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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. I assumed it would be a replacement taunt. They made the ubersaw play music. They made the fireball fatal. I figure it'll be a taunt that will recover slight damage?
  2. What did they rate it? Because if it was 101% that would be cool, since that's the level of completion to which you could beat the game. It would be pretty clever.
  3. Yeah, that was retarded. Jumping in general appears to be a bad idea in that game.
  4. I can't get the wavedashing down.
  5. This is how nasty rumors start and truths are hidden. Just because a media giant says something doesn't make it true. I'm not saying Shia was or was not at fault, I'm just saying you statement is scary. EDIT: Also, I mean no offense. I'm just ranting.
  6. yeeeah my last night was last night. I was a sad panda that you didn't come online. I bottled vahn paktu like... 5 times and it was satisfying. lol I'm not playing because I jokingly made my mother a deal that if she quit smoking, I'd quit TF2. To my utter disbelief she actually took me up on it. And I think it would be exceedingly selfish for me to call it off given the good it would yield. Guuuuh. I made sure to cram as much as i could in the last 2 weeks given that... and totaled 82 hours of gameplay. Now start my withdrawals.
  7. That's why I said he wasn't people smart.... And I hope you're on ducky!!!
  8. I don't understand what this means. There are so few verbs that I can't grasp the question. lol Well I'm sure you know something I don't, but I went to school with him for 6 years and know that he graduated HS with a 94% average focusing on all science and math courses at the university entrance level. And is now getting straight 'A's at Waterloo.
  9. Yeah, I really don't know. It just kinda happened... we all know each other up in Canada right? But yeah, he is an asshole. And I always tell him to STFU when he starts trash talking in games. Every game. The problem is he's really smart... just not people smart, so he's hard to argue with. When he doesn't shut up I just team switch and own him. I'll warn him again not to be a dick though. If he persists, I wouldn't much care if he was banned. lol Better that than giving canadians a bad rep! Also... get your ass on TF2 tonight Dhsu!
  10. This couldin't be further from the truth. I hate TF2. With a passion. So much passion that I have to play it. And I was gonna draw a God damned wicked level 3 sentry gun with the engie standing on top with his shotgun barrels blazing. But noooo, I couldn't tear myself from the game for 10 seconds.
  11. If you don't play TF2 tomorrow night, I will delete all your songs off my MP3 player. And add them back later.
  12. I refuse to believe that's beatable.
  13. Guys this topic has worn a little thin. Not to say stop discussing it, but If it's opinion cases and not server related, take it to PMs.
  14. I get extremely pissed off when people stack classes. Especially unnecessary classes for the situation, or a class I'm already playing. (because then I feel obligated to switch) And a lot of the time I ask, and then maybe yell at the worst player to switch. This is when I'm extremely frustrated. But all in all, it's just a game. And moreover it's just a PUB. You're gonna get a handful of people bad and good, new and veteran, having fun or being competitive. And that's the way a PUB is supposed to function. I'm sure Bahamut was just frustrated in this particular instance, and lost his cool. This happens to everyone. I'm sure he'll lift the ban tomorrow when things have calmed down. To Bahamut, if it's something you actually will actually never tolerate, you'd better make that ALOT more clear. We've had entire teams going the same class. Every class. Just having fun. And ALOT of cases where teams have had retarded amounts of the same class dragging people down. This isn't even close to being an isolated case in that respect. I suggest making a class limit in the server if you're serious about this, because it's almost impossible to regulate. EDIT: I'm reading the posts that were made while I was typing this.
  15. I agree with both of your sentiments!!! I know that suiciding is homo, but I assure you I never robbed sandroid of a kill this way, cuz I know he uses the standard flamethrower. I only intentionally do it to avoid being dominated (and that only usually happens against buffed backburning pyros. ) or if its being done to me (like Baha)! I'm very happy with all the updates.
  16. Hope you're having a great day, and congrats on all your recent success! Thanks for maintaining one of the two sites a frequent! If I buy you TF2 as a present, will you play on the OCR server?
  17. I actually like this map quite a bit. It's a great map for pretty well all the classes (maybe not heavy). Though I haven't played it in over a month, and perhaps I'll hate it now. lol Also, Atma's voice is really scary. EDIT: And I believe my steam account is Heavy_Damage
  18. Between this and Chrono trigger, I'll have to finally pick myself up a DS. I've played neither of these supposed legendary games. And I'm told they're the 2 best SNES games ever. Though I doubt they'll shake my Super Metroid roots.
  19. It unsettles me to see Glitches appear in a Wii thread.
  20. lol, I was just about to list mine as Goldrush, Hydro, cp_Well, Dustbowl. Engies DO have alot of power, but that's why God created sytheful.
  21. I nominate Dhsu. He's on quite a bit every day and has displayed a lot of maturity and composure regarding rule abuse and fair play. Dhsu is an accommodating man of the people!
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