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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. It's worse than I thought. I'm just hoping whoever was playing just sucks at it(or was going that slow for demos sake), and that it can go much, much faster when put in the hands of someone who can really make it go. It's almost insulting to think that after the quantum leap forward they took with FFXII in terms of design, they're taking it back to some sort of bad hybrid of FFX-2 and FFXII.

    Why would you not assume this to be true? Seeing as NO ONE has played the game before VERY RECENTLY it wouldn't even make sense for him to be any good at it, and if its early in the game, which 99% of demos are, of COURSE the fighting is going to be slow, part of the idea of RPGs is, you know, having your stats go up as time goes on? Like speed? I mean name me a JRPG that starts out with blazing fast battles.

    Also, who cares if you zone? It's EXACTLY the SAME. The only difference is you don't have to worry about dumb A.I. getting caught on walls, or aggroing someone you don't want to fight against. I see no downside in having the player zone into battles; it lets you know you're in a fight, when its over, and keeps the rest of your party from fucking around when you're not fighting.

    I swear when did it become cool to hate on Square, I guess they got too cool recently.

  2. No real similarity.

    if anything, the first song takes a huge page from that shitty papa roach song that was popular like 10 years ago

    and the second song takes a huge page from the book of AWESOME. it reminded me i want to buy this game.

  3. Woah. Very interesting. As always, I'm super pleased with the turnout and opinions voiced herein. I feel like I have a better understanding of the "Hardcore Gamer" and what it means. I guess it also means I need to adjust my point of view on it...I guess it isn't an entirely negative thing.

    Also, what are we if we have more than 50 man months of game time? Aside from crippled from the wrist down?

    If you've played over 4 years of videogames, that's gross.

  4. I've had this song stuck in my head ever since I finished Glitzville on my second playthrough. I was thinking about it and messing w/ the tempo and stuff, and then it turned into a speed ballad in my head. I'm thinking a singing lead electric guitar with a quick bassline, maybe 160 BPM. Some power guitar with this would sound soo good.

    yeah that's really specific and all that but SOMEONE DO SOMETHING PLEASE. THIS SONG NEEDS IT.

  5. a hardcore gamer is someone who knows games very well and has been playing them a long time. the person knows his games (so he's not buying barbie's adventures) and knows the industry as well.

    the hardcore gamers that companies talk about are these people.


  6. Interesting how many are eager to point out boss music that should be remixed but so few actually join the project and want to remix anything.

    plenty of people have memories of boss music. plenty of people don't have musical experience.

    its a pretty simple concept

  7. People will figure out what tools work best in given situations over time. No one needs someone else to do the work for them -- in fact this is often detrimental because what works well can have variations for each different person (for instance, I'm not about to put in the time to learn all of Chun's 1-frame link combos, no matter how well they work). There's no one certain tactic for any character that's neccessary to win...
    Nah, I don't believe that. People find out properties of moves in the game by playing a lot to begin with, so if you put a TON of time into playing you WOULD get better over time regardless of whether you're looking online for more info or not. Show me someone who has been playing for thousands of hours and sucks ;)

    Now I'm not saying that you can play thousands of hours and be BAD, but I do