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DiGi Valentine

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Everything posted by DiGi Valentine

  1. This was seriously a lovely little album. Eevee is one of my favourite Pokeh-manz! I don't think there was one song on here i didn't like. What's more, each track really did fit each version of the character nicely, from B-Straders scorching tune for Flareon to halc's thumping forest-y adventure that represented Leafeon. They all just worked! Great stuff, and a great little album! Kudos!
  2. I was literally just about to get at either you or Jordan regarding this. Hopefully, you guys will make that first date on 29th. After that we should have a bit more breathing room if DusK is stretching wip dates out to months at a time.Man. Honestly, i've never written lyrics so fast in all my life. Those were the quickest two verses i ever wrote. Even nailed the flow within the afternoon. x_x;;
  3. After that initial two week wip deadline, will we be going in to an overall wip deadline schedule as a group or are we going to do be stuck with these individual dates for individual remixers for the whole project?
  4. This sucked! It's too different from the original birthday featured in Stevo the Bortzhog 2 on the SEGA MegaGenesis. You've ruined one of my favourite birthdays of all time! Happy Birthday, Levs.
  5. No problem at all, i figured that would have been the general idea anyway though i wasn't sure if any other artists had approached or been referred to you at all yet. But yeah, man. That's all good!
  6. Wickeeeed! In somewhat related news, DusK. I might have found our artist. Just waiting for him to get a mock sketch mimicing the style you requested (old skool box-art). Once i have that, i'll be in touch to show you what he cooked up and we can go from there.
  7. Oh my god, even better!! You have my full support for changing your mind!

    You have no idea!! Xd

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  8. Wait, no, forget what i said before about me being happy that you and the G-boy claimed Violent Breathing. Forget that shit! Get your ass off that claim and get it on Fighting in the Street! DO IT NOW!! For what you probably have in mind, Fighting in the Street will be a better source, i can practically hear you guys now on a remix of that now. I'm seeing the future and everything, it's beautiful. DusK, give it to them, man! XD ...might try and find someone to Reggae up Violent Breathing >.> ...mebbe.
  9. ...*doink* I totally forgot you had claimed Moon Beach already. Dude, Moon Beach is another major favourite of mine. If you figure out how to get that to sound like a 1990's boy group track i will absolutely lose my shit, man! XDGood luck with that idea, i really hope to see it come to fruition somehow. On an unrelated side note, Reggae was also a huge genre in the charts during the 1990's ....anyone reckon we can get Reggae in here somehow? I can see Stealthy Steps going down that route, if anything else left on that list is anything to go by. Anybody wanna see a bit of 1990's mainstream ? push it push it some moooore~♪♫
  10. Lol, BackStreet Boys it up, man! XDI'm actually really all for that idea, the 1990's after all were really huge on the whole BoyBand/GirlBand thing! And dare i admit it, but at least they had some personality back then. Pop groups these days are just ...muuuurrrr! Are you looking at Fighting in the Street or Stealthy Steps? And would it be a love ballad or something with a bit more oomf like BackStreets Back (ALRIIIIGHT!) ? If you get the right vocalists on then that's going to be a fantastic remix! DO IIIIT!
  11. YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND!! ...MJ!! ...VIOLENT BREATHING! ...STREETS OF RAGE!! ...IT'S 5am, WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?? *fan-girl screams all the way to sleep*

