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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. then you went 0-5-5 =((((((

    we had an up and down night overall, though. that one team that we trollrolled was pretty hilarious, but our last game we just got outplayed.

    in that last game its not like we played well but when we're losing teamfights i'm gonna be the first to go if they're fed. i had 2 deaths until they started rolling us and i'm gonna die if im initiating

    also i need to buy runes at this point i can't assume people won't have them anymore

  2. oh hey is this one of those threads where everyone pretends to hate nintendo because being excited for the next zelda is totally lame

    no just for wii motion plus being worthless and not wanting to buy it for the last game of a dying system

    i really love zelda games but not 80 dollar zelda games

  3. Ok sure you go walking around trying to get kills on people who flash away all day and I'll just go farm and we'll see who does better. The only champion archetype this doesn't apply to are Junglers and Supports. If you're playing any other Champion, well, hope you like PvE!

    ..... get flash and flash when they do how hard could that possibly be

  4. What? It's simple math.

    Minions give about ~25 gold. There's 6 minions in a wave (leaving siege minions out of the equation), which amounts to a potential 150 gold per wave. Waves spawn once every thirty seconds. Given the extremely generous assumption that walking over to another lane, waiting for the right time, and succesfully ganking an enemy hero takes 1 minute, that still amounts to only about 200~ gold per minute (minus gold ticks), vs. a potential 300~ gold per minute from staying in lane.

    Note that I'm making huge assumptions on how the gank will be quick and succesful, and you will get the last hit instead of an assist, so feel free to adjust that generous 200 GPM from ganking downwards if you want to be more realistic.

    Contrast to HoN where you can get 250 gold per creep wave, but enemies can deny creeps, hero kills yield about 300 gold, and the deficit enemy heroes get from gold loss by dying makes laning and ganking more or less equally attractive. Not to mention that HoN doesn't have a free panic escape button built-in on every hero and CC lasts about twice as long, which all contributes to making ganking a lot more powerful and reliable.

    you're also making the assumption that in a 2v2 lane you're getting the last hit on every creep every time which is retarded. you're also assuming that ganking an opponent doesn't do something like i don't know push forward towards a tower which gives everyone *on the team* 150 gold and allows for more efficient farming in lane for a period of time

    what you're also forgetting is that this is a team game and when one of the opponents gets killed early on (from ganking) a level discrepancy as well as a gold discrepancy *because they're not getting any while they're dead* comes into play which makes two or three early kills incredibly worth it

    also counterganks are very possible they're just not as simple as 'oh noes my teammate died lets all teleport over to where it happened so we can kill them' you actually just have to react fast and position yourself well enough to do it

  5. Gold for a kill on a champion, especially if you're ganking a different lane, is always inferior to staying in your own lane and farming in LoL.

    Similarly, something like a TP countergank barely exists in LoL, because teleport isn't a staple summoner spell, will often be on cooldown, and due to the range on most skills, enemies will probably be way out of reach by the time you TP in.

    really? maybe if you play ubercarries like yi all the time. rest of the time no.

    also no

  6. So I just found a veritable treasure trove of vinyl albums in my basement. I have no use for them but I'm sure a collector somewhere does, however. Does anyone know where I can find an honest estimate on the worth of things like these? If so your help would be wonderful.

    Also, I'd be happy to sell them to people here once I figure out how much they're worth. I'll post a list of what I have if anyone's interested.

    Thanks :D

    edit: one of them was Kind of Blue which I found funny given the recent controversy over it here

  7. galio is just so much fun if your team knows anything about him. i played a game earlier where i went 5-4-40 with him, and i played a game where i went 1-7-7 with him. he's great if your lanemate knows what they're doing, and he's great in teamfights where you have an awesome initiation or the other team has limited cc, so you don't get knocked around a lot. the 5-4-40 game was against a team with three heavy AD carries, where i could build an enormous amount of damage in the two seconds that my ult was up, and then gangplank would ult and finish up. he got a pentakill and two quad kills doing that =) the 1-7-7 game we got bad pubs and just couldn't get going, but galio's e does a nice job of getting people out of fights that are hopeless.


    i just went 5/2/16 and it was awesome

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