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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. After seeing most of the character roster, I lost interest, including the lack there of. I know that it's a new engine, so they might not be able to put as many on disc. But I don't doubt that they'll be cramming DLC down everybody's throats who buy this game, but THEN release SUPER Marvel VS Capcom 3 with those said characters in it.

    there's 42 characters in the game christ what more do you want

  2. I like Halo: Combat Evolved as is, it put a benchmark on PFS games bak when it first came out. I can't blame a company for leeching on its success if people are gonna buy it.

    Though, it would be cool if bungie remade their first game 'marathon'. I may actually get to play it for once. My brother use to always play it and never let me play :(, i guess thats the perks of being the oldest

    i'm pretty sure its on xbl if you wanna play it

    and it was a sick game i loved that shit

  3. this guy is a internet pirate and downloaded it to a CD. and hacked the Xbox to read the CD. i cant play arcade mode because 7 people are in line.

    let me just say Sentinel is broken he is the new Balrog

    Rocket Punch + ANY SUPER =25% of your life it's fuckin dumb

    him and Chun il are the best Characters in the game im not joking

    welp f that

    i guess just avoid rocket punch at all costs? how viable is it to play good keep away

    can't wait for this game comes out on my birthdayyyy

  4. Honestly, on the topic of Disney, i would not mind that. I doubt it would happen in this game though. Imagine fighting the likes of MODOK with that Blue Genie or Jafar or something, in a Fantasia-themed stage. Pretty epic, pretty beautiful.

    ...who mentioned disney. also welcome

  5. i think having absolute poo for defense is a fair tradeoff for how quickly she builds meter and the fact that if she dies with 5 bars she goes Dark Phoenix (or at least thats what it appears to do in the reveal trailer)

    HOLY SHIT that is the coolest i completely did not notice that

    then her health drains for like a last ditch thingy. best lv 5 ever

  6. thephoenix, all I have to say is that your argument is entirely subjective. You (wrongly) dismiss critical reviews and have based your position on people that you've personally talked to. You haven't offered a sound argument on why these aggregate scores are not valid compared to your own opinion and what you've personally observed. I could just as easily say, "For every one person I know that hated FFXIII, I know 10 people that loved it" and that would be about as effective as what you've been posting.

    No... it's because fans are a bunch of whiny bastards. When people find something they like, they tend not to share their feelings. In comparison, rants or complaints tend to attract more attention, and you're more likely to post about a crappy purchase than a good one (plenty of research on this, most recently one showing the most 'active' Facebook posts are ones with largely negative connotations.) This is intuitive. Have you ever gone out of your way to, say, post about a really great tube of toothpaste? Or a cooking wok? Or your refrigerator? I doubt it. But if you bought a tube of toothpaste and it was full of dead ants, or your refrigerator exploded, or whatever, you absolutely would want to tell as many people as possible.

    The Final Fantasy "fandom" has grown over time. The people who tended to dislike the game are more hardcore gamers, longtime fans of the series but more importantly, fans preferring traditional RPG experiences as opposed to radical deviations that cut out features near-and-dear to their hearts. This group also happens to be very vocal and very active on forums like these, despite their relatively small size (source: look at the sales of your average JRPG, the market is very small.)

    To draw a parallel, I'm very active in the community of hobbyist/pro composers that use sample libraries. There is one library (Garritan Personal Orchestra) that is generally looked down upon. It gets very negative feedback, some of the harshest I've ever seen. If you were just basing your view of the library on these forum opinions, you'd think it was abysmal. However, you have to remember that these vocal forum users are also the most tech-savvy, demanding and picky. They're the ones that have tens of thousands of dollars worth of software each. If you read reviews and opinions from your average user of GPO, or magazine reviews - NOT just forum users - it's actually very well-loved and highly-rated.

    The point is that while the negative opinions drown out the good ones, this isn't a good 'slice' of the overall base of users, many of whom are casual computer musicians that wouldn't have any interest in registering on a forum just to talk about this library. Thus while people on NeoGAF, Kotaku or OCR might be vocal about disliking FFXIII, that's not a good slice of the ENTIRE FFXII gamer base.



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