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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. The premise is the organization called "the dollhouse" contracts young people for five years of their lives, in which their personalities and pretty much all of their non-essential mind is erased. The Dollhouse can then implant the person with any personality they want. The dollhouse uses this to serve people; lame examples off the top of my head being if you want someone to help you solve a murder, they can imprint a "doll" with the skills to do that. If you want a perfect date with someone who is 100% compatible with you, they can imprint a doll with that. And unlike the matrix where Neo's all like "I know kung fu," the dolls that get imprinted believe they're who they're made to be. So when a doll gets imprinted, they believe they have been the person they just got made to be, their whole life.

    The cool thing about it is it starts with some very interesting yet very reasonable missions, and as the first season progressed, what they did with these dolls became a little less scrupulous. I don't often find myself in conflict with TV shows, but by the end I couldn't tell if I agreed with what the Dollhouse was doing or not.

    A lot of cool shit happens, I'd reccommend watching the first season because its awesome. The acting isn't always Emmy-worthy but its pretty good overall, and the mental debates that come from it are incredibly interesting.

    A show that barely managed to get renewed.

    It's apparently good, but very different which might be why it had trouble pulling ratings. (And it will continue too struggle since it's in the Friday night deathslot)

    What I heard is while it did very poorly on television, it did very well in digital downloads and other avenues, which is how it got renewed. But yes, it is the lowest rated show to ever get renewed, which if anything shows despite a small audience it has something to bring to the table.

  2. That still looks more like a guinea pig with unusually large ears, than a rabbit.


    how could you be so insensitive *sob*

    on the other hand, that macaroni was amazing. i wish i had some, i loved that stuff when i was younger.

  3. Let's not generalize. I said THIS game was garbage, and I took beef with someone saying they liked it better than Super Metroid. When I see such things, I simply react. And when I see that the game in question is like a bad 80s movie that became a game instead, I rage. There's quite a legitimate reason I haven't played this game. If this game involved rail-gunning clowns, communists, or aliens, and not saving dumb girlfriend number 7, I might be remotely interested, because the object of maiming things that are too fucked to exist anyway is fulfilling in and of itself. But to make a side-scrolling game about saving your girlfriend from terrorists is about as motivating as turning forty and coming home to a sink full of diapers. Because you know? That's next in line. You don't just save girlfriend number 7 and not get married or at least have kids number 1, 2, and 3. Which, personally, I do not want. i like the destroy things with absolutely no consequences. At least metroid had a cool universe, a cool story, and gave me an acceptable reason to annihilate AN ENTIRE PLANET OF ALIENS. Why? For great justice. :D

    If the premise of this game were more outlandishly absurd, and the violence looked remotely entertaining, and maybe if it had nonsensical bosses that threw exploding rottweilers at me, I would be down for this. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that makes this game interesting. Games are supposed to be about cool or funny shit. And I'm just not seeing it.

    we're sorry not everyone lives in a fantasy world and can't stand being reminded about the real one. i don't mean to flame for the sake of it, but i know nothing about this game and i reject your opinion outright just because of all of the dumb things you said. metroid doesn't have a story outside of "go there. explore." and you have no idea what kind of stuff happens in this game because there's an 150% chance you HAVEN'T PLAYED IT.

    think before you speak basic facet of life

  4. I'm sure someone will say "oh isn't that just yoshi's island" but you are WRONG. all the songs are of the same style but are definitely not the same songs. and some of them are beauutiful. deserves some attention.

  5. Oh, and back in elementary school, after playing Super Mario 64, I would always envision Mario wall-jumping his way around the classroom or my desk while I was bored. I still unconsciously do that sometimes.

    i still kinda do stuff like that, with various games

    i like sizing up my surroundings and being like if i were ______________ what could i do to get where

  6. That's all fine and dandy but at most he's no different that the very same people that wished to "unlock the potential" of any console; considering it's inferred in the article (from my perspective at least) that modding consoles, regardless if it was done free or for profit, is recognized as an illegal action.

    Am I mistaking the wording as such..?

    This is true, but in a way its in the same vein as (go with me on this) teenage drinking, its illegal, but as long as its done in a setting where it doesn't bring harm to anyone else AND NO ONE SEES IT, no one gets in trouble. So if i mod my xbox and then keep it to myself and use it for my purposes, no one is going to seek me out, or find out most likely. Its when he goes and sells them to people that it becomes trouble for him.

    While I was reading this earlier, something dawned on me:

    When I buy something. I own it. It's MINE. I can buy a computer, I can rip all the parts in, I can put new parts in, I can throw it down the stairs, I can do whatever I want.

    When I buy a car, I can change the exhaust, I can rebuild the engine, and I can import another engine from Japan and drop it into my car, I can drop it, I can paint it, I can give it scissor doors.

    I can mod my TV, my laptop, my furniture, my house, my vehicles, my clothing, my appliances...but I can't mod my console? Why the fuck not?


  7. Ah, looks like Stampede beat me to it. ;-)

    Yeah, BBoy world is THE place to get more accurate info, & recent videos.

    I've never hit bboy org personally so I can't elaborate on it.

    Just try avoiding places crowded with e-boys if possible, you'll loose your time.

    It's often attention-seekers, posting video of the move they've been trying to do for 5 years, because they never really train.

    As for liquid... wait what's with that liquid thing? At least call it properly. :mrgreen:

    For training, luckily boogaloo and such don't need a lot of space.

    So you can find some video on the net, chat with a few people and get started at home.

    I've been trying to find you some good vids on that, but couldn't find something decent yet.

    I'll post here if I find anything of interest.

    Meanwhile, you should search for basics on how to do Waves, Pops and Glides to begin.

    Finding a training spot near where you live, and get to know the people there will help a lot.

    As you can get advice and improve on the fly, which is invaluable to your progress.

    Well it's all about experiencing new moves, meeting new people, and having fun.

    And I'll second Stampede suggestion: try to go to one big event, like BBoy city or Freestyle Session, to experience the real thing.

    You won't be disapointed.

    My big issue here is that I live in New Hampshire. So i'm not really near anything by a long shot lol i don't think there's much of a dancing culture here.

    but you never know til you look!

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