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DiGi Valentine

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Everything posted by DiGi Valentine

  1. How convenient. I think i mentioned my utter shock at the lack of a NiGHTS mascot to the OCR Twitter account only a week or two ago. What a fantastic turn around. OverClocked Remix, baby! They give a shit about your shit
  2. Lol, glad i wasn't the only one who thought this. The Highwind theme music was such a major contrast to this tune.
  3. Be right there, bruv ~

  4. Whatever port SEGA wanna do, as long as it's a digital download one. Right now we're just trying to get them aware, which they seem to be. Whatever they decide to do from here is up to them, all we can do is ask and show support for the idea in general.

  5. I'm constantly finding new artists around the old skool r&b and rap genre to listen to as this modern stuff is hard to like sometimes. Listening to 'Lovegirl' now, this is something funky, i'm totally digging this kinda tune. I saw the news break when she had died and i didn't know who she was at the time, i got her confused with another artist called Tina Arena. Sad to see another great vocalist pass away. They just don't make them like this any more.
  6. Final Fantasy 7 - The North Cave World Map Theme 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJCMpzJo-TI I think it's the whole eery vibe you get from when the song starts. Simple, moody, dormant. When the piano kicks in after a minute or so it brings the song up a notch as if something evil really is brewing. I'm not sure if it was the sound quality available in gaming at the time or not, but Sephiroths choir always sounded extra spooky because of the weird ambience it had to it's sound. As such, when that choir kicked in to this tune it really became a song i would remember for years to come just because of how much it spooked the crap outta me back then.
  7. I meant in the basis of the first Soul Calibur being a good example of a good game. But then again i've never built a game before so what do i know, eh.
  8. 15 was too high a number so they've decided to head backwards now. Bring on Final Fantasy -7.
  9. Proto, man! Your stuff is always brilliant. I ain't played this game but this tune makes me want to check it up. We gotta work together sometime, i'm totally feeling the vibe that you lay down in your tunes, man. Wicked!
  10. While i can agree on the following in regards to Soul Calibur 4 - - broken combat - storytelling went up its own arse - character creation system also went up its own arse - selling out for 'guest characters' who were up their own arse i still find myself enjoying other areas of the game. Well, on the occasion that the difficulty doesn't suddenly just spike itself through the roof and hands me my arse. Apprentice/StarKiller, i am looking at you, you dick. Really, what we would need is Soul Calibur 1 or 2 with todays sheen and shine. And a decent character creation system. Sorry, i'm a sucker for these things. Anything to add my own personal contribution to a game usually has me interested in some capacity. When the feature came to Soul Calibur 3 i was well happy about that ...shame it kinda fell off in SC4. Soul Calibur 1 did a lot of things right so they need to look back on that. And they really need to leave Seigfried and Nightmare alone now. I don't know how many times one blonde haired German guy can attempt to redeem himself without the story dying on it's face. Actually, that's what they need. Soul Edge needs to belong to someone else now, after 4 games i think it's finally time to move on. It really is not that difficult to make a good Soul Calibur, they've done it before and it's not too late to do it again, quite frankly. Anyways, despite everything i've just said i am still massively excited about a new Soul Calibur coming out. I grew up with this more than i did with Street Fighter ...and with that statement i just realised i've most probably become a fanastic minority here!
  11. What if ....they made a Soul Calibur that wasn't broken WITH a character creation system? I mean, it's totally possible!
  12. Here's hoping you all have a good one
  13. So, most people wake up Christmas Day and open presents. I wake up on Christmas Day and find Harada-san tweeting about a new Soul Calibur in development. All official, man! All official. Link to said news is here. A dude called Daishi is heading the project, you can follow all the latest developments here at his twitter. Yeeeaaaah!!!! Now let's make a Soul Calibur ReMix album up in here! XD
  14. Glad that's all finished, good good. I liked what i heard already so i'm more than pleased to hear it's actually finished now. Nice one ~
  15. Ah man, this is a bittersweet thing for me. I'm loving what the guy's doing here, his lyrics and flow are sick, but i've had a similar idea to do a R.i.P track to Aerith too mulling around in my mind for the last three years (i guess you snooze, you lose scenario, right). I write lyrics and rap but i can't compose music so i could never get a beat made to do the tune. Still, i can't fault Mega Ran. As i said, i'm loving the guys flow. Some of the rhymes in that were genius, hats off to the guy.
  16. Tron Legacy, for me, did everything that i expected it to and more. I had watched the original Tron for the first time two days before i went to see Legacy and i just love how it builds upon the universe in the digital world. The first film took place in the digital world but its focus was all about Flynn trying to get some files to prove he created the games that Ed Dillinger had stolen from him. Tron Legacy takes us back to that digital world and expands on that world itself, giving us more insight in to what Flynn had wanted to do with the place and what his goals were after the first Tron. For some reason, people are saying the story itself was weak but i honestly can't see it. I've seen weaker storylines in films and i can't say Tron Legacy is one of them. Ok, so the whole "fathers missing, next of kin goes searching for them" scenario has been done before but Tron really feels different in the way it executes that cliche, maybe it's because of the world it's set in. Also, i really appreciated the casting for this and the pace in which the story ran felt nice and easy, especially if you have the first Tron movie fresh in your mind before seeing this one. Also, this must be the SEGA fan in me calling, but the style of the movie visually really reminded me of Phantasy Star Online in some ways. Must have been the neon lights and the suits they wore, lol. And needless to say but Daft Punk are awesome. Tron Legacy is a wicked film and i honestly hope it does well, it's become one of my favourite films of all time.
  17. Sorry, i ain't been around OCR that long so perhaps i didn't know him like everyone else here, but Navi produced AND rapped on this? ...... rah! O_O
  18. I never played the game so i can't compare it but i don't need to. The beat was mellow chilled, simmering in the back while the lyricist piled on those combo rhymers. This is a real old skool sounding rhyme, part of me is getting a real underground east coast mid 90's feeling to this tune ...while the rap is almost tickling the very idea of a Immortal Technique flow on Dance With The Devil. I can hear so many different things in this tune, it's wicked. I'm a rapper myself so i know a tight beat with a sick flow when i hear one. Parappa or not, this tune is a killer. -edit- Sorry, maybe i missed it. But who's the dude spittin' on this tune? I may have overlooked the name. My bad.
  19. Oi. Question. Top right hand corner of the screen. Random game characters feature every time the page loads. Tell me NiGHTS is one of them.

