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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. Yeah I think I'm done with Nintendo for now.

    Perhaps another time as I'm perfectly content with the original Wii.

    well that'll be unfortunate when they stop making games for the wii oh i don't know last year sometime

  2. so i don't know about all of you but i don't see why only selling tablets with the system would be a bad thing

    almost for sure they would be 100 ish plus each sold individually and everyone here would be going "oh wtf thats thievery nintendo's trying to take all my moneys" not to mention anyone who's interested in this system and gets one can carry it with them if they're going to go play games at someone else's house. not to mention almost everything is online now, if the internet setup is good *which it could or could not be, sounds more promising than usual* how many times are you really going to be doing the '4 player party style' gaming that you see in commercials? do you even do that now?

    like seriously think about it, how often do you really have even 4 people playing with wiimotes on one tv

  3. The thing that was getting me the most was the fact you can do the double horizontal gamma charge and safely link to gamma crush. I kept thinking there was time for punish but it perfectly goes into it. Without your Zero though I wasn't too troubled. I dunno how I won some of those with some of the garbage teams I picked but I came out learning something about Hulk though and that is always good. Twas fun though.

    you can pull out gamma crush whenever i get people trying to jab under it after the hitstun ends all the time

    smart players usually just push block the second charge or just let you do it and then dash under

  4. gawddammit

    I don't play for a month and a half and The Derrit gets good in my absence.

    (Way to go me for falling into every dumb Hulk thing >:[ )

    lol ggs gt

    yeah hulk can be infuriating even i still get hit by hammerfirst when i play other hulks

    viewtiful joe :3 trying to learn the timing for gamma crush/joe slow dhc

  5. I love this new sonic game but, if Sega has to "revive" old games and renew them to have success, that means they ran out of new fresh ideas??? :whatevaa:


    it just means their new ideas were crappy and buggy

    also toadofsky quite frankly your opinions seem to be lacking in the accuracy department no one in the world thinks that mario bros. ds and new super mario bros. wii were bad

  6. dota has the worst community in the world

    never goin to happen

    on topic: it will be interesting to see how this is implemented. this sounds like it will flop, but who knows.

    completely fact i tried to play online after playing with my friends and after the first game someone flamed at the host until he kicked me out for no other reason then "i don't like him"

    actually retarded

  7. It's not the same concept at all. You never look at your controller when playing Dreamcast. Here, (apparently) it's an integral part of gameplay (at least multiplayer).

    what im doing to work with this fear is thinking of four swords adventures and crystal chronicles for the GC

    those were both AWESOME games and if they can make those kinds of experiences all the time i would be happy

  8. apparently ea didn't like the prototype they had for ME 2 so the project is in limbo.

    also while it is certainly short its a game you can actually play through again and again because doing it well is soo much more fun than doing it "oh i got through the level" style

    which is why its a good completion game

  9. You know, I still have yet to get my codes for the special edition character DLC yet. I submitted an email complaint to capcom 2 weeks ago and got nothing about it yet either. Wtf.

    if you're on xbox go to the official site you do the redemption there

    no one seems to know this

  10. While I can't say I didn't get significantly better, I just feel like I'm one of the few in my circle of IRL and online friends that actually enjoy getting my ass beat horrendously by people way better than me to learn a bunch of new things. Losing to people way better than me and then reflecting on how and why I lost and what I can do to overcome it is the only way I've gotten any good.

    i like this too keep playing with me plz

  11. not to be the downer but this is most likely b.s. where would they put these characters for starters, and if they are charging 5 dollars for each then a 'full version' of the game would be like 120 dollars i think people will start picking up on the fact that that's not a deal. adding over a third of the cast as dlc makes no sense

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