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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Yes! Let's put hydro in the rotation! Whooo! Hydro rocks.
  2. What, are you gonna wait till the last day possible to comment?
  3. Hahaha I KNOW. Why the heck were you staring at it for a bit??? I noticed this when I was thinking of whether it should be black and white... or white and black. But I thought... no one will look at it for more than a minute.
  4. Funny, I cant think of a better set of words to describe this exact theme.This is something that absolutely everyone can do in 5-10 mins. And if people want to make a more serious effort, its more than within the realm of possibility. Sounds like a perfect theme for a thread full of people who generally wait till the last damn minute to enter (or not enter). I don't think we'd often see a difference in turn out if this competition only lasted 1 week tbh. I think cobalt has a good idea with the tracing. Both would deliver similar results. This is a great theme in that even if you don't want to enter, you can make a really good "for the lulz" entry in minutes. That way we won't only have ~3 entrants. Whether you want to make a serious entry or a hilarious entry, this is a wicked fun theme.
  5. This this this this. I like how well balanced it is for every class. Glad to see fastlane replacing follower.
  6. My father got the U2 album Zooropa around the same time I got a Zelda: aLTTP... and it was blaring while I was in the second dungeon. Now every time I hear Zooropa or Babyface I get goosebumps because that dungeon freaked me out. Also, SMRPG was the first time I learned the word Amulet.... now that friggen word reminds me of Booster.
  7. At what point did everyone stop playing explosive classes.
  8. k what is brawl+ How does one get it.
  9. To nQa: Don't take to heart what many of the people in this forum say. We have our gems like any other community. Bleck and Atmuh are our special members. Not everything you hear will be a representation of the whole. Consult Bahamut, Powerlord, and Fireslash with concerns. They're in charge.
  10. This. Thank you Dhsu. Is the rule in the MOTD no clan-stacking, or no team-stacking? I can't check because I can't run TF2 at the moment. I should HOPE that it's no team-stacking. Though some people in the forums (bleck) seem to be under an impression otherwise. Also, I think nQa's defense was going much smoother when Fate alone was representing them. lol
  11. I've never witnessed a warning either... but I've not been on for 2 weeks so I didn't mention it.
  12. Maybe he has the teletubby mod!
  13. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. This stacking thing shouldn't solely apply to clans. The consensus is that if you're part of a clan, then you're good, so you not being on the same team will make things more level. But there are plenty of non-clan-regulars in our server who are good enough to make the same executive decision to switch teams for the sake of balance. The responsibility shouldn't fall SOLELY on people associated with a clan. I've also seen people cry foul when a team wins with 2 or more clan mates on it. It doesn't NECESSARILY mean the teams are stacked. As Fireslash said, someone does typically have to win. It's only a problem when there's an apparent steamroll.
  14. I'm glad you found the forum and spoke your piece. Welcome to OCR.
  15. ^The last savepoint in that game is so god damned far from the final boss. UGH. I registered around the same amount of hours in FFIV and I'm ~10 hours into M&L and I think there might be another 5 in store before the end...
  16. Ummm... I like it. But I'd like it more if it had less mandatory stylus and microphone situations. I'm all for the technology, but quite a few times in this game I feel like it was included solely for the sake of inclusion, and that takes away from the flow. Actually, flow is probably my biggest qualm with this game. For more than just the reason above, this game is lacking. A few other little problems, but nothing game breaking. Besides, I'm such a nintendo consumer whore, it doesn't even matter. EDIT: The good points that Hylian listed strike true for me as well. Also, someone said it was short? I've been playing for 10 hours. I don't think I'm close to done...
  17. Random damage and random shell spread for ftw!
  18. So I wanna know... what world is Culex from?
  19. Pacific standard. It will be 3:00am Eastern.
  20. Yeah he switches on occasion. Presumably he's Minty-Fresh when he's pubbing, and Scythe upon returning from a match. I should have clarified that he first named himself Minty around 3 months back. My bad.
  21. Is that a joke? EDIT: I think he's referring to people without tags, who no one ever pays attention to because they aren't like "omg they have a tag, they're cheating." Also, scythe-messiah has been Minty-Fresh for almost 3 months. How people didn't know this sooner is beyond me. I've never found it to be a problem. And no one cared because he didn't have a tag.
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