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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. You want another example, Mr. Author? I already gave one. Portal. Ignore the final cutscene and the song. They're not necessary to grasp the narrative. Half Life 2 is another great example. Ignore the book-end cutscenes, and the rest of the entire story is told through exposition, intuition, and close inspection of the game. Now then, what say you?

    well the person in the background talking doesn't help

    zircon's example was a really good one

  2. It's also about what they could do with the technology of the time.

    But don't pretend there is no narrative in missile command, it's just not as much in your face as most narratives we get in life. And yes, there has to have been some reflexion over the narrative, even if it wasn't discussed in such terms. But overall, this theory of Missile Command being a narrative presented through gameplay alone example has my support. The arguments are good and it makes sense.

    Now have fun and try to find one other example.

    Pong has no narrative and even Custer's Revenge had cutscenes...

    i continue to be the bastion of common sense

    missile command has narrative sure, but no more than a game of sharks and minnows. 'we're sharks you're minnows run away from us'

    missile command: 'you're getting bombed shoot down the missiles'

    ok its not that you can't argue that these things are there *upon closer inspection* if you want to philosophize but to say that it is intended to be a thought provoking narrative with gut wrenching decisions attached to it is over-exaggeration at its finest. people seem to be getting premise confused with narrative

    also merry christmas

  3. Thus, the Extra Credits crew can declare this video a complete success. Why? It got people talking about this.

    i also disagree with this, it would be a complete success if they gave a *good example* and demonstrated their point eloquently as opposed to attempting to throw out a crazy example that would make people go WHOA and not being entirely correct in doing so

  4. Quake never invites gameplay decisions like the choice between towns and depots. There's never a time where you _shouldn't_ be killing someone, for instance.

    That said, I did mention that the optimal route is to always elect to let the towns die as opposed to the missile depots -- the game then gets easier as there are more missiles coming at you.

    Derrit, did you try the game zircon mentioned? I'd be interested to know what you thought of it after finishing it (if you play platformers, it should only take you 15 min).

    i did actually and i thought zircon was right in that it told a meaningful story in simple terms with absolutely no dialogue or setup, outside of maybe the title screen. i won't spoil the game for anyone who feels like trying it but it does a wonderful job at using mechanics (don't look back) to explain what's 'going on.'

    the difference here is that what you were doing was meaningful to the story as it was laid out, however simply. in missile command there is no consequence for letting all the cities die but one, it just makes it easier. in never look back the consequences for not following the narrative are tangible and can be plainly seen. so maybe you can say missile command is an interesting experiment on the human psyche but it is not a narrative

  5. I disagree -- you shoot missiles to save towns. That, balanced with the fact that you often must choose between saving your cities and your missile depots makes for interesting gameplay choices.

    I will say that because there is always one optimal route (let 5 cities die, defend the last one) these choices aren't as important as they might otherwise be...but they are there, nonetheless.

    well then there's narrative in quake 3 too, you're a poor soul put in a scary arena and you kill people all day just to stay alive. its a harrowing tale of the resiliency of the human spirit


    you can make anything sound grandeur just the same as you can make it sound simplistic and dumb, but there is no greater meaning behind protecting the 'towns' except to get points ESPECIALLY if its not explained in something as simplistic as missile command

  6. Placed a reserve on regular edition. Curious just how many characters will make the entire roster. Seeing how SSFIV expanded, maybe much more so than MVC2 was capable?

    I still find the release date to be a nice touch. The day after Valentine's Day. Love it! =D

    also my birthday mind you

    haggar better be in this game god damn that would be the coolest thing of all time

    edit: lyrai your gif is bouncing to some dubstep that i'm listening to and its hilarious (yes i listen to dubstep wut)

  7. picked this up along with mirror's edge and bayonetta and ended up spending most of my time playing bayonetta before going back to FFXIII in the hopes of actually finishing it. Still haven't really explored this game much, but its pretty fun from what i've played.

    also feels a lot like Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria to me.

    i just got on the 3rd disc of FFXIII its pretty awesome

    also mirror's edge is where its at

  8. my buddies and I used to play urinal trough hockey at a bar we went to frequently in college. We'd split up into 2 teams, and try to piss the urinal pucks across the trough to the other team's side over the course of a night of drinking, sketchbooks, and karaoke. Whoever had the least pucks on their side of the trough by the end of the night won. It got pretty strategic as we improved our technique.

    Losing team had to buy the last round, and chicken wings (which were half price after 10pm!). Man, those were good times. XD


    that's... umm.. yeah. okay

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