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  12. Oh, Violent Breathing? Like, one of my favourite tunes from SoR?Oh, doing the remix in an MJ style? Like, one of my favourite musicians of all time? Oh, from Damashii!!? Like, my trusted homie and comrade? Shit, DusK. You just caught yourself one legendary Streets of Rage album. I am so fucking happy. I'll go cry some place.
  13. Oh, i hear ya, man! XD That old box art was something else. Is that She-Hulk coming out of the sewer? lolAnyways, sir. I shall do a little headhunting and see what turns up! I'll keep you posted
  14. You knooow ...i was going to drop that suggestion in here. Someone bring a MJ vibe to a track, something in his style of music. Michael Jacksons 'Dangerous' album is full of tracks from that 90's era (and also my favourite album of his, i grew up with that CD on repeat, lol). Good call. I wonder if that's what someone could do with 'Fighting in the Street'? Get someone to Jackson it up! XDAlso, DusK dude. Have you got an artist in mind for this? I'm pretty connected with the Sonic/SEGA fan communities, there's loads of artists down there who i could get in touch with, i headhunted the Sonic CD: Temporal Duality artist for example. Anyways, the offer is there if you need an artist located, i'm all up for some headhunting for ya, dude. Just holla!
  15. ....hmm.Hold that thought, mayn. I might just call you up on that. Me and halc are working on that Player Select tune but if you're really honestly open to the idea of contributing i might just have a word with Mr. hal to the c about getting you on for a part on our remix. Lol, you're busy as hell man, i don't know how you keep up with everything. Jaaaizus! XD
  16. Thank you, man! This is a bit of a dream come true for me, haha! I'm real excited about this now XDGonna have some fun with this! Cheers! ^__^
  17. Haha! XD Thanks, man! I appreciate that! Player Select is just that kind of tune that's begging for a quick lyrical throw down, i've been waiting years to jump on it!As for you though, definitely consider jumping on this project, man! Definitely!
  18. Aight, DusK. Official. Legit. You can put me and halc down for the Player Select tune, as long as you're fine with a little bit of rapping from moi! I promise it will be good, no cheese, i swear
  19. Yeah, just a word in. Talking it over with halc right now but we should be down for taking a track on this here. I'm looking at the Player Select tune (so i'm kinda trying to call dibs on it, naughty me), but again i'm just ironing out the ideas with halc before we make our selection official, yo! Thank you for starting this project, DusK man. It's been a long time coming.
  20. haha! XD I know, dude. I know. Just wanted to make sure. This being a big album project i figured i'd better ask before i dive in, lol.
  21. Two questions, if i may. Firstly, would we be allowed to bring rap to a remix? Mainly because that's kinda what i do, and i know some people are not too keen on the genre being put over their vidya games tunes! As long as you're cool with vocal remixes then ok! XD Secondly, what are the proposed deadlines and check in dates for WIPs? It does say there that once a track has been claimed the remixer has about two weeks to cook something up for an initial WIP, and that's all very well and good but is there a projected deadline schedule for this project? Like, all final WAVs need to be in by a certain point? (main reason i am asking is because i would like to claim a track but i'm just a vocalist so i need time to lock down a collaborator for the tune if i did jump on board this project) Either way, i absolutely love Streets of Rage and i have waited ages for a project like this to kick off. I'm very interested in jumping on board, just need to know a few more details. Thanks!
  22. This is fucking fantastic! The flow was on point too. Good work, man!
  23. British rapper rapping with his hands out and his hat on the floor, busking, in hopes of making a bit of spare cash while he's transitioning between area's of his life and appreciates any and all support you can give him. ...why the hell am i speaking in third person? Anyways, i uploaded this today - No Swag, Just Style A tune about the word/mentality 'swag' and how i feel about it. If you feel it, thank you. If you don't ...er ...hmm ...sorry. My bad. I'll try not to upset you with the next track. Peace~
  24. Lol, i'll say it before but i'll say it again publicly since this has been posted - this was a great little song with a fantastic concept and i'm honoured that Jordan wanted me on board for it. When he came to me with the idea i admitted i knew nothing about the game Clue (or Cluedo, as we call the board game over here in the UK ...not sure if that's a global thing though). He laid out the beat (which i also absolutely loved) and told me i could take the role of any character i wanted as long as it kept with the theme, so i opted for a Sherlock-ish Holmes type dude. Lol, i'm not really one for posh accents in raps so this was something new to me. Actually, there is a style of HipHop over here that does contain posh dudes rapping, and it's called 'ChapHop'. Check out this tune by for a quick dive in to the crazy genre, lol.For my verse, i wanted to try channelling this style of rap in to the Holmes theme. It was a fun style to take on, i must say. I really enjoyed myself on this tune!
  25. Hey Dave, what is happening regarding the status of this project? I don't think it's been green-lighted yet (at least, not that i've been made aware), have you heard anything from OCR management at all?
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