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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. I see what you did there.
  2. Has anyone heard news of these Stars coming to North America? I'd certainly like in on this. I don't know why they wouldn't. They took away all the exclusive content on their site after all...
  3. Hey... Did anyone know that aside from looking cool, Stomping immediately after spinning also homes? Enemies within close proximity are sought and squished.... but for particular amusement you can do it on the toads and lumas from crazy angles back and forth to propel yourself... Yeah, didn't know if that had been brought up yet. Also, after everyone talking about how hard the Luigi races were, I was looking forward to the challenge. I got to the first one in the honeycomb galexy and LAWL to my amazement on my first race I beat him by like.. 20 seconds. I was losing badly and decided to make a leap of faith... and it turns out you can just long jump straight off the platform near the fountain and go nearly directly to the star. I thought that was LAWL. That is all.
  4. I wonder if it can be reflected. If your teammate (fox) doesn't need it.. but you're much closer to it, if you can throw it at him and have him reflect it. lulz
  5. Beardvember was last month. Get with the times.
  6. Girls on teh interwebs? A female mod? Lulz.
  7. hahahahaha. I did now. If they hadn't crammed all those letters onto one little icon, that might not have been a problem! Most unfortunate.
  8. Well I haven't seen the display screen, but thats why I'm assuming you can't send the ones you already own. I'm thinking it never gets loaded on your console at all? Yes? This is all I was trying to say. My apologies for being misleading.
  9. Yay! No Waluigi! I personally, am thrilled.
  10. I doubt that exists or will exist. Then you could essentially share all your games with your friends and split the cost.
  11. I hadn't been to Nintendo.com in a while... but it looks like they changed it up quite a bit. It's nicer looking... but not as user friendly I find. Anyway, it seems like they completely did away with exclusive content for registering your games? Ftw? Not like that shit was ever very impressive, but I liked knowing that I got SOMETHING out of my troubles.
  12. Awesome pick my friend. And I can appreciate that reason for not submitting.
  13. Yay The thread is back to normal! On that note and speaking of lurkers... Lurkers in Brawl???
  14. Were you continually refreshing to pounce on that? lol I really don't know about Ness. Lucas' moveset is so similar to the Ness of old...
  15. word. But seriously, like Antipode said: "We own other team" Quake arena. How the Fuck was Pretty Woman referenced and not this game? Perhaps Bournalism should be the word of the year.
  16. I see what you did there. <( ' - ' )>
  17. Maybe its in the vault. Maybe ranked online gaming is in there too. And some good updates. And yeah, you're right. Smart smart with the hal thing.
  18. Yes. Happy birthday and stuff.
  19. I'd be lying if I said I would mind the entire user interface being revamped... Trust me, you aren't the only one... I'm really hoping you can customize skins. As for the song... I kinda really like it... albeit I have quite a bit of respect for all jazz music in gerneral. But I thought it was awesome? lawl?
  20. Okay fine yes. Games that have been out for years will have good players as a majority. New releases will be newbed to hell. Fact. Again, I'm all for ranks. This is another discussion entirely. Just clarifying... EDIT: Also, congratulations friendly. lawl
  21. No no, that's not it at all. I want rankings. But noobs will always outnumber skilled players. Like in all online games... It's a fact.
  22. Heh.. now we're talking parallel Galaxies? Princess Peach saving princess Peach!?! Also, Sunshine wasn't BAD. I liked it. It... just left me feeling violated for some reason. And thank the heavens that they didn't make the same mistake of hiring voice actors for Bowser/Junior in Galaxy..
  23. That won't be a problem. There are going to be overwhelmingly more noobs than skilled players. Of this you can rest assured.
  24. See this is what I was thinking, but everyone told me I'm crazy. So thank you. The crossbow training looks pretty cool. And this brings me back to the gerudo valley target test. I just hope its not a game that can be beaten in its entirety in 10 minutes. And maybe if it's a REALLY great game... it'll tell me I'm good if I get 100% on a level. Got to love those personal rewards.
  25. Yeeah, I know no one entered last month, and one person voted.... but really... can we have one more? Please? Please please? PUHLEEZE? Btw friendlyHunter, I forgot to thank you for posting the link to LAOS picture. So thank you. And LAOS, kick ass picture.
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