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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Haha. Not gonna lie. I do this every time we go to cashworks. If someone kicked me for it I'd have no objections.
  2. This CAN be true. But it can also facilitate trolling and being an asshole. Wait, he's got a point.
  3. that's because the other stats are ALWAYS recording information. This includes <6 people and even humiliation rounds.
  4. I'm late! But happy birthday, fellow canuck.
  5. I approve of this rotation. Though... it feels like something is missing... Also, lawl junction. I kinda want to play it again, even if I recall hating it. EDIT: Oh, I know what it was. Noone likes egypt?
  6. I agree. But they removed long jumping. And hired voice actors. And the story was pretty poor....
  7. If they make this one less linear, I absolutely agree with you. I loved Mario Galaxy. And I imagine they'll improve upon their very few weaknesses, and keep to all of their strengths, so I'm not worried. Change isn't always a good thing Ray. Take Mario Sunshine for one.
  8. You WOULD want to see the replays. I bet you're one of those kinda guys who would un-allie at the very end of a match and off your teammate while he's weak. Aren't you. AREN'T YOU.
  9. I'm not a fan of L4D, but this is too true. You'd be paying monthly through the nose for any other game with as much DLC as TF2.
  10. If I had that joker eating popcorn gif....
  11. Garian! You should have bugged me about this. I would definitely have joined! Next time! Also, I want to see your replays!
  12. How you underestimate me. I will ruin your wintery Christmas in december! <3
  13. SENSAI! Stop being sensitive. These same people also believe that there's no difference between a n00b and a pro soldier. They probably also believe that the Huntsman takes great skill. Nice poem no less. You team-switcher. Dick.
  14. Happy birthday Baha! Perhaps I'll let you kill me once or twice if you're on TF2 tonight. EDIT: I think a wonderful way to celebrate would be to release the DKC2 album....
  15. I hear you. Yesterday we had more of the same messed up map rotations. Within 6 maps or so, we had sawmill and cashworks come up twice each. I think cashworks got votenextmapped though. Thank CHRIST.
  16. What. I would have milked that for all it was worth. If valve accuses you of cheating, accuse them of terrible ideas and even worse programming. EDIT: I still love the game to death barring the [wonderful] drop system. I wouldn't even mind if just the hats dropped randomly, as they bear no influence on gameplay. You should still have a criteria for weapons unlocks, or make all weapons default IMO.
  17. I agree with the fucking of valve. But I DIDN'T reset my stats, so it says I have around 500hours played. And since the update I've played 7 hours without a single drop. Sooo.. I really don't think it matters. Because this is so badly programmed that there isn't a user based system to it at all, methinks.
  18. I'm content with the current service. Whatever you guys decide on will be fine, but I'm not concerned with complicated solutions.
  19. But 2fort would be garbage without obligatory mass sniper wars.
  20. Nice Wow. They've REALLY empowered spies. Taking teleporters is going to be scary shit. I wonder how telefrags work under those conditions.
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