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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. "breasts...b,breasts...breasts...breasts........breasts...b,b,breasts...breasts...breasts" EDIT: After typing that, the word "breasts" has lost its meaning
  2. well, damn...if you guys actually do this, I'm totally up for donating a few bucks That being said, I doubt it's going to happen, but something needs to be done to make him aware that people know in the most embarrassing way possible.
  3. highest I've gotten is 76% notes hit in practice and 68% through the song on quick play
  4. My buddy SiMV would like to join, but seeing as he has no internet connection at home, he'll have to do everything through me. Is that alright? ...V? Oh HELL no... It's on, bitch
  5. A little late here, but uh...Merry...birthday......... ...ASsface
  6. Oh man, I saw this movie three times the week it came out. It's incredible. My favorite song is by far "My Friends". The duet is beautiful and the fact that Johnny Depp can sound like that with absolutely no voice training is awesome. I love the Sasha Cohen cameo and the "Pirelli's Miracle Elixer" song. Some of the little things that are thrown into the songs are genius. I definitely suggest it and I listen to the soundtrack way too much.
  7. If all else fails, I may be able to get my sister to do the artwork. She did the cover art for Skrypnyk's last album as well as the WiP CrU sig (which I notice you're missing, Fishy > )
  8. What songs are open now? The tracklist here and on the forums don't match up
  9. FINE! Screw all of you! Have your hot sax sex without me! I can't go to MAG T.T
  10. wow, worst possible time to get grounded. Sorry bout not being able to vote. I'll try to enter again next time.
  11. I played notpron a while back too. I got to level 30 or so before I got bored of it. I found another one about a year later that's very similar. I just recently picked it back up again and I'm at level 21. http://www.ouverture-facile.com jfgi
  12. As of right now, I also make god kill kittens Unless my dad miraculously comes up with enough money, or is saying he doesn't have enough in order to surprise me at Christmas, I can't go... Next year, I will definitely be there as I will be 18 and legal.
  13. I've always wanted a pair of silk heart boxers. Always. Nobody I know will get me any and they will lose thier significance if I buy them myself.
  14. writer's block atm. I want to do Japan's theme but it's difficult to come up with something fitting to the country with that source. Actually, I should say, difficult to come up with something original and fitting to the country with that source. It's a folk tune and it's been arranged so many different ways. Does it REALLY matter what style it's in?
  15. oh man, that sucks. That's happened to me a few times. Honestly, I think this song kicks ass. SUBMIT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I'd like to see this game on the front page again.
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