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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. Ages and ages ago when my brother and I were playing through Pokemon Red and Blue, we were working to get all 150 LEGITIMATELY WITH OUT CHEATING.

    We got 147 on Red. The three remaining Pokemon were Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. We decided to erase our file on blue so we could start from the beginning and get a bulbasaur.

    Deleted the file on blue, got bulbasaur, got ready to trade. He pulled out Red, turned on his gamebody and... the save file was gone. The save ram battery died; our copy of Red could never keep a save file after that.

    i have stories for this thread but on this note i got all 150 legitimately in red

    i'm very proud of myself for this to this day

  2. Eh whatever, considering how many posts I've seen about XII being liked the least around here (I actually liked it enough) it's all meaningless.

    i think the thing about this is that final fantasy games are something that stick around for awhile, like people still play the older ones and stuff and part of how we remember them is not only how well they played when they first came up but also how they held up over time. so its hard to be like "oh yeah this one's not as good" until a few years later

  3. Alright, I'm pissed about something. First major complaint of the game.

    I'm 8 hours in, and already on disc 2.

    No, this isn't a beef with disc swapping. Disc swapping actually makes me feel like a game is so epic and long it needs the space. No, this is a problem with the game's length. I'm not entirely sure what happened in the console generation upgrade, but when a game like FFXII can have over 60 hours of main quest gameplay on one disc, while next gen stuff like Lost Odyssey and now Final Fantasy XIII can only do a fraction of that? There's gotta be something very wrong going on.


    as an addon to this question, does anyone know how long its actually supposed to be? roughly speaking

    i'm not too concerned that its gonna go by too fast or anything but i am curious

  4. snow says hero like a BILLION TIMES

    but other than that he's cool

    about an hour in, i'm liking it so far

    and for all of you PS3 rulez bunch i'm pretty sure it doesn't make a difference on my 17" SDTV. it still looks sexy

  5. Heh, just picked up my Collector's Edition and it seems like someone accidentally put in an extra decal :nicework:

    That's about all I can say so far, no time to play the bloody game.. but maybe I'll ignore studying just for tonight...

    for the strategy guide? wasn't aware there was a collector's edition game put out

  6. Muscle failure is fun. You think you can lift that weight but your arm is like "LOL I'M TIRED"

    I'm starting a new diet today, but I figure it'll probably get murdered by Final Fantasy 13 tomorrow. That's the kind of game you want to order a pizza for. But we'll see. The specifics of the diet, it's going to be a BUTTLOAD (or should I say boatload... slightly less disgusting...) of water and one or two granola bars, roughly 100 - 200 calories. Why so extreme? Because I didn't lose any weight at all on my last diet and the only way to really eat less is to eat next to nothing. So wish me luck. I'll be taking ibuprofens too but I don't think they have a calorie amount, heh.

    Also still going to the gym, I'm lifting heavier weights now.

    Hmm.. instead of saying a buttload of water, I should have said a tubgirl of water.. maybe... not.

    going to the gym and lifting heavier weights won't help you all that much at a weight loss stage. it is very plausible to be heavier than you would like and strong, so to start in a weight-loss program cardio, like ellipticals etc. will do much more for you.

    i'm not saying drop the weights, hardly, but cardio would most likely serve you better

  7. i wish it was in a different language so i didn't have to realize how bad the lyrics are.

    while the song fits nicely imo the lyrics suck we can all agree on that

    Haha here comes another person who has played the game just as much as me (read: hasn't) telling us that we should not be idiots and bash a game we've never played, saying that if we can't spend the, for the record, doesn't really matter because it doesn't make any sense.

    I'm gonna bitch :D when something that seems too well-known to be what "true" gamers play gets TONS of attention just because of the well-earned pedigree of its series. If this game had a new name, no one would hold it to the same unrealistic standard that is the very reason i'm prematurely damning it for. That's my bet.

    Also, Sakaguchi CREATED final fantasy. These new guys just also create final fantasy.

    my last paragraph makes no senseHAHAHAH


  8. Eh, read a proper comparison if you care instead: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-final-fantasy-xiii-face-off?page=1

    He's nitpicky but at least it's all correct.

    did anyone actually watch the video at the bottom

    in both smallscreen and fullscreen the difference is nigh unidentifiable and while i'm no expert i've generally got a good eye for these things

    i see nothing to worry about here people are making it sound like the x360 version looks like a micheal's corner drawing

  9. After listening to the soundtrack that Hamauzu has put together for this game, I can honestly say for me, it's one of the best soundtracks in videogame history, and definitely puts Hamauzu on the highest pedestal possible for me, as a composer.

    There's something about it that just does it for me, and his technique is so refined.

    Regardless, i'm pumped for next week! Can't wait to play!

    speaking on that anyone who thinks the leona lewis song doesn't fit go watch the trailer it totally does

    sorry its not some random ass thing like it always is there'll be plenty of that ingame i promise

  10. i don't know anything about this guy, but given the fact that no one knows anything about him/any information which could potentially be linked to him, perhaps he has a job which requires him to be unknown, a government job, fbi, intelligence, something?

    i mean it sounds to me like he did an admirable job of covering his tracks when he was here it wouldn't surprise me that much

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