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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. That entire game was a mistake. I do not recognize its existence.

    You're supposed to make sequels for stories that need more explaining or ended openly. FFX ended completely and decisively. And if you insist on still making a new story for the characters, don't shit on them while you do it. Yuna was a summoner not a friggin pop star, wtf was that?

    seriously its like the exact opposite. she's supposed to get killed as everyone ignores the atrocity not be popular

    It's the personal belief of several of my older friends that Square has not made a good game since its merge with Enix.

    your friends are fickle

  2. Metal Gear Solid 4.

    God. Fucking. Dammit.

    SEE! Big Boss talk to Solid Snake for the first time since Snake KILLED HIS ASS. What do they talk about? They reiterate the entire plot! In case you somehow missed it while you WERE PLAYING THE GODDAMN GAME. SEE! Twenty minutes of two old men in the park talking about things you already know!

    SEE! Revolver Ocelot make the big reveal that he was never possessed by Liquid at all! He was just PRETENDING. SEE! The revelation that one of the most stupid plot devices in video game history is, in fact, a stupid plot device! But it's all part of the Patriots plot! Ooooo....

    SEE! Meryl, one of the strongest female personas in the game, admit that all she's ever wanted out of life is marriage! SEE! Her amazingly intelligent choice to marry a man who has spent the game LITERALLY SHITTING HIMSELF. SEE! Johnny awkwardly propose in between killing endlessly spawning guys!

    SEE! A black man talk to his monkey!

    SEE! Sunny finally makes eggs!

    That ending sucks.

    quit bitching that game was awesome and so was the ending

  3. Once upon a time we had a SF club going on where getting the W didnt mean anything but now it seems life have took there controllers away

    Arek The Absolute was my rival (Mainly because i hate Chun li and that's one of Balrog's worst Match ups) but now he doesn't even get online anymore.

    Geeky Stoner never gets online when im online.

    Mvds has other games that interest him now.

    Neblixsaber is playing Snoopy Flying Ace...........no idea what that is.

    Seis Campi went to the dark side PS3 (jerk)

    Im hopeing Mr Zircon im working on a Balrog remix and that the reason his not playing. none the less

    I have a Dream

    that one day the OCR Fight club will return either in SSF4, SF3, MvC3, or SFxT and tell the hardships of life to kick rocks im going to play VG and have fun

    I have a Dream

    that chosen a Characters regardless of skin color, good or bad, or Tier listing having fun was the main goal

    My Dream will never die. when that day comes Im going to play Halo 3

    in three weeks i'll play with you all the times

    AND i'll have my own account name

  4. honestly? in order for this site to have an unbiased level of listeners for each song, etc. you'd pretty much have to not label any of them and say "this is a new song, by an artist we're not telling you from a game we're also not telling you"

    even the important people here play favorites. its obvious in writeups, hell the recent chrono trigger mix got direct posted with the sentence "So it's bLiNd, it's trance, it's Chrono Trigger, and it's 'Yearnings of the Wind' (aka 'Wind Scene' or '600AD') - what more do I need to say?"

    I mean it doesn't even matter if blind's music is always good, which most all of the time it is. if people are playing favorites from the get go then why hold up the facade that everyone else shouldn't

    and certain games will always get more traffic because they're better known. thats the way it goes

  5. ...such a simple thread is being reduced to this?
    Didn't this thread used to be about YouTube?


    i should practically stay out of this thread i didn't realize there was so much politics surrounding something as simple as this

    sorry for the bad idea

  6. So I was thinking about this the other day, and every so often someone makes a favorites thread asking what are the best ocr songs ever. And of course everyone has their opinions.

    Instead of having it be a subjective list, why not just rate them on youtube? they're all there, people can only vote once and its an objective way to show which ones have garnered the most interest

    just a thought

  7. Great run of games tonight with everyone. Server even got pretty full for a bit there, but I had to go after Office so I can go to sleep in preparation for getting up and going to the gym at 9 tomorrow.

    I know I haven't played on the server a lot, but I do think some of the guys here are getting better. I seemed to be on the receiving end of some nice Derrit kills in particular.

    Also, I need to practice with the deagle more so I can be like DarkSim. I'm pretty good with it, but it's kind of like comparing the guy who donates to charities at Christmas to Jesus.

    lol those were few and far between

    on the other hand numbers like "94 in 6" and "84 in 7" kept popping up

    is it just because i'm the one with the gun its not like i can consistently shoot people in the toes

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