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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. O.o That should be interesting... EDIT: lol didn't realize it was already posted in the wips. Just listened and it IS very interesting.
  2. I thought this thread was about good soundtracks, not good individual songs from o.k. soundtracks.
  3. doubt it. There was only like, one or two actual songs that were original in that game. Now Melee is a different story entirely...
  4. ah, damn, now I really wanna come...there's no DDR machines around here and I haven't played in forever... StepMania ftw! \O/
  5. I wish Bomberman 64: Second Attack wasn't so hard to find. I rented it from Blockbuster years ago and I've never seen it since. I loved that game and the adorable Pommy which could change shape depending on what you fed him/her. And the fact that you don't just have regular old bombs/remote bombs/atomic bombs anymore. yeah...it kicked ass...don't remember much of the soundtrack, though. I think Donkey Kong 64 should be up there. The wackiness of the music in that game mixed with the various monkey sounds is just awesome...right up there with Banjo-Kazooie. Perfect Dark should stay, but somewhere near the bottom. It was good, but not better than SM64. Some songs were better, but we're talking whole soundtracks here. And about the "Zelda Series"...both N64 Zelda games had different soundtracks and in my opinion, one was better than the other, with some games in between. This confuses me as to why he grouped them together like this....
  6. yeah, that might work GT. I'm not gonna bother this time, though. Too much stuff goin on. Next time, though, I'll see what I can do. I can just see them briniging something up about it being too big of a roadtrip for someone who's not an adult or some stupid shit.
  7. lvl 17 yeah, and...that's just messed up...I was on Titan and our econonomy went to shit too, but it never got THAT bad...
  8. Yeah, I don't know what was wrong, but I'm able to connect now, so I'm good!
  9. Love the idea dude, but it's way too repetitive. Put more variation in the melody, and possibly add a couple solo sections. Crunched for time, I'll take a closer look later.
  10. jeez...talk about clipping. First off, yeah, turn it down. Next, it's boring. There's really only two parts to it: the annoying bass-ish thing that plays a beat on every first beat of a measure, and the melody, which leads me to next point. The melody is all there is, no real originality. I'm sure there's more but I don't have time for a second listen right now, and those are the things that just popped out at me. I love DK64 as well, and I'd love to hear this mix get good
  11. lol, yeah, can't really help you out unless we can hear it
  12. Yeah, you guys really aren't getting anywhere. Obviously, neither of you are giving in, only slamming the other one using your own opinions. Not everyone thinks like you and you can't expect them too, either. This doesn't even seem like a friendly thread or anything anymore. You guys are totally going at it, putting down the other one. All I'm saying is that I'd like to read you guys' arguements, but it's getting out of hand and not as enjoyable as it was when the thread started. I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this way, but could you tone it down a little?
  13. yeah, we connected to his own hamachi server. Did all that and it wouldn't connect me. Just kept saying "connecting..." for like 10 minutes, even after it said "found client" on his end.
  14. I attempted to play with someone last night and I couldn't connect. He said it was because of my firewall but I cant disable it. My dad has Norton Internet Security on my comp and it's password protected. Any ideas on how to bypass this or if it's maybe something else that wouldn't allow me to connect?
  15. found it! Wow...turning is like...extremely sensitive. Learning to play right now. Hit me up on IRC or pm me if you want to race (practice right now...still haven't got it down.)
  16. Is it too late to join? >.> I've never played SMK and I'm on a keyboard but it doesn't hurt to try, eh? Looking for the rom atm...
  17. Man, I wish I would've seen this BEFORE it ended. Seriously, I'd like to enter next time. I don't sing that much but I've been told I have a good voice, so why not? It won't hurt to try. Congrats Hale and DA!
  18. Jeez...I'm hoping there's going to be some mixes from individual songs from the game. I've never been a fan of songs that are made up of multiple songs crammed together. A medley I guess is what it's called. Seriously, this game had a great soundtrack (with the exception of a couple songs) and I wouldn't mind a couple songs being incorporated into one, but it looks like you guys are trying to remix the whole soundtrack into one song.
  19. Couldn't have said it better myself. Ah...good times. Good times...
  20. well, the style's neat and it sounds great. But it's lacking originality and interpretation. You pretty much just took the notes and put a different background to it. Don't just change that, though. Throw something else in there. Change the melody up a bit if you want. Completey eliminate it for a bit and go off onto your own thing. The original still has to be apparent in the song in places, but not throughout the whole song. Still just a newb here at OCR so I could be wrong about something I just said. If there is, I'm sure it'll be corrected soon enough.
  21. lol, something about that image just made me literally rofl... Anyway, yeah dude, I have the same problem. I try to introduce people, friends even, to some good new music (to them). Y'know, remixes of video games, sometimes songs from video game ost's. About 5% of them actually listen. I actually had someone listening once and they asked what song it was. I told him it was a remix from Earthbound and had to elaborate on the fact that it was a video game and he just goes, "wtf? This is video game music? I'm not listening to this shit. Fuckin nerd." It's just really annoying that people stereotype others so easily. Funny, because there's really no way out. I'll listen to a mix from Chrono Symphonic and people will think I'm a stuck-up snob for listening to symphonic music(don't ask me why, but it's happened). Then I explain that it's from a video game and they call me a nerd or a geek or something similar. Just don't let it bother you, dude. Nothing good comes from it and nothing bad will happen if you just let it slide. Just bask in the glory of your multigenre video game music while they drown in their own obnoxiousness. And keep your mind at ease knowing that you're listening to what you like rather than trying to be someone you're not. Besides, who needs them when you have us here at ocremix
  22. ...didn't even know there was a game resembling Corsair's Roll...man, I've been gone too long.
  23. I wish I could come to one of these. I'd love to actually meet you guys in person. Unfortunately, I considerably doubt my parents would enjoy me going all the way to Baltimore from Hot Springs, AR to meet a bunch of "strangers". Only one more year until I'm 18 and have complete freedom! (...except they'll still have the money...damn...) Still a long trip though.
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