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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Submit any time between now and the end of April 25th.
  2. Was that a shot at my previous two masterpieces? I received nothing but positive feedback. There was no joke. You're a bitch.
  3. I didn't think you could scope while airborn. Aside from this, if it were retroactive, I would have all the unlocks mentioned so far. Edit: The best is headshotting a demo, or soldier immediately before they explosive jump. Then they shamefully kill themselves.
  4. My mind slips to terrible perversions.
  5. Firstly, if this is what you were expecting then you shouldn't be disappointed. Second... I thought this feud between you two was the real April fools joke. It is, right?
  6. If I can think of a good idea, I may possibly consider potentially creating a REAL submission this time maybe.
  7. I was thinking a sentry on top of the crate immediately outside. That thing, even for a spy, is hard to get near if its built right. And with the doors opening upward, it has a chance to start shooting at your feet before you have a chance to start shooting at it. I only ever see it get taken out with an uber through the doors, or stickies from above. No less effort than taking out a camping demoman, and demomen can screw up, sentries don't miss or reload. Never experienced that sentry placement on badwater. So I haven't a clue. If you have enough demomen or engineers, or proficient enough people at any class, you can camp an entire mapside. The rules would have to change ALOT to prevent the situation you presented. I don't know if you're kidding or not. I do know what you mean, but if you really can't leave your side of half, thats more an issue with team balance than anything else. Something that noone has mentioned yet is that while even if all 3 exits to the center room are being sticky camped by 12 demomen, you are no less capable of defending your own intelligence. While this may not be FUN... if the spawn doors were camped you wouldn't be able to do a thing. At least you might not LOSE if you can't generate offense.
  8. Seconded. I don't think the opaque doors at turbine are a problem. It's not at all gamebreaking like camping spawn doors. Sentries are alot harder to clear out past those doors than stickies are, and thats deemed perfectly fair. And I don't think that the competence of the opposing team in dismantling the situation should have any impact whatsoever in whether someone gets banned or not. Rules are rules. Ambiguities are bad.
  9. Bonzai is very tired, she's sleeping and wont have the submissions posted until tomorrow morning. The thread will be updated in... around 9 hours. Don't wait up!!! Oh, and she apologizes or some shit.
  10. I was just testing out some recording in the server today, and I got that invalid userID ticket thing again after 5 mins. Don't know if thats gonna be a problem when the server fills up tonight.
  11. I thought this was going to be a LOST soundtrack discussion.
  12. Dude, if you tell me you did that witch in 15 minutes I will murder myself. That picture was epic.
  13. For whatever reason, it fixed the problem yesterday. After five minutes of connection, each player would disconnect due to that ticket problem. Never happened to anyone after the restart.
  14. Server is broken Powerlord. Anyone who connects is shortly thereafter disconnected due to invalid steam ticket. EDIT: Appears to have been fixed.
  15. granary well junction hydro turbine steel At least one more popular map... ANY popular map needs to be thrown in there. Side note: Before I stopped playing in the fall, whenever there was a map vote the server waited until the end of the round to change. And it seems to me as though you could revote before that time. It's nice to be able to change straight to it if noones interested in the map, but an admin can do that. If enough people decide that they want to rtv, then the map will 100% change which is great, but the winning map only needs the majority of the votes, not the majority of the players. If 10 people vote for different maps, and 2 people vote for the same, those 2 people determine outright where you're going to be playing immediately... And there have been cases where that map is less enjoyed than the one already being played. So basically, ramble ramble ramble ramble.
  16. Sorry, I was in a bitchy mood. The granary/junction/hydro always seems to hurt the numbers. And goldrush and dustbowl hardly ever get touched because of when the peek hours start and stop. May i suggest moving one of those 2 more popular maps into that grouping? Also, it has seemed like for some time, we've been having rotations like hydro/gravelpit/hydro or 2fort/egypt/2fort, and I don't think any rtvs go on for that.... I don't know how that keeps happening.
  17. For around a month now, the server's map rotation has been shit. Can something be done about this please.
  18. That seems a little generalized. People who are talented still have to work at what they do to get better. There's no way to become a good musician without earning it, some degree or another. And I know many people who, though better than everyone at what they do, can appreciate their talent and be modest about it. If you could be happy and successful while excelling at your area of expertise, why wouldn't you? Isn't that what everyone wants in any walk of life?
  19. I've got to think that theres a bias towards servers with longer map times. Most people leave once a map is concluded. Typically speaking, the more frequently the maps change, the more players cycle through. EDIT: On a side note. After having the kills assisted column explained to me, it would appear that Bahamut has by far the most kills AND assists of anyone on the server. w00t Bahamut!
  20. Okay, so your ACTUAL total kill count is your kills assisted + kills ? And by the looks of it then, your weapon stats are also only recorded from your solo kills. So if an engineer shoots someone with one fragment of shotgun shell from across the map, and you proceed to headshot kill them, neither the kill nor the headshot is recorded into your weapon stats?
  21. Thanks for the info Zircon. I hadn't heard about an Amazon Visa. That's pretty sweet. Will look into it.
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