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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. I started looking through the psychostats and wondered how the hell I was the undisputed suicider for like... 3 weeks straight. Theeeen it dawned on me that unlike hlstats, psychostats are ALWAYS recording information. Even in humiliation. Where I always kill myself if I'm an explosive class. lol
  2. As you say, you'll get rolled either way. You may as well be unpredictable.
  3. Everybody my age likes to lose. It's the coolest. You're not cool, unless you lose!
  4. I suck that much too then! I have a 42% winning rate.
  5. Lions will be entering a team as well! Since some people would troll me for making a distinction between recreational and competitive, I'll use the word organized. As Vahn said, if any team wants to have an organized scrimmage, let Wish know. Lions would be down.
  6. Yes, if you don't enjoy challenging yourself. That being said, people shouldn't bitch and moan in recreational activities when their teammates aren't superstars.
  7. .... there's recreational soccer. and competitive soccer. video game translation: pub = rec ; scrim/match = competitive You dont practice with rec. You don't have locked roster. You don't forfeit a game in rec if your team doesn't have enough players, you share players. There's no slide tackling or physical aggression. etc.etc.
  8. Not even close! I play competitive soccer. I do not play professional soccer. The same divide lies in video games.
  9. Wait.. this isn't professional gaming. It's competitive gaming. There's nothing wrong with competitive gaming. Professional gaming is lulz though.
  10. I would've thought something more along the lines of killing a medic's heal target.
  11. Oh garian. How silly of you! Perhaps we had been blind to the "meet the scout" video containing a clue towards the scout unlocks. Bonk energy drink? Dodging sentry fire?
  12. I'm certain hlstats will find a way around it. It's a simple problem to solve considering how much traffic they'd lose if they let it go untackled. I imagine they'd do something similar to picking up and dropping the intel. The first time the spy is killed, he gives however many pts. The second time he's killed in the same life, the the first death is undone.
  13. I'm up for stock maps. I don't really like the idea of no unlockable weapons. Pyros and Medics would be massively gimped. I would never go back to medic without a blutsauger and ubersaw. EDIT: just remembered that the airblast isn't really an unlock. So pyros are still fine. But the medics man. Think of the medics.
  14. Garian. If you read this, know that the opposing team says that the latest that they can start is 10EST. I don't know exactly what to do.
  15. Only sniper headshot kills are registered.
  16. you've gotto remember that youre dealing with only 6 people a side. On very organized teams. Spies hardly ever get played because everyone knows where everyone else is, or should be. Plus you need the firepower. Plus you wouldn't use a sniper terribly often. (unless he's say... the bestest evar)
  17. That baseball bat is SO photoshopped in.
  18. we. would get ruined. Just forewarning. EDIT: Concerning custom maps: look at the server population graph for yesterday. lol
  19. * ka-BOOM! *
  20. Brush, your sig is badass. Hemo and I had fun as spies last night.
  21. Brushfire! I've gotten nothing in the mail.
  22. Soooo this is why that guy could follow me while I was cloaked?
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