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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. In the Statistics Summary box, all stats are running totals except the 'recent only' stats, which are marked with a *. Next to the Kill Assists total there's a fraction that represents what percentage of that total are medic kill assists.
  2. No really! Your total kill assists as a medic (4352) on hlstats are second only to bonzai's (4473)
  3. That's bogus. verizon ftl Damnit Dhsu. Blue needs a heavy. Just do it. EDIT: though... you do have the most medic kill asists of everyone on the server. Double EDIT: ....except for bonzai
  4. Don't you have a sneaking suspicion that you'll be terribly disappointed by the answers to these questions?
  5. I think you should make less pictures, and play more tf2. That aside, how should these pictures be taken. Profile, 3/4 view? Are these just our faces?
  6. I agree. Unless the demo has backup. Then it becomes increasingly tough as fuck. <3 A demo to camp the door, and a heavy-medic to clean up anything that DOES get through, for example. Either way, I haven't found there to be a blatent problem with any cases on OCR in months. I know we were getting rocked to hell on steel Bleck, but honestly, our team sucked.
  7. Oh. See that's what usually happens on dustbowl. And people often complain about spawn camping, even though they aren't camping the spawn doors. They're camping where the setup doors were, because they're easy chokepoints close to spawn. I guess you aren't one of the people complaining on those levels.
  8. Spawn doors are largely considered 1 directional doors. Dustbowl 2 and 3 for example, have both setup doors, and spawn doors Durrrrr Scoot! I'll take Red - Sniper?
  9. See, to my knowledge, that's not the current ruling on the OCR server. This is probably why you feel they aren't inforced.
  10. When you look at spawns like Steel, which are VERY large, where do you draw the line? And if it's at each one of the 3 big openings, what makes that any different from a single or double chokepoint elsewhere on any given map? As far as camping goes, often while demos are idle, they will lay down random stickies as a deterrent to having the opposing team simply waltz in, then they'll go tend to business elswhere. If they aren't sitting there, watching, and waiting to detonate, is it camping?
  11. It's not that they don't care. It's that there's a very controversial interpretation of spawn. There's also controversy over what is camping. lol
  12. As the pretty tensei said, it's free-weekend for L4D. You can download and play it as a trial for the remainder of the weekend. If you wish to purchase it after that, youll already have it downloaded. I had a problem loading tf2 yesterday. Steam released a mini-patch. Shortly after they released another mini-patch that resolved the issue. It was the exact same problem you described, so perhaps if you're lucky there's also the same solution. No clue about the last one. EDIT: God damnit. I was typing this while at work, and I was whisked away. By the time I got back 30 mins later 3 people already beat me to it. >
  13. NOT TRUE. I HATE Nickelback. I like 1 song each by Creed and Limp and HATE the rest *Hulk smash*
  14. The W-key is 'move forward' M1 (left mouse click) is 'fire' <------ PUN When you hear someone talking about W+M1 it means the person in question only knows how to do those 2 things, which is typical of nublet pyros. Agreed! And if people can't bother to read a post of that size, then they wouldn't be on the forums! EDIT: *looks for spies*
  15. What if he's the only target, and he's stationary, and there are only 5 seconds left, and you're bored durrrrrr
  16. Durrrr what if the medic isn't a moron and takes cover behind a wall durrr durrrr. On a related note: durrrrr
  17. You can kill 6 of the 9 classes with a single uncharged headshot, unless they're being buffed. When it comes to sniping heavies, if they're overhealed, make sure your meter is at 100% unless as you say, you anticipate taking 4 or 5 shots. lol I don't think even two consecutive 80% shots will take out a buffed heavy if he's not undergoing support fire.
  18. Hahahahaha. Brilliantly put.
  19. I understand what you and powerlord are saying, but skill shouldn't be the focus or your statements. Every class has enough depth that a skilled player will be 10x more effective than an unskilled player of the same class. So as you basically said in your last post, it comes down to what class will a n00b succeed with. Soldier and demoman are the best classes for n00bs to be effective with (since they're arguably the most overpowered at any level of competitiveness), but that hardly implies that every soldier and demo may as well be a n00b, as your statements (directly or indirectly) imply. The effectiveness of every class is multiplied by the player's skill level. I would say the only classes that will fail a n00b horrendously are scout and spy (and to some degree sniper), since they have much higher learning curves.
  20. Whoever might you be talking about?
  21. The difference is that GH is ridiculously easy to learn. Guitar isn't. There is very little immediate gratification in learning a new instrument, or taking lessons. In the long run it's obviously the better choice, but then nowadays, most of society is looking for the quick fixes. Guitar hero successfully delivers that, where guitar practice cannot.
  22. Hope everyone finished up! Bonzai has been studying for mid-terms, and went to bed an hour ago. I convinced her to reluctantly remain asleep until tomorrow. Don't wait up to see the entries!!! She'll post 'em as soon as she gets up. EDIT: Damnit friendly, why'd ya'll have to go and post that you are excited to see them.
  23. ORLY. Well then Halt, I'll gift you an orange box on the conditions that #1 you give me your steam account name, and #2 that you come play tf2 on the OCR server. Thanks Red. lol
  24. If I had have gotten a credit card, I would have. Doubt steam takes paypal.
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