Tron Legacy, for me, did everything that i expected it to and more. I had watched the original Tron for the first time two days before i went to see Legacy and i just love how it builds upon the universe in the digital world.
The first film took place in the digital world but its focus was all about Flynn trying to get some files to prove he created the games that Ed Dillinger had stolen from him.
Tron Legacy takes us back to that digital world and expands on that world itself, giving us more insight in to what Flynn had wanted to do with the place and what his goals were after the first Tron.
For some reason, people are saying the story itself was weak but i honestly can't see it. I've seen weaker storylines in films and i can't say Tron Legacy is one of them. Ok, so the whole "fathers missing, next of kin goes searching for them" scenario has been done before but Tron really feels different in the way it executes that cliche, maybe it's because of the world it's set in.
Also, i really appreciated the casting for this and the pace in which the story ran felt nice and easy, especially if you have the first Tron movie fresh in your mind before seeing this one.
Also, this must be the SEGA fan in me calling, but the style of the movie visually really reminded me of Phantasy Star Online in some ways. Must have been the neon lights and the suits they wore, lol.
And needless to say but Daft Punk are awesome.
Tron Legacy is a wicked film and i honestly hope it does well, it's become one of my favourite films of all time.