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DiGi Valentine

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Everything posted by DiGi Valentine

  1. Cheers, man! I will be in contact soon then
  2. I definitely got my eye on Chemical Plant if i can team up with somebody on it. I can't compose music, i'm just a lyricist. Just wanted to show interest in that particular tune if i may ~
  3. Skies of Arcadia was an awesome RPG! I loved it! And i'm definitely interested in this project, though i don't know if you need a rapper on it? I would need to collab with someone though as i can't compose music nor can i edit and master vocals, i just record and let someone with more experience tidy it all up ...so if that isn't a problem i would like to express interest in contributing something to this album. Though, if rap would be too much a stretch for a project like this then i totally understand and will be supporting this one from the sidelines. Either way, good luck with this
  4. Hi, British Rapper here. VERY SEGA orientated. Just hopped off the NiGHTS into Dreams remix project last year, now involved with AkumaJo's VROOM! (sega racing games remix project) too. Definitely interested in this, yeah. But, yeah. I will agree with the others here and say that i'll sign on to this after i see how the concept develops a little. And if i'm busy or not, because projects are all over the place at the moment. Consider me interested for now though
  5. Siiiiick! DT went in, man! That was awesome! Great work on those new beats, Ruku.
  6. Yo sorry, for the late response. I didn't log in to here for a while, been busy with work and life, lol. Yeah, i'm definitely gonna get at you for a collab, you're one of the top priorities man, trust me! XD Keep up the goodwork!

  7. I'm aware of this current project you guys are trying to start up here (considering the original topic began in our forums back at the NiGHTS site). I'm all for new NiGHTS stuff. The only problem is NiGHTS fan projects have a tendency to die out during production. There's been so many things started up by fans that are never finished so although i encourage you guys to give this thing your best shot i'm also skeptical about it ever being completed. So, when you have something to show in regards to your project maybe that feeling will be void. Having a more detailed outline of exactly what you're doing might actually perk some musicians interests around OCR, but a huge number of musicians did just come fresh off Lucid Dreaming and will probably like to be trying their hand at something else. tl;dr - - I'm all for NiGHTS related projects, the more love the game the better, in my opinion - Come back to OCR and ask again when you have a better outline of what you're doing. Maybe some of the musicians will feel more inclined to join up when they know exactly what it is you're doing.
  8. I'm a big fan of Assassins Creed (the next game taking place in Istanbul so that's a massive big-up on my Turkish heritage) and further more, one of the main reasons i found out about OCR was because of a certain Lover Reef tune i heard back in the day, lol. No doubt i voted and spread the word over FaceBook and Twitter in regards to this. Wishing you all the best of luck, Pixie.
  9. Brilliant. I'm sure the others will add something awesome to this as well but as it is right now i love it. Keep this version as some sort of stripped-brokendown acoustic remix of whatever the final version ends up sounding like. Just an idea. *saves* *plays*
  10. Yeaaaah, Mokram man! Great work on finishing this project here! And to all the musicians involved, congrats on a job well done! I pimped it out when i heard it released. Got a few words of praise here for you - Ruben - "Oh man, I freaking LOVE Dynamite Headdy! =D *checks immediately*" Jon - "Thanks for sharing this. I'm not a necessarily a Dynamite Headdy fan but this music is pretty kick ass." Richard - "Whaaaaaaaaaat holy shit YOU FOUND A SECRET BONUS POINT~ I still rock that game on my Genisis" One of the best ones is from T-Bird, a main contributer to the online Sonic the Hedgehog community - "Awww sick! One of my favourite MD games this! Thank you for showing me my evening's aural stimulation! Yeeesssss!" He then proceeded to pimp out the album too over his Twitter account! XD Good responses from my side of the fence, man!
  11. Good work on the latest tunes, man. Keep on!
  12. Haooooooooo Birthday, man. "Haooo" ~Wolf from Virtua Fighter
  13. Oohhoooo shit, that new beat is siiiick, man! I'm feeling that even more than the Mario one. I definitely need to work with you at one point soon dude. Hold the door for me, i'll be with you asap, lol! XD
  14. Ah, nuts. Stevo. We gotta go back and start again. There's no DubStep in this thing. The cool kids will be extremely disappointed
  15. Cool, man! I'll get at you for it sometime soon-ish It most certainly was.
  16. Well, now this is a coincidence for me. You're that guy who done that Samurai Champloo Shiki No Uta mix a few weeks back, right? XD I search every other day on youtube for remixes of Shiki No Uta as i wanna remix it myself one day. I came across yours during my search. Liking what you done with that, nice. ...and now looking through your channel i just realized i must have come across your youtube account again because i was looking for PSO remixes just yesterday and found your beat sampling Red Ring Rico's tune! And now you're here! Small world. Even smaller on the internet! Nice work on the Mario game over tune. I'm also liking that Sonic R one as well. Good stuff. I am a rapper. A British rapper, actually. I would certainly love to rap over a beat of yours, though being honest i wouldn't be able to commit to anything just at the moment as i've got a few other projects sitting in my priorities list. But, if you're down for it, i might come around and get at you some time in the near future for a collab or two. Oh, if you need to hear my take on rap then feel free to check out this tune here. I just recently got posted on OverClocked ReMix along with Tryezz - Keep up the good work, man. Feeling them beats, there. *goes through your youtube catalogue*.
  17. Happy Birthday, good sir! Hope it's a good one!
  18. Gotta love Ivy's design. It's a nice blend between her classy style and the whole dominatrix flex she got going on. To me, this is probably her best costume so far. Loving the complimenting colours too. Very stylish. I read somewhere that Ivy's age has stopped at 32 as well. Hey hey hey~! I'm still holding out and hoping for a Turkish character to appear in this. I can't see how Soul Calibur has gone 4 games so far, all of them set during the Ottoman Empires era, and not one single Turk has appeared in this yet.
  19. I like smooth jazz so hearing Kens theme receive this treatment is very welcome.
  20. Maybe i've misunderstood you here so my bad if i do but ...there's only one vocalist on this tune and that's me XD; Though i should have done some backing-vocals there too like how i did on the verses.
  21. Hahah! Yeah, sounds just about right! XDNo no, in all seriousness i actually agree with you though. I added that section in more as an after thought rather than flesh out the idea of it properly during development of the tune. The bounce sounds like it needs a bit more oomf to give it that proper party feel. Cheers for digging it though. I am happy that people who don't normally listen to rap are at least giving it a chance
  22. Yeh, i'll agree with that! I gotta try and work with the dude at some point too. He understands my style of rap and i love the level of quality he brings in to his work. It has to happen. The time will soon come!I was saying to Stevo, i'm kinda impressed with the amount of praise this album has received. I know NiGHTS was always a bit of a niche kinda game, not many people got to play the thing back in the day so i was always a bit worried as to how far this album would travel online ...but bloody hell has it surprised me. Total kudos to the whole project, i feel we went beyond what our target was.
  23. Definitely one of my favourites from the album. Fits at home with a whole Daft-y Punk-y kinda vibe yet is kept unique, in my opinion down to the soothing vocals. Still loving it long-time, Proto man. "Ohh babeh~"
  24. I still listen to this and wonder just how on Earth we actually ended up with such an epic version of D'Force Masters. I could have never imagined such a tune being the climatic point to this little OCR album that we have here. But i remember hearing the WIP for the first time and thinking this was going to be a ground-breaker. You don't need to be in to opera or classical music to appreciate just how awesome this has turned out.
  25. Yes, Stevo. This song still makes me want to steal a vehicle and drive very very quickly. XD <3
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