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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. You're really pushing it with some of those comments.

    But first off: Capcom's current line up of titles isnt that great to begin with: MVC 3? Fun But no Megaman really pissed off its long term customers Street fighter? How many different variants do they have on current gen consoles now? Its a lot Resident Evil? They've driven that series into the ground

    Capcom exists because of Mega Man. There is no way around that. To do this you're slapping a lot of people in the face. I wasn't a fan of capcom's current line up and they took a HUGE hit with Bionic Commando Reloaded failing as epically as it did. Capcom needed to do right by the fans and gamers who remember company names. They didn't. The 3DS a lot of people considered a gimmick to cash in on this crazy new market TV's have produced. With what the Vita promises and what appears to be a CRAZY low price the 3DS has major competition and no games worth having. Capcom has fallen. Just like Blizzard is slowly falling as long as its attached to activision. I know what games this company used to put out. I dont any more.

    ok piece by piece here.

    A) mvc3 is a GREAT game which ironically showcases how many successful franchises capcom houses that aren't megaman. disparaging mvc because it doesn't have megaman means nothing more than you're butthurt because it doesn't have megaman. no one who thought about buying mvc3 for anything other than stupid fan loyalty hinged their buy on whether or not megaman was in it. plus zero is anyways.

    B) street fighter 4 regardlesss of its 3 iterations is a major part of the reason that fighting games, and the fighting game community, still matters in america. and think about why there are 3 iterations. because people asked for MORE. these updates don't get made just so people can grumble, its because its what the people want.

    note here: outside tekken and soul calibur, capcom practically owns fighting games, and that community is huge. several times larger than the megaman fanbase. a recent west coast fighting game tournament had over a million people watching a livestream of mvc3

    C) resident evil 4 was hailed by everyone and their mother as the best thing out of anywhere ever when it came out. up until then the franchise was respected greatly as is. resident evil 5 was apparently average but if that's called 'driving a franchise into the ground' then anything with a sequel ever should probably be shut down. there is no substantial series in any medium that doesn't have one book/movie/game a cut below the rest. i can't think of a single one. point being calling resident evil 'dead' is stupid.

    D) asura's wrath looks sexy. but isn't it a shame when people go creating new ips with when they could be making megaman games instead? the nerve.

    okay. so far so good.

    E) would capcom exist as it does without megaman? no. more importantly who cares? sega wouldn't exist as it does without sonic but that doesn't mean we need 5 new sonic games, or depending who you ask any sonic games ever again. when peak talent leaves, or in this case a head designer, making a shitty game becomes a real possibility and frankly all you people would have been just as pissed if it came out and was bland and boring.

    capcom is megaman is an incorrect statement. the correct statement is: megaman is capcom. more precisely, a part of capcom. if you only like capcom for megaman games be my guest and boycott them to high heaven; it sounds like you're not buying anything but megaman games from them anyways. but seriously acting like this game was 100% gonna be the saving grace of videogames is foolish.

    I wasn't a fan of capcom's current line up
    that's cool. tons of people are. to put this in perspective for you there are tons of capcom devotees from fighting games and devil may cry and the retro side scrolling days like final fight who don't give two shits this game got canceled. i understand that 'tons' is hardly objective but you're mistaking 'true capcom fans' with 'people who really like megaman' and its an important differentiation.

    last of all read this its for you


    edit for mirby: i can appreciate that, if this is truly the end of megaman through cancellation then its a large impact on the industry, that's just how it is. but as stated above the situation surrounding this game doesn't necessarily mean the end of megaman and it DEFINITELY doesn't mean capcom is now a bunch of dirty bastards who hate their fans

  2. I immediately knew this game was going to do bad when they announced it for the 3DS. Making a big game like this, that in ti's time was a console game, into a handheld game for a poorly selling system was like they were setting it up to fail. That's like if 343 decided Halo 4 was going to be for the Vita.

    i can already tell i don't like you

    a) ill give you some credence that putting it on 3ds isn't the best idea but honestly the concept of the legends games is based in outdated mechanics anyways so it would have felt old on console too. i mean go back and watch those games on youtube i can't see a good way to make that formula fit in a modern setting without feeling dated


    c) that is the worst analogy ever. if halo 4 were on vita, vita would sell til the world ends because halo 4 SELLS SYSTEMS. it sounds like legends 3 would have done the same for some people around here but anyone outside the already established audience for this game (megaman fans) wouldn't go out and get a 3ds for it. it doesn't have the pedigree you all think it does.

  3. hey everyone megaman legends 3 isn't the last game to come out ever jesus christ. im sure everyone at capcom collectively said 'oh lets spite our fans and not make this game' and quite frankly megaman games aren't top sellers anymore, there might have been massive support from within the fanbase but lets face it the fanbase ISN'T THAT BIG.

    if you all want to talk about how shitty capcom then feel free to lap at each other's balls but seriously. nobody sinks money into a development just to cancel it unless there's a freaking really good reason like irreconcilable design issues or the fact that the game isn't likely to break even

    im sick of this shit literally all the time on this site someone's like 'oh nintendo is dead and their games are worse than shovelware' or 'final fantasy is the worst series of all time since 7' or 'capcom is the devil because they're canceling a game they clearly put a lot of time and effort into' and its just stupid. ESPECIALLY in the case of capcom. capcom's community was literally helping make this game you don't get any closer to catering to your audience.

    canceling this game did not line capcom's pockets with gold. stop acting like they got away with something.

  4. That's just theorycrafting, though. Like I said, it's difficult to process all the data; difficult, but not impossible, because it's just data. Human error, dropped connections, mind games in allchat, team drama... There's a wealth of metatextual stuff that affects the game beyond the raw numbers.

    At best, a tier list is like a commander's battle plan. And a guy much smarter than me once said, "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." So it all smacks of doing calculus for fun.

    If that's your thing, well, more power to you. But I don't see the appeal.

    i mean that's how its always been smash bros. melee has a pretty defined tier list and a guy playing peach (high ish tier) and young link (mid low tier) just won the largest international tournament of the year, new metagames always emerge in games with good competitive depth

    but i like your analogy

  5. And even at that, what about champions with wildly different item paths? Do you evaluate each build seperately? Take the average? It's tremendously difficult to strain all the data and variables into "Champ A is better than Champ B at Task Y because Z." Not to mention, on a less explicitly friendly forum, it would just devolve into people bickering over who said what about whose main/favourites.

    the way that it works in general is the most effective a character can be at any given matchup as an absolute, not finding the absolute setup for each character and then basing them against each other. so if one character would have one build path against one hero but another that works better against another those two builds would be applied in the 'best situation matchup' that a tier list would provide.

  6. for anyone who doesn't already realize this getting square to make a 16 bit game doesn't mean they'll make another ff III or anything even remotely close to it

    this entire thing seems silly to me the people who work at square are a group of people who never worked on a 16 bit game and wouldn't know where to start. like seriously putting everything back in the bronze age graphically doesn't change the way a company makes games. im sure some people will point to the new mega man games but in an rpg there is not restriction to how things are done they could 16 bit just about any of the final fantasy games, minus the mmos and XII and they would largely be the same games. minus you know, good production values because people nowadays clearly hate those

    seriously. you might as well petition to have someone flip the original final fantasy on its horizontal axis and call it a new game. or petition to get off your ass and get a rom of one of the old ff's and enjoy it again/for the first time

  7. um braid was fun and also note everyone in this thread has played it (unless they are just dumb critics, entirely possible) so regardless of your thoughts it was undoubtedly a successful game.

    now if you don't enjoy puzzles then you're not gonna like the game duh sorry you didn't read anything about the game before buying it

  8. quit yer bitchin

    the thing with club nintendo is that the free award they give you usually sucks. last year i think it was an animal crossing poster, but it was really cheap and tacky.

    nope last year it was a sick figurine of mario and pals handpainted

    its pretty awesome

  9. hate to break it to you but it really didn't ever need to get confirmed

    if you thought nintendo was going to make a new system that could only use one of its new controllers, ITS MAJOR SELLING POINT, then you would be pretty dumb

    this has already been done on the gamecube for crying out loud how is it even conceivable that the wii u wouldn't be capable of it

  10. I posted GOOD news. The ability to stream up to 4 different video streams means that it is possible to have more than one tablet. I also listed the possible configurations. Did you even read my post?

    i suppose it is good news too bad thats already pretty well known

  11. Some interesting news:

    The Wii U is using Radeon HD 4xxx series (R770) based custom GPU, which in comparison, the 360 is using an HD X100 (R520) based custom chip and the PS3 is similar to nVidia GeForce 7800 (G70).

    The chip is capable of streaming up to four SD video streams. Tablet = SD res.. hmm.

    So the whole "only 1 Wii U tablet" is not a hardware limitation.

    Also, Shigeru himself has been quoted to say they have not ruled out the possibility, they are just not focusing on that at this point in time.

    The only thing I think holding them back is the fact that you probably couldn't do HD 1080p and have more than 1 tablet going. But knock down the main TV to SD, 3 tablets, or no TV, 4 tablets. In theory at least

    the fact that the chip can stream sd video streams does not imply that the tablet is SD you are retarded

    but on top of that obviously its not gonna be 1920X1280 or something like that for the tablet that would also be retarded

    so double dumb for a) poor inferences and B) implied complaints for something that isn't anywhere close to a problem

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