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DiGi Valentine

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Everything posted by DiGi Valentine

  1. Hey Dave. Put me down as claimed for Burning Rangers, i'll be remixing 'Angels with Burning Hearts'. I will be collaborating with people on this, so i'll update you on the list of names once i get them on board!
  2. Someone really needs to remix this track for this project - Virtua Fighter 2 needs representing on here too. Here's a suggestion for anyone looking to pick up a track - (though to be honest, any track from Virtua Fighter 2 is pretty boss, i just chose my favourite here)And as a reminder, one of the best Bomberman games to exist was on this console. Saturn Bomberman is LOADED with sick tunes begging for a remix! - Medley of the soundtrack
  3. Hahaha! Omg, i thought you had forgotten about that, man! XD You make me cry happy tears, sir! :')No, seriously, we have to do that at some point!
  4. Atta, girl! Welcome aboard, Rex! XD
  5. Miss. Silvergal up in the O.C.R, baby! XD Welcome!

  6. XD Hahahaha!! Levs gave in! YES! XDNo, seriously, if you can contribute to this come the summer then that would be awesome, man! I know how hectic your schedule gets though, but still. Thanks for thinking over it, at least!
  7. Lol, no worries, man! The project nearly went over my head too if i didn't stumble across it randomly. Figured you'd be up for checking this out! If you can, try and jump on. It would be awesome to have you here! Garpocalypse! YES! Thank you. I was waiting for someone to claim Virtua Cop. You legend! Take it, remix it, make it liiiiive! XD Still hoping someone comes along and does something Virtual On related. Or Virtua Fighter 2, perhaps. Lion's tune. Awwww yeaaaah!~♥
  8. Hey Dave! Just so the slots don't fill out before it happens, i'd like to put in a request on behalf of a friend and her bandmates (they're in the process of signing up and are awaiting approvals). So they don't miss their chance to claim a slot i will be doing it for them, just in case it packs out before they get the chance to get here and post. They would like to cover Scud: The Disposable Assassin. Namely, this tune from the game -
  9. YES! This better be the track to close the whole album, or else i walk. In to a door. Then come back in and sit my ass down.In regards to remixing or not-remixing any songs featured on cancelled games, in a sense i can see where Dave is coming from. We want to try and hit all the music that people actually experienced back in the 90's while playing a game and not focus on anything that didn't make it to release. With this project, we're aiming to hit nostalgic heart strings rather than cater to things that didn't see the light of day. That being said however, if Dave doesn't want cancelled game tunes being remixed for this project but Level 99 states that OCR does accept these songs as submitted remixes then you guys can still remix it, it would just have to be outside the project. There's technically nothing stopping you from remixing a Sonic Xtreme track and submitting it to OCR by yourselves, right? Just my two pence on the debate.
  10. Portanexus up in here! XD Yes, man! Nice! Oh, also. Throwing out a request from a Sakura Wars fan i know within the SEGA communities i'm linked to. Would anyone here be willing to remix a track from Sakura Wars? Just a suggestion, if somebody wants to represent the project but don't know what game to cover, there's an idea for you!
  11. Yo, put my name down, consider me on board then (lol, i really shouldn't be taking more work on right now but damn it, i'm an old skool SEGA boi) XD I'm not sure what game i'm going to be covering ...and i'm just a vocalist so i'm going to find someone to collaborate with, but i will be choosing a game and a song to cover over these next few days. I'm kinda toying with Burning Rangers, a rap version of "Angels with Burning Hearts". Put me down for that for now and if i change my mind, i'll let you know. If Burning Rangers is a no go, i might be heading towards a Cyber Troopers: Virtual On or Virtua Cop route. Maybe even Fighting Vipers. But Burning Rangers is what my heart is set on, so that's paramount for me! But yeah, bunny man is on this! Heading back to Saturn, one game at a time, baby!!
  12. Just as well i saw this topic, it nearly passed me by! XD Yeah, i'm interested. Not sure what i would do for it though. Saturn was my machine back in the day, i loved that thing. Anyways, for now, paint me up as interested in seeing where this goes and maybe i'll jump on with an idea or two!
  13. I see you, boi! XD Welcome to the HQ!!