  20. I would also like to encourage this. Or i can at the very least encourage Level 99 to encourage you further, seeing as he has some legendary awesome beard that you all become enthralled with.on an unrelated note, NiGHTS NiGHTS, baby! OOoOoOOoO <3
  21. Woohah! Great news. Glad that's all set in stone now.
  22. I met Level 99 when he turned up in my forums claiming he was directing an OCR NiGHTS into Dreams album. Since i'm co-admin of the NiGHTS community i wanted to help out the NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming project in whatever way i could so that's technically what brought me here. Well, that's what made me become active anyway. If we're talking about coming to the actual site and listening to the music then that would be me a few years earlier, around 2005. I came here listening to DCT's 'Memories Frozen in Time' as well as The Bronx Rican's 'Unknown from the M.C' so i guess we could say it was a mixture of Sonic the Hedgehog and NiGHTS into Dreams that brought me here.
  23. Hey all. I work over at the website www.nightsintodreams.com We're currently looking for anybody who has, or would be willing to do, remixes of the music from NiGHTS Into Dreams. Remember that flying purple guy with the jester hat who appeared on the Sega Saturn? Yeah. That game. NiGHTS Into Dreams was a nice game that has had a small following of dedicated fans over the years but because the fanbase is small not many fan remixes were ever made so finding tracks is like gold dust. This is why i'm here inviting remixers over to our website to check out the songs from the game (if they havn't already heard any) and see if they can provide us with new songs for the fans to listen to. We've only been given one game in 11 years so fanmade music is welcomed applenty. The music section is here, if you're interested. --> http://www.nightsintodreams.com/NiD/green/MUSiC/tune/mindex.htm Click on the 'official' section at the top to take you directly to the original game music and see if there is anything on there that you like the sound of and would be worth remixing. I've also looked through OverClocked and contacted both Dale North and McVaffe about their remixes for the game. Dale North was kind enough to let us host his remix on our site but i'm having trouble getting in contact with McVaffe about his track. If someone could also help me find him and see if it's ok to also host is 'Soft Museum Jam' track then i would appreciate it very much. We have two email address's that i shall also leave here. ADMiN@nightsintodreams.com - this is to contact us and discuss anything you may have to say or ask about the game. Either me or the websites creator TRiPPY (loyal fan of the game ever since it's release) shall reply back to you with any information you might be needing. subs@nightsintodreams.com - Send us your fan created stuff here. Thanks muchly. It's appreciated. Peace - DiGi Valentine **EDiT** sorry. Gave a broken link to one of our emails just then. Sorted that out now. My bad ^__^;
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