Alpine Flame
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Everything posted by Alpine Flame
Touche. That game does have some mangled parts that were poorly, if at all, translated... also: the fetch quests were very, very long and a strain on the plot at times... (aka the entire first half of the second game)
First off, a positive note. Your sig, although obnoxoiusly huge, is very nice. Although, you have done nothing but be a complete douchebag since you been here. It may seem outdated to morally superior types such as yourself, but if you don't have something constructive to say, please don't say it.
I was talking specifically about harvest moon, but I STILL have to grab Rune Factory... once again, due to a lack of fundage... I really hate MD taxes...
This site is a conglomerate of people that do this because they love doing it, like Civil War reenactors. This is not their livelihood. But, please, be mature about stuff.
He wasn't forcing his beliefs on you, just stating the facts. And the facts are as follows: 1) The stuff you download on LimeWire you do not pay for. 2)Because you are not paying for it, the people who put the food on their table by making the music you listen to, do not get any money for it. 3)Because they aren't getting money for it, you are taking support from a band or artist you may like. 4) As such, the sad truth is, they may have to stop making music (in an extreme case) to find a job that will put food on the table. I'm not trying to debate the morality of using P2P stuff. As I said, I use it myself. I'm just showing you the logic he brushed over assuming you would be able to connect the dots. And assumptions can lead to misunderstandings, which I hope this is. Also Radical Dreamer is correct in his statements.
Or you have to pay $45 for shipping. It seriously cannot cost that much to ship it from Tennessee to Maryland. After I do the math, I'm guessing the Artist doesn't get his fair share.
Okay, Im changing the date to get married on a thursday now, just because of that whole "jumping the gun" thing. But I'm gonna jump the gun. Yeah, I'm gonna. Maybe we could start an "I got married on a thursday club". It would be like the View, except without the old ladies.
I didn't watch that much TV during that era, other than Power Rangers (the original and best, thank you). The only thing I remember are the Mortal Kombat Ads that had the "SO REAL IT HURTS" catch line. SO, if it hurt back then... what does it do now?
This guy did not get beaten enough as a child.
Although it looks like fun, my wallet has been getting some serious weight changes from the game industry of late, so I won't be getting it until the huge "i want this now" crowd dies down, and I can grab it for ten bucks or so. Its a system thats worked well for me so far, albeit it puts me alittle behind the power curve sometimes. I think I need to grow a few hundred patches of Pinapples this summer. They get a good price...
I won't lie. I use limewire on occasion to get stuff I usually can't find elsewhere, like a song from an anime or summat like that. But if it's a band that I like, I'd rather have a legitimate copy that helps them keep making music I can rock out to.
Made by the same people who made the awesomeness that is mario golf? I didn't say that it was the most soul-changing experience, only that it was pretty, very colorful, original, good music, and fairly epic.I guess it was one of the best rpgs I've played on the GBA. I can tolerate a little bit of brokenness for that huge battle with the fusion dragon at the end of GS1. Also, I may have tastes that are a little different than yours. So you don't like Golden Sun. Cool. Enjoy what you do like!
Only if you forgot to grab the tremor gem. Actually FF Tactics I remember took a few months of my life. That was a bit more than GS.
You could have the guitar spawn some explosive 1-up ballons that floated up from the bottom of the stage. That would be somewhat avoidable.
Here are a few to help you start your search for wi-fi goodness. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Description=wi-fi+cards Also: your sig picture gives me the creeps every time I see it.
Ive had this sort of thing only happen once, and noone could figure out what on earth was going on, until we just dimantled and rebuilt it from the ground up. It seemed to rectify any issues that came from the power outage. That's the only help I can provide at the moment, but I will peruse the interweb for anything that may help you.
I think his wireless goes in and out, thereby nullifying any of the benefits of having torrents running.
Strange... I, too have been having problems with my screensaver ever since I installed the new WMP... hmmm... I think there may be a thing that prevents the screensaver from activating?... time to troubleshoot....
Here a few links that you might like to try. I don't do the whole DVD recording thing, but it looked useful to you. http://www.dvd-ripper-wizard.com-http.com/ http://www.dvdripperwizard.com/features.html I hope those help you or at least get you started.
Virtualization FTW!!!
I think they were trying to work out a system like that for video games, but those are pretty much like kids to most people, and they won't send them off to someone they don't know... thats a story for a different day though... BUT I think I can burn DVD's of any anime peoples may want...
That's kind of how I lost my GBA with the two golden sun games on 100%. Some cousins came to visit, stayed for a few days, and then left, presumably with it. I still haven't seen hide nor hair of it since.
I never said I was still good at it. Or even good at those games to begin with... I remember it took me a full hour once to get past all the hazards in the first level of donkey kong (the original with mario) But I still get that same rush when I hear the World 1-2 piano medley in Super Mario Bros. 3. Has anyone done a remix of that? I would rock out to that for a month or so.
My fiance and I are finally getting married after two years. Did anyone else have about twenty to thirty people (usually male) try to talk them out of it? I think its pretty ridiculous, all these people scared of settling down...