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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. Patch rolled out!

    Preparation for Event Mode annnnnd

    Sentinel health nerf from 1,300,000 to 905,000.

    I personally think having him become more of a glass cannon is a step in the right direction but it's a bit much. Dropping the health from 1,300,000 to 905,000 might have been a mistake. It might have been intended to be a drop to 950,000 since that is the Iron Man, Morrigan, Viewtiful Joe, MODOK, Wolverine health tier. No other character has 905,000.

    i agree despite him being really powerful, he's so big that he's also much easier to hit. this in a way is already a health nerf so him having standard to slightly above standard health makes sense. less than standard seems a bit much

  2. Most Sentinel players don't even know how to use Sentinel

    Also I feel like I should talk about stuff not being discussed

    like mindgames.

    But IDK. Mindgames aren't something formulaic like dialing out a combo.

    do it. most people don't think about it outside of 'dante teleport while using sentinel force assist crossup lol'

  3. I used to play basketball as I'm sure many people reading this have. I can not recall a time playing against a team that was light years ahead of us in a competitive match. The Chicago Bulls are not going to be pit against a bunch of school kids for example. Noobs do get crushed, but his point still stands.

    The same is not true in video games. The only way you can pit players of equal skill against each other is by watching them. The game itself can't really do that. That's why you run into so many n00bs getting totally destroyed and discouraged.

    I disagree that if all skill levels are winning you don't have a competitive game. I think that's actually backwards. You don't have a competitive game if one player is totally destroying the opponent to the point where there IS no competition. Which is the thing people in this thread have been trying to say but only slammed for sucking at the game. A spectrum of worst-best is great, just make sure everyone is playing people within their rank.

    Again, I'm just a bastard trying to stir up trouble =P

    while i still don't agree with you i can sympathize with what you're saying, in sports and such there are 'divisions' if you will, middle school kids play middle school kids, high school to high school, etc. and in video games these divisions are only made by the games experience by your performance. which is why people start out getting so demolished. i can understand that.

    but i do not agree with the idea that a competitive game is one that levels the playing field for all participants. that's what chutes and ladders is for, its fun and even if you play every day your whole life it doesn't make you better. but 'competitive' events like sports and fighting games aim to prove who's better the same way a real fight is meant to prove who's superior. i think we all know if you get in a fight in real life there's no rules to even the playing field

  4. i think the point being why personally insult people for being skilled, who cares what they're skilled at. to reference other games in which people are pro, several ssbm players have other interesting things they do, i have yet to see more than four or five people at tournaments of over 40 people that are your stereotypical 'shut in' type. oftentimes the best players are the most interesting and most intelligent; its the fat nerds who aren't good and complain all the time

    not to mention seth killian not only has a job but has one of the best jobs ever. on top of that he's incredibly important because he's a person who can take feedback from the public and translate it into developerspeak thus making the games capcom makes better

    its just a dumb thing to say

  5. Now I'm probably going to get flamed for this.

    But I honestly doubt that most of the "pros" at fighters have much of a life. Like Daigo etc. These people have basically made a profession (for which they get paid REAL MONEY) out of playing a video game at tournaments and stuff. People like Seth Killian. The guy is capcom's "community manager". Basically he's a fanboy who's paid to play games and interact with fans. In short, he doesn't have a real job in the video game industry.

    It's like Korea and Starcraft.

    If you're super good at the game and you don't play it all the freakin' time. It's probably just because you've been playing the series for many years but not religiously.



    you need this kind of facepalm. for so many reasons

  6. Had a few more good rounds with zircon just now -- my new Team Ragequit (Arthur bottle toss, Haggar lariat, Storm Whirlwind) is a blast to play. Use Whirlwind assist to push them back to keep throwing daggers, and Haggar if they superjump. If they have a projectile that beats daggers, go gold and throw lances instead.

    sorry i couldn't play earlier i was just heading out. we'll play soon

  7. also hulk doesn't really have any safe, difficult-to-avoid moves that do chip its like gamma charge and rock throw. against hulk your best bet is to turtle like no other and wait for them to get desperate and throw out a slow move

    because they will

  8. Cause the game has been figured out, the tiers set, and the tourney fags that infect all fighting games have risen.
    thank you .

    i don't get you people at all, 'tourney fags' are people who like being... good at the game? yeah how dare they

  9. I don't suppose the thought that people actually like those characters and want play as them ever crossed your mind?

    Of course, higher level people would never let something strange like that get in the way of their tiers and priority lists.

    i mean trolling is cool too

    anyways thor is quite good he's just not a pick up and play character, you can' be like OMG SPEICL MUVES and get in close like you can with some characters you have to work for your spacing, and then are rewarded with devastating damage output when you do

  10. I would like to say "Congrats!" to Sephire and the team for getting EA to sit down with them. That's pretty awesome that they would take the time to sit down. Are all of you going? When is it? I hope it's not something "Yeah, we'll sit down and take...in about 8 months."

    whaaat where did this info come from someone explain please

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