  14. I was waiting until i had actually finished the run through of this project before i posted it here. So here it is - http://digivalentine.bandcamp.com/album/year-of-the-rabbit 'Year of the Rabbit' was an on going project where every new song that was created during 2011 would be added to the album. The album did take a while to finish so it ran in to 2013, lol. Anyways, it's a collection of Rap songs, ranging from a wide variety of topics. There's a few video-game related tracks in there, namely 'olgaFLOW' which is a song using Phantasy Star Online references while performed over the PSO tune 'Trick-Track', 'Existence' which is rapped over a Shenmue tune and 'Emerald Dreams' which covers some Sonic the Hedgehog references over a remixed Sonic 1 Special Stage beat provided to us by our very own Rukunetsu! For the comedic listeners, there's 'Leeks of Rage', a track about Miku Hatsune. 'Nyannin' is an entire tom-foolery song based around Nyan Cat. And 'DiGital World' which is just me having fun rhyming words and being a loon. For the rap listeners who want something a bit more real, there are tracks like - 'The Fool', detailing what it feels like to fall in love without the person ever noticing your feelings or efforts, 'Cut the Sky', a song about having to face an unavoidable situation, 'Everything Changes' talks about how things in life change and not always for the best and 'Love for the Summertime' which sums up everything the title suggests, lol. Anyways, it's free to download the whole thing, or single songs should you choose to do that. Take, share and more than anything i hope you enjoy! Thanks, guys~
  15. Thanks, man! Muchly appreciated! The logo and art was drawn by TRiPPY over at - imagni.deviantart.com :)

  16. analoq would definitely be ideal, though i'm not sure if he's available for collaborations. His profile page says he isn't, but i'll try asking him. Thanks for the suggestion If there are any more suggestions that come to mind then please feel free to leave some more links here and i'll check them out. The more the merrier! Thanks for the help!
  17. Hi all Just wondering if you or anybody you know is a TalkBox user, using the kit through a keyboard. I know some hook it up to a guitar but i'm aiming for a keyboard user for this. It's for a OCR related track i'm working on and i'm thinking of getting someone with a TalkBox to jump on and do the chorus, maybe even some harmonies and licks here and there on the track. Here's an example of what i'm after in terms of use of the TalkBox - So, if you or anybody you know can do this then let me know with some links to their work here! Many thanks!
  18. Wait wait wait, Ruku got posted? Over a MONTH ago?! DUDE! This totally went over my head, my sincerest apologies! D: Rukunetsu, man! Congratulations on not only making one awesome tune here but for getting your Remixer status! Welcome aboard, son! I am so pleased for you! XD
  19. Happiest of Birthday's to you, good sir! Hope it's a good one! :D

  20. My goodness, this was a fun track to do! XD Rukunetsu, man! Keep up the great work on those beats, i'm always passing through the youtube page and checking things out. Great work, as expected from you! And Levs, man. I wouldn't dare poke you with sticks, bruv. Even digital internet ones. I remember seeing your music-based list of things-to-do once. That shit petrified me! D: But hands down, better late than never. I'm just happy to have this track out and released. It was a great song to work on! Thanks, guys
  21. Been a long time coming so major congrats to the pair of you!
  22. Got ya, man. I'm on it! Siiiiick news!!! I was waiting on this getting it's official approval! It's legit now, babies!
  23. There are plenty of great SEGA fan artists out there. Want me to go head hunting for you and come back with a short list of possible people to contact?
  24. Then let it be so! Temporal Duality is the title we should call this bad boy! I'm down for that! XD
  25. As i've said before, i'm cool with the East/West title that started this project off too. If anything, maybe making it East Meets West. VS to me feels like we're implying a face off. And if the recent wip's i've heard are anything to go by, this is anything but a face off and instead one hell of a celebration! That being said, Temporal Duality has a very nice ring to it. Temporal Divide feels like the whole 'vs' thing again. Just my two pence on the matter. Seriously, i'm down with whatever though. Just don't feel too bogged down by a hundred different titles and just go with the one that sticks.
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