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Alpine Flame

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Everything posted by Alpine Flame

  1. I think you can go back and whittle it down to your original curse words. Haven't tried it yet tho. Also : DS is Trash has started a food fight. I am now hiding under a table listening to my sony walkman. with Kansas tape.
  2. I'm more of an 80's hair metal fan. But I do like the Foo Fighters. They defined (pop) rock in the later part of the nineties.
  3. Noone ever said that they didn't have awesome songs. Just that they didn't like the band. They don't have much fashion sense.
  4. Supposedly at one point. Uncomfirmed for sources. Anyone have a wiki-link or youtube video? Otherwise they never happened.
  5. That would be the Foo Fighter FANS part of the title. Just pointing that out. Little details.
  6. I think he eats the failed rockers.
  7. I believe he's shooting for eight to ten seconds.
  8. Yathzee fo Prez '08. He isteh greatest. No Really, the guy is just very witty. And about my favorite thing. Video Games. That equals a win for me. Not epic. Just everyday, ordinary win.
  9. Whoa. Maybe alittle (a few months) behind the times! Every mode in this game is made of epic win. Including one player. ALSO Raphael Raven for Brawl! Or a Belmont. Both would make me strak through the streets in crazed happiness. (Raphel as an assist)
  10. But pwning and teaching are so close to one another...
  11. Naysay against the Apple omnilith. Now that that is done. Ipods are expensive, but quality products. Always go larger than what you think you need. 40 gig? Sounds about right. But how on earth did you fill 37 gigs?
  12. I did not call that. But I cried when the music started playing for the bramble stages.(I was slightly not sober and it was LATE.) So that would be epic. As would a gangplank galleon stage.
  13. So, has anyone thought about how this ties into this sticker thing? I think the stickers will give us new "parts" to create levels. That's my call.
  14. Is that actually possible? The universe might implode now.
  15. Still. Rainbow cloak > Joseph's cloak. BTW I am so not gay. I just like lots of colors.
  16. Gayness. I liked being a vampire pimp with my alucard pimpstick and pimptastic rainbow cape bringing the pimpjoy to the undead masses. Fight with maria = epic fun. At lease they let you have more familiars. Lotsa fun to level those guys up.
  17. Because you figured out where they come from.
  18. Hey. Hey. Sonic Heroes was.... erm... not the best... but two or three of the tracks were nice. I mean I liked the one that was titled something like "lemme show you what im made of" and come on! How could you not like the nasal sonic heroes theme? Definitely not a high point in sonic music history.
  19. But their so complicated.... and my computer is so old, and I cant read japanese.... and I like whining. also, I like portability. Cardinal sin, I know... but still....
  20. I nver said they didn't add special effects (which they probly did) Does anyone know if they have the extra japanese familiars in there? If so, that would be worth going into debt for this awesomeness.
  21. I foresee adventure mode for the "villains" being different than the normal one, where the normal bosses are replaced with the good guys. That is all. Please elaborate illustrious community of OCR.
  22. I can see tournaments now.... HEY HEY YOU! If you're gonna play dark samus, no floating around! In fact, Dark Samus is now banned and you are disqualified. But Dark Samus with possessed suit costume for the win. Epic win.
  23. Dante and any other costumes I can piece together. DMC '08 for the epic win. yay. Halloween is on. it is so on.
  24. This is the only reason I regret selling my old psp. I <3 teh castlevanias. But yes, it is a port of the saturn, with a new voice acting shebang. Boots, Spears, maria, and all.
  25. I'll one-up you. Mother brain and omega mteroid for brawl. (as bosses) Also, Ridley would be fun. Begin holding breath. That is all.
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