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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. ok, so I updated it a lot and submitted last night. I'll still take comments. http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/MidnightSkirmishv3.mp3
  2. I'm sure you do, but what does that have to do with anything?
  3. Oh...wtf? I've never heard that. That's slightly retarded.
  4. No, that's...actually what I thought it said. It took a couple more read throughs to catch it.
  5. OH! I just organized my whole filehouse so...new link: http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/MidnightSkirmishv2.mp3
  6. Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm flying in to Dulles and I'll probably need a ride. I'll keep you updated.
  7. Oh shit. I call secondary backup >.> EDIT: uh...or sax.
  8. Hey Vilecat, did you hear? Anso makes god kill kittens.
  9. It's just as I feared...more than 10 NO's in 5 days... Good job A-holes, you're killing the queue. TOO MUCH RED, NOT ENOUGH BLUE
  10. It's been a bit since I began this mix and I'm a bit annoyed that I haven't finished it yet so I'm getting serious. I will not work on anything else until this song is done. updated: *another broken link*
  11. Wait...are you telling us not to remix this source?
  12. I personally think you should resub. Before you do that though, you have a lot of restructuring to do. For one thing, re-interpret the melody a bit. Like some of the judges said, the melody in there is pretty much verbatim. I don't think this is really too liberal as much as it's not liberal enough. The original melody is in there fine, it's just too much like the original. Also, make it a bit more prominent.
  13. s'why I said soon...queue should be dead before long. We have twice as much man pow...person power as before! ...poor queue...it had a good run.
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