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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. Well, if the drawing truely IS crap, then it brings a certain charm to the competition. Everyone remembers atmuh's castlevania winner. haha
  2. My signature be damned. Nintendo is really frustrating me. I got the wii on release day, and I have 8 games. That's a long span to have only gotten 8 games. I've bought more VC games than wii games. So why don't they start producing SNES games again??? It would be alot cheaper to produce, and people would buy/enjoy them! It's not that the Wii is bad. Nintendo has just forgotten about the catagory of gamers that have kept them in business this long. They've taken a different direction and stopped catering to 'us'. Good for them. Bad for us. I'd probably get a 360 if this hadn't turned me off of console gaming. sadface
  3. Hahahahahahahaha I just diiiied
  4. Arek!! Enter!!
  5. Holy shit. Yeah, the last combo was definitely worth watching the video for. wtf awesome.
  6. Power button? Edit: hahaha. just got this.
  7. I've put some thought into it, and I think that THIS, should be the new theme. Bonzai! is already done hers, I'm working on mine. la la laaaaa...
  8. Hahahaha. 7:05-7:25. Harsh.
  9. PLEASE DO THIS. Let me know if you aren't though... thfwoooiii....
  10. I bit my tongue 10 mins later, after I realised who I had quoted. Knew there would be trouble, lol. I probably don't know even half as much as you do artistically. And I don't want to completely derail this thread. So I'm not going to make much of a fuss. So I'll rely on wikipedia to back me up, and then I'll shut up.
  11. I rest my case your honor. <3
  12. Seconded, except instead of my life as a king, its was FFX, and I only played a bit, at a friends house.
  13. Bleck. Every voter is supposed to distribute 6pts. A maximum of 3pts going to the first place. So even if EVERY SINGLE VOTE had nyuura ranked as 1st, the combined total of the other distributed points should be the exact same. 3pts for first = 3pts 2pts for second + 1pt for third = 3pts At the VERY MOST, nyuura should've matched everyone else combined.
  14. The pale in "pale greyish-brownish" applies to the color, not his complexion. In the above picture his skin IS pale "greyish-brownish" (commonly referred to as an olive skin tone). But the color certainly isnt rich in the above. It's pale.
  15. Foreseen this, we should have.
  16. No, because if he meant that, then he's either mistaken or lying. I assume he meant any two other people combined.
  17. prowwn. ew ew ew ew ew
  18. I expected this to be absolutely God awful by what everyone said! It was actually pretty decent. Easily the best effort I've ever seen. I used to watch Sinbad, Xena and Hercules on the weekends all the time when I was younger, and this looks just as well done. (looking back, thats not saying much) But given that its not being made by a big shot, that's quite impressive.
  19. Hahaha. This made me burst out laughing. I was also pleased to be the #1 example of how to vote. You make me feel special Bleck. However brief, and untrue.
  20. On the internet, female is a typo. BLECK. it IS tomorrow.
  21. Bleck and Gollgagh are girls. That's all I know.
  22. Why don't you write a blog about it?
  23. Oh I'll give it to you, alright.
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