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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Fixed that for ya thar.
  2. As a sniper, the only thing more satisfying than this, is taking out an engie and his level 3 sentry, and making him hate his team by doing so.
  3. Never. Get. Tf2.
  4. Great entries everyone. For the future Bleck, if you give the "Direct Link" provided beside each picture on photobucket, the only thing that loads on that page is the image. Makes it quicker and most images would already be at 100% view.
  5. Same. But I'd be 4 days ahead of my last 2 FAC entries if I started today... and I'm kinda sentimental about tradition.
  6. I anticipate this greatly.
  7. Darkesword, I think you need to submit something for this month's FAC. You keep taking away from it. Try contributing
  8. This looks like mortal combat. Except it probably has 10x the budget. And its probably going to be 10x worse.
  9. Hell... up until recently, we didn't even have enough people to fill 6 positions. I will fully support this notion. I'd say, ask bonzai! or vote amongst yourselves, since bonzai! allegedly hates making decisions.
  10. lol, I was just waiting to see if anyone was following. as atmuh would say: THE RESULTS ARE IN and the winner is BONZAI! Total votes: 14 Breakdown: cobaltstarfire 5 Faulken 4 friendlyHunter 6 Ninja-san 4 Rambo 4 Rawk Hawk 4 relyanCe 13 Sindra 9 Vilecat 6 bonzai! 25 ferret 4 Thank you everyone who voted, and even more, everyone who entered! Excellent jobs, I'm glad to see this compo start to get some lovin'. Bonzai has chosen the next theme to be SIDEKICKS! Soooo... time to bring your favorite underrated companions into the limelight. I'll have the first post edited. Whoever is interested in continuing this FAC, say so in this thread and agree upon who'll do it, and then start a new thread for Fan Art Competition 18: Sidekicks. Use atmuh's old posts as a reference template. If noone's interested, I'll do it, but I'm not an every day frequenter so it would be ideal for someone else to manage. Yaaaar.
  11. I've got the votes tallied... do you want to know who wins? Or shall I wait until a mod can edit the first post. S'up to you guys.
  12. I got frustrated by an incredible spy one night. This is exactly what I did. It was incomprehensibly effective. Well... against the spy that is.
  13. This is going to be awful. And I am going to pay to watch it. It's not fair.
  14. Anyone can vote. 9 hours left. Thank you to everyone who's already voted. I'll only be getting the Results up at around 1am EST, so don't freak out if you don't know by midnight.
  15. I don't own a DS. So all this means to me, is once this new lame thing is released, I can get a perfectly good DS for loads cheaper. I'm backing nintendo on this one.
  16. Motherf***in snakes on this motherf***in plane! Fools.
  17. McVaffe, Dhsu, Mazedude.
  18. Then I hope you win.
  19. So um... do that I guess.
  20. Omg guys, I spent SO many years on this. PLEASE VOTE FOR ME. Omg. omg. omg VOTE
  21. That just makes it a different game. Its like comparing CP and CTF.... one does not make the same game shit, it makes it different.
  22. I remember back in the day, there was one map in rotation. And 5 people in the server at a single time was a really big crowd. You kids nowadays have it so easy.
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