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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. in case you didn't know, Morrigan can cancel any of her specials into fly (qcb+s). this makes her ground fireballs safer, and in addition to that, you can cancel her aerial shadow blade, which is great because shadow blade builds meter really nicely.

    you can add extra hits into your combos with something like:

    c.L > c.M > s.H > c.H > S > j.M > j.M > j.H > shadow blade > qcb S (fly cancel) > j.H > j.S (cancels fly) > land > S > continue with w.e

    you could even do multiple reps if you wanted to, but bigtime damage scaling will kick in.

    you can also cancel fireballs into other fireballs

  2. There we go. I was always jumping right away lol

    I think my favorite combo in the game so far is with Morrigan.

    L - M - H - S. Then do L - M - H - Shadowblade - Level 3 Super Combo in the air.

    Yeah, yeah simple to do I know......but it looks freakin' sweet.

    you know what is sweet that i did once, not sure if its viable all the time, but in the corner, L - M - H - low H - f.H - shadowblade - FREAKIN DODGE THIS - air H - lv. 3 super


  3. Sorry, that was poorly worded. What I meant was that England seems to enjoy genres of music that America found and left ~20 years ago, at least the last I heard. Tastes may have easily changed since then.

    if anything we've been following on their coattails for the past 2 decades, especially as far as dance music is concerned

  4. You made me learn a lot more about Hulk in the lab. I went on ranked matches and just took a 15 game win streak on PSN woooooo.

    I find it odd I am going back and forth between consoles just to play the same game lmao

    I added a bunch of you to my list just now ( NOBODY ADDED ME TO BEGIN WITH D: ) so we should playyyyyyy

    im down to play tonight/right now for a lil bit

  5. yeah i'm not very good and im definitely not preaching that was just a dumb thing to say.

    anyways lets move on this is a topic we can all do without lets just talk about how this game is awesome and fun and how I TOTALLY GOT MY GAME TO WORK NOW YUSSSS

    rented it from somewhere and installed the disc, now i can just use my messed up one as a key. it works perfect now

  6. The thing I notice about this game is that a decent player can still lose to someone who only half knows what they're doing.

    That's because the system is dumbed down from previous Vs games and most all the characters follow an almost completely identical move set. The key to the game is still to knock em' into the air after a ground combo(s) - team aerial - hyper combo(s) Rinse, dry, repeat.

    You can pretty much pick a character at random and start discovering combos etc with them right away. So I doubt your muscle memory will forget lol

    i don't really think this is true, if you are intelligent and can recognize a mashy player all you have to do is anticipate he's going to do the SAME THREE THINGS and all you have to do is avoid them

    everyone has been complaining about dantes lately for instance but he's my favorite because everyone (online at my level) plays him the same way and uses incredibly unsafe moves just because everyone gets scared when they see shooty shooty swingy swingy

    and then you just hit him out of one and he's like OH WTF DUDE

  7. Aww HORSESHIT!!

    I mean it's great to see that they recognize the hard work that went into the music from their games, and all, but this line is a bit of a punch in the face...

    I'm assuming he's talking about Zircon and Willrock, in that case (since they're the first two to respond), but what about the other people to send their offerings to the PICO gods above? I'm counting not one, but two people who've also announced finishing remixes on other tracks from that system that are not getting a nod, here. What, efforts from non-posted mixers aren't a 'true' enough attempt to remix a track? :?

    No grudge against those involved, but that sorta' hurts, man.

    ...i doubt they looked through the forums and were like LO AND BEHOLD A BUCH OF PEOPLE SAID THEY REMIXED THINGS they just looked at the front page jeez

  8. its surprisingly popular at my college which is funny because its in rural pennsylvania

    but hey whatever works. im a pretty big fan, used to hate it but it grows on you quite a bit. also those sample songs are not particularly indicative of the modern equivalent

  9. The problem could also be that your xbox is starting to have trouble with it's disc drive (hopefully not) same with you shadowblade.I had the same problem with GTA4 about a year ago (although it was kind of funny to hear the car crash behind the screen when it came up) a little while later my xbox stopped reading discs altogether.Try some other games when you get a chance to see if you get any similar problems.

    Let's hope neither of you are having such a problem as you either have to send you xbox off for repairs or get a new one entirely if it's past warranty.

    Shadowblade's problem sounds more like the disc itself though i've seen occourances like that in gears of war before, i remember this one person could not play certain maps or his xbox would freeze and yes a similar thing would happen where his character would just stand there for a while before leaving.

    The disc drive problem is subtle at first it seems to only affect certain games it wouldn't let me play Virtua Fighter 5 at all one time no matter how many times i tried to run it and a few others I can't remember it wouldn't play either.

    I've been through it a few times, at one point i had an xbox cracked open and the disc drive exposed where i had to basically trick the laser lens into reading the disc several times over by actually slowing the disc down by hand and letting it speed up again it may sound crude but it worked ...after a while) it was already past warranty so ..yeah :\

    the reason i think its a disc thing is because theres a visible line on the disc and if i let the intro play the video messes up and then its unreadable

    i really hope not i got this xbox over the summer and it had no problems before this game

    edit: on topic, zero/morrigan/hulk has been getting me places-ish. ive experimented with putting felicia in there instead of morrigan and gotten some pretty good results too felicia is fun as shit to play

  10. I guess you better not buy it because from day one we all knew that's how it was gonna be lol

    LOL @ People raging at this game. This game is 100X more balanced than MVC2. However, I'll agree that the speed in which you can spam beam attacks is absurd and unlike any fighting game I've saw before. The main reason it's a pain in the ass in this game is because everyone moves at the speed of death and floats in the air longer than the second coming.

    The only thing that I think is flat out broken in this game, and online I have yet to find one person who disagrees........the damned X-FACTOR!!! If your opponents characters are all at about half health and you can land a few team aerial/super combos on them......you win. You can annihilate the other team with just your last character.....They might as well have just said in the instruction manual "Push all four buttons to gain a ridiculous advantage once per match". It's broken because it does insane damage, all your characters heal faster and it's the only time the characters don't move at retard speed.

    X-Factor can gtfo.

    P.S. Checked the disc and there are no problems with it. If it keeps crashing like this I'm sure not what to do. I have the special edition of the game, I'm not sure if that would make any difference.

    does yours say 'the disc is unreadable' during a match while its still playing in the background? mine will do that very rarely but its annoying as all hell and i'd rather have a disc that works all the time. and its not like i can just send it back to amazon or something :/

  11. ggs GT that time when i killed your full health assist with an xfactor from dormammu was kinda dick but lulzy

    too bad i have like, 5-6 characters i can play even close to competently gotta work on that part. moar sooooon

    edit: hulk tip of the day is wait. all. day. your heavy has armor on it. this means that you can get hit once and still hit your opponent through their attack, so if you can catch someone jumping in with an attack or rushing you down with a single attack (not multi hit) you can easily combo into launcher from heavy, then medium medium hard special SUPERRRRRRR

    legit everyone, ESPECIALLY mr. flashpants who think they're fancy dantes and weskers will just dash right into it. i beat whole squads just waiting and punishing

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