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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. As a sniper, let me assure you that it isn't so uncommon. When you miss 40 rounds out of 200 with a minigun you might not notice, but when you miss insta-killing someone with every 5th fully-charged headshot... it's a little discouraging.
  2. Do you think this explains face stabs at all? Also... tonight was one of my worst tf2 nights in ever. Aside from an absolutely epic win against a more skilled team on goldrush.
  3. hahahahaha. I just got this.
  4. Heh, it seems the new server settings have made it ridiculously easy to gain points. I've had poor to average nights 3 times now, and moved up 2000 pts over that span. Gaining and losing points is no longer 1 to 1 and there are more points shared throughout an entire team I think (like sentries being built give the entire team 2 points or something??). Also, backstabs and headshots each give additional +1 pts and are recorded for those awards that had always been void in the past. Anyway, enjoy the vacation!!! Hope to see you back shortly! Oh and everyone please forgive my double post.
  5. Hey! Those are my 2 primary classes! I'm gonna have to side with the people saying that demos are OP though. Having played around 20 hours of the class in the last 2 weeks, I've got to say that I feel like a pretty big douchebag sometimes whoring sticky kills. Sitting around a corner waiting to detonate is one thing, but offensive demo is ridiculously potent. Being able to detonate a sticky when it's midair in a cluster of people can more often than not take down 1 or 2 people in a single mine. And when you're persued by a pyro or other melee fighter, it's as simple as laying a remote mine at your own feet and backpedalling. The blast not only wreaks havoc, but when you time it right it puts more distance between you. And pipe bombs? Well, anywhere theres a downward incline you can just send barages until some unsuspecting person walks the wrong way, or you can bank them off walls to easily kill engies without the threat of turret fire. Oh and being able to traverse wide open maps faster than a scout can is nice too.
  6. I'll let the fact that you changed your handle slip only because as a direct result, i now know that you have a deviant art profile. Seconded
  7. What in the fuck. That's a chick.
  8. You guys made it REALLY difficult to vote this month. So much talent among you. Good job to everyone who entered! EDIT: Wtf, Binjovi formerly known as Bean!?!? You were the only constant in my life!
  9. Those teams DO look pretty stacked... But I don't remember them getting rolled. I thought they were almost drawing par with us. In any case, since the pyro update I haven't been able to see the pings as they appear in that screenshot. I thought it was just a server thing, but apparently not. Any idea why that is for me? Also, I won't be playing tonight. It's Canada day or some shit around these parts, and I'm told I'm supposed to be social about it. Have fun!
  10. I've not played anything past CV64 (and legacy of darkness), so this discription really REALLY confuses me. What the hell did they do to Alucard??? Aside from being frail, he was badass and manly in Dracula's Curse. And none of this golden locks BS.
  11. What in the f***. They could have made it just about anything but a fighter and I would have bought it just because it had Castlevania slapped on it. This is absolutely retarded. Why didn't they go the whole way and make it Castlevania Golf of something. Or the castlevania baking tutorial. Castlevania + Platformer = Win. F*** this shit.
  12. I'm very glad to hear this. Otherwise I'd of felt like an asshole not submitting anything. This can be attributed to my newfound serious addiction to TF2. I also look forward to seeing all the entries.
  13. The thing is that pyros were always used for flanking to begin with. And in my opinion they weren't so bad off. I certainly enjoyed playing pyro before the patch was out, as did alot of other people, and they were pretty effective. Now when they flank, doing the exact same thing as before, which already worked, they instantly crit and can attack for 30% longer because of the added life. That wouldn't even be SO terrible, but they're still tied for the 3rd fastest class in the game. So now they're the 3rd fastest class, with the 2nd most health, who auto crit from behind, and sometimes crit from the front. Even adjusting the speed would help, because as it stands now, unless you know exactly where the pyro is gonna go, he can circle strafe to your back and ensure crits anyway. Also, I like the map rotation you posted Bahamut. <3
  14. I was going to start my submission tomorrow.... but... errr... well yeah.
  15. I dunno bahamut, your server has been packed for 4 nights in a row. I think you've created a beast.
  16. That really depends on how it's done. If you want to keep all focus on the main subject, then do a simple background that supports the theme. However an intricate background can really become part of the composition to deliver a powerful atmosphere. Just take a look at some other artworks to kind of figure out which route you want to take.
  17. Oh them. I didn't realize they had been banned. They certainly were deserving of it, so I'm glad you did. The same thing happened later in the night with the b² clan, except they had 3 members; 2 demos and a medic.
  18. I diiiid need to leave early. I stayed for 2 hours longer than i was supposed to. And when I got back I saw on the overview that the server was still packed 3 hours later! Were these the b^2 people? They were complete assholes. Unfortunately they were good as well. If it's them you're talking about you'll be glad to know that eventually 2 of their equally good teammates got fed up with them, switched to our team and shut them up real quick.
  19. Linkjing, 458 hours straight would bring us to June 19th. How could your work stand up to time travel?
  20. First ever full server last night? That was pretty intense, and both teams had some really skilled players. But God, do the numbers ever change the mechanics of the game. It's a totally different story from our usual 5v5.
  21. I wasn't terribly impressed, until I saw the trivia part. It was so damn funny that the guys being griefed must have been staged. Hilarity. If the trivia quiz happened to me, I actually wouldn't mind. Most of the other stuff is a pain in the ass though. It wouldn't bother me terribly, but I can understand for the more serious gamers.
  22. Everyone who loved being heavy+medic spawn camped tonight so much that they were ready to rage quit, say I.
  23. Yarr, I be snipe'n yer sentries. It's far more effective than most people believe. Give it a chance folks! I still find that scouts are the most imbalanced characters in small matches. Being able to traverse the entire map in seconds is deadly when the respawn time is so much more significant in small numbers. On top of that they cap double fast... which is sometimes half the team or more. And if one happens to get by a hold point... no class is gonna be able to catch them before they cap the last. The only way to safely defend against it is... *dramatic sound* an ENGINEER'S sentry facing the point.
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