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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. Me and my buddy are most likely going to need a ride. I'm not sure yet which airport we'll be flying in to, but I should know soon.
  2. I was born in '90 and I started out on NES very young...sho did like to shoot them ducks... EDIT: perhaps the foreign...ness contributes to that?
  3. This is actually going to be my first con/fest/anything.
  4. but...that's the name of the album...Reserve Tank: VARIAtions. The joke was in the "Forever", I'm guessing.
  5. haha, I'm not even going to listen to that until this PRC's over
  6. I'm in probably won't submit it until close to the deadline though. I want it as good as I can get it... I need that hoodie lol. I'm a broke college student with only summer clothes
  7. Fun Fact: my sister did the album art :3 (srsly, she did)
  8. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=800446 this is my solution to Handling.
  9. Yeah, that's definitely "Needles" on the Needleman stage. That's all I recognize by name, but the intro song sounded familiar too. I didn't see anything in the credits at the beginning either, but maybe in the game credits there's something
  10. I call England :3 Got some pretty rad ideas. Hopefully I can pull them off.
  11. I don't really follow DCI that much either. I just know that one of my friends was in Memphis Sound '07 and they were world champions so now he's walking around with a big ass ring. Kinda awesome. He's not wanting to go back again though, because they're having some problems and he says they're going to shit.
  12. Well, shit. Nothing to lose. I'm signing up EDIT: nvm. Just don't feel like it. I'm reading the terms or service. this one really made me laugh... lol
  13. quoted for great justice also DuckTales kicks ass
  14. I'm bringing my piece of shit alto saxophone and SiMV may be bringing his trombone
  15. I've beaten GH3 on expert, yes. I've made it through 78% of Dragonforce on free play and 85% notes hit on practice. Not quite beaten it, but pretty good, I'd say. I also sight read the whole bonus tour (all I've played) of Rock Band lead guitar on expert and five-starred all of them. Not exactly sure how big of an achievement that is, because I've only played Rock Band once lol
  16. Yeah, I'm probably going to need a roommate or two for SiMV and I. Less money is good.
  17. OH YEAH! M7! I've been looking forward to this since my plans fell out last year for M6. I will most definitely be there. Been saving up since before last year and I think I already have enough. Not to mention funds from Christmas and b-day I'll be recieving. I'll be flying in to somewhere (haven't decided where yet) with SiMV. As for the rooming, I have to figure a couple things out first, but we may be looking for a couple roomies. I think we might be flying in on Dec. 31 for New Years as well, just because we have nothing better to do. I'll be bringing my piece of shit Yamaha alto saxophone and I'll try to talk SiMV into bringing his trombone along. Only if I can have guitar. Drums, I can survive on hard. Bass is too boring on most songs for me...singing...ugh, don't get me started. As for guitar, I don't mean to brag, but I am a kickass Guitar Hero player. I haven't played Rock Band that much, but I've pretty well mastered GH.
  18. ok, so...ignore everything I've said so far. Starting over. What exactly is it that you want?
  19. and now you're being ignorant by thinking this is the only thread I've read. Nice
  20. right, just like everyone else. I formed my opinions the same way everyone else did. By reading this thread. I didn't see anything different than anyone else did. The same words are displayed on my screen, so why should my "ignorant opinion" be taken any less seriously than anyone else's? Just because they've said something about it before me?
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