to play them.
  3. Nah, its not real. It's some guy's hopeful design. The actual release will have all 3 games on 1 disk. In japan they released the old games ported for the wii separately. So they have no trilogy pack at all. It's just a really good mock up. Unfortunately...
  4. The better portion of all the games I've played in the last week have been steamrolls. The bad thing about getting rolled, is that the good players leave first. It's a self-perpetuating problem. lol
  5. If this is what that trilogy pack actually looked like. I'd definitely buy it. If I were Nintendo I'd pay this guy for his design.
  6. I AGREE!!! However, I brought this up a hundred pages ago or so, and it was deemed camping.
  7. Fixed that for you! And she'll be creating the new thread tonight.
  8. Him running off is hardly an advantage... how good are you with pipes? And if you're lucky enough to not get ganked by his teammates, or be seen by him, then you're just that. Lucky. You've gone from having the upper hand, to hopefully getting lucky. I'd agree with you if it were any other class but demo. But controlling your opponents movements as a demo is key, and without sickies you can't do that. Especially against scouts.
  9. Suppose your team is taking the 4th capture point on badlands, and you chase a scout into the opposing teams first advance spawn (which at this point isn't a spawn at all). You can expect the flank all you want, but unless you walk into the dangerous part of the map backwards, they're going to widdle your life, or kill you after you've walked by. If you're a demoman, who already is at a disadvantage against scouts, do you want to keep walking toward enemy lines with one at your back? It just seems silly, that because you forced your opponent into a defensive position, you have to give them an extremely advantageous one. They didn't spawn there. They put themselves there, and they shouldn't get a free pass for it.
  10. Interesting point. That's not even close to being a spawn. It's a resupply. Same thing bothers me about advanced spawns as resupplies in badlands or well. Players will often hide in resupply areas, fire a few shots, go to the cabinet fire a few more. They have a ridiculous advantage by hiding in a resupply. If you choose to simply move on, they'll just flank you. If you stick around, they'll win. I think camping resupply rooms should be perfectly fine, considering that people inside are abusing it's cover, not spawning.
  11. Sticky camping has been an issue since day one. I want it to be resolved. 3 weeks ago bahamut ruled that only sticky camping opaque spawn doors isn't allowed. Since then, I've told people the same, and enforced the same. The MOTD says differently, and pubs and reserve slot holders alike have called me out on it. The rule changes every week, but I'd like what I'm saying and what the Server Rules consist of to be the same. More difficult is "messing around". When half the server wants to mess around, and the other half wants to play, how is one supposed to admin. There are regulars on both sides of the issue, so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. When there are 6 heavies on Red only punching, and everyone on Blue is playing normally, the other 6 players on Red are going to complain and/or leave. If the whole server unanimously decides to "mess around" it's obviously not an issue. But when it's a few (and often regulars), people start to complain directly to me to do something about it. When is it considered griefing.
  12. Everyone who has a gold/platinum membership at club nintendo needs to claim their free gift by August 11 2009. Who here is getting a hat...
  13. It's tough to tell when you get into adding health. The biggest issue with the original BB was not a max health of 225. It was the overheal to 335. You'd still be giving medic pyro pair's 300hp to work with. That would be fine, if the pyro wasn't as fast as he is. Alternatively, a pyro with 225hp that can't be overhealed would be kinda cool...
  14. Bonzai and I are back from Hawaii. Oh... btw Bonzai and I went to Hawaii.
  15. BAH. Just got back from the airport. Deadline is midnight pacific standard time. So if there's anyone on these forums still interested.. you have just over an hour left,
  16. seconded. I prefer follower to yukon however.
  17. Like building under the ground at C on gravelpit.
  18. What kind of fucking terrible pyros do you have the luxury of playing against. All the pyros I've played against know that the shortest distance between 2 points is a line. Regarding everything else, I'll I retract my previous statement. You SHOULDN'T use the blutsauger any differently that you would use the needlegun. I know I certainly don't needlessly put myself in harms way because I'm under the deranged influence that the blutsauger cures all troubles. It's primarily a defensive weapon. You shouldn't put yourself in a defensive position to use it. You will eventually be put in that position at someone else's hand. This is inevitable. EDIT: This isn't always true, but I'll agree for the most part. An example I'll give is that if you were burning to death, and healing a target, you would simply keep healing that target until you died. Whereas if you had the blut, you could weigh your options and if the target you were healing was well off, you could double-team him and both survive potentially. Using a different weapon(in this case inferior) can sometimes cause bad habits. [anology] Running with weights on your back to make yourself faster and stronger when running without them, will give you terrible posture and strides.[/anology] From your reasoning however, an all secondary weapon day, would be 10x more beneficial for people trying to get better. Thats usually what divides n00bs from vets.
  19. How would you engage him any differently? Run into his flamethrower mussel? ...you'd do the exact same things, except you would not gain health from it. It shouldn't change a damn thing if you play medic well. The only difference is that you'll either die more, or play so conservatively that you never heal people on the front lines. On top of this, the ubersaw adds a tactical element to the medic. He can make educated decisions to build an uber, instead of... clicking a target, and waiting to left click. Really. Without unlocks, the medic is limited to completely relying on his teammates, and doing nothing but clicking one target.. or a few, per life.
  20. I will never, ever play medic on a vanilla day.
  21. HLstatsX isnt appearing in game, but it's being recorded on the site.
  22. So far I've got: Abyss Bonzai BardicKnowledge Bleck Black Waltz Garian Clefairy Rambo Secret Agent Man Vivi22 And maybe: The ZuZ Hemo Zircon *they've said they were interested in the distant past* When we get enough people, we can throw around dates and get things happening. Teams will be formed on the availability of players? Are we interested in 6v6? Highlander? Other?
  23. y'all suck for not commenting on anything.
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