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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Say goodbye to any newcomers!
  2. Bonzai! is currently in one of said classes. I think she might be okay with it. EDIT: what the hell are you doing making the competition in the competition forum. What's wrong with you.
  3. Definitely NOT this. You're obviously very skilled. Without a voting panel however, there's always going to be a different kind of turnout every time. I didn't give you a vote, but yours was one of the hardest ones not to vote for, and it came down to me never having played the game you chose. hahaha
  4. Hahaha. You and everyone else who gave me a vote are RIDICULOUS.
  5. Scandalous! Let's run an audit.
  6. FYI... Force-a-nature destroys pyros. So does the sandman. uuuugh.
  7. hahahaha. Why haven't you been entering the Fan Art Competitions!?!
  8. Is there any reason that the OCR server holds a different name when it resets? For around 10-20 seconds after every reset, the name would come up as... .... .. Ugh. I cant recall. Wireplay.uk.co or something. I really can't remember.
  9. If you could get me that script, I would be very much obliged. I've been waiting for the meaning behind that foot too. Every episode since the flashes through time started, I've been dying to see the whole statue standing hundreds of feet in the air. I'm sure it'll happen. It has to.... EDIT: Unless it's just like... remains of the colossus of rhodes or something. but that would be weird...
  10. First off, really cool sig(s). How does that work? They really have made things alot more straight forward, which to an extent I find disappointing, but there are still alot of unsolved issues from when the puzzles were ridiculous. They seem to have drifted from plot complexity to "science" complexity. Alot of less science oriented people I know are actually quite confused by the new events, though most people would find things more direct.
  11. You win 1000 times over for your sig alone.
  12. LOST is the best thing that ever happened to me.
  13. She's posting them now. She's just a little slow. Has a few issues.
  14. By the sounds of things, I'm about to take back my "Underacheivement competition" comment.
  15. We have 3 hours more than we usually have. That is naaaice. I will certainly be pouring my heart and soul into this entry.
  16. I am doing just that. Also... did you UNcapitalize the w in we when you quoted me? Wtf? Also... why did you hide your <3
  17. We can count! Go study, you tool. <3
  18. Nonsense! I'm about to start!
  19. I also got all 150, and trained my mains to level 100. Did you know the gameplay timer stops at 255:00 hours?
  20. I know I'm only nitpicking, but technically any class can get kills before the round starts, simply by shooting between the train and the wall near the gates.
  21. Take off with the eh, eh. hoser. I'll be playing more frequently now!! So I look forward to seeing you allll.
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