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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. has anyone else noticed that the running animation in the preview isn't even good? he looks like he's supposed to be walking, and in the preview they didn't even take the time to make a stopping animation for him.

    i can't tell if they're trying to get something out quick or just cutting corners because they think people won't notice

  2. Hahah, hearing that you fell for that really made me smile. Don't worry, I thought it existed until I watched the muppet part as well.

    Speaking of Sonic 2, I for some reason just cannot get into the game like so many others have. I see my friends so in love with this, and I just don't get why. I get bored with it so fast. I suppose Sonic 3 spoiled me too much.

    Funny that you say that, I bought it on wii shop thinking I would be all about it but I've never put in the time to beat it because it wasn't that interesting to me.

  3. Thread necromancy time:

    I've heard this in a remix here, I am nearly 100% positive, can't remember which one, so I figured I'd throw it out in here while I was searching on my own.

    it sounds familiar to me too, but from what i'm not sure.

    does this sound familiar? it did to me, especially around 2:50, then i realized why:

  4. I'm sure that everyone's all like "omg haloshitz again" but this game had a surprisingly meaningful and worthwhile soundtrack, especially the overworld parts.

    I would love to hear someone remix one of the piano themes into something more.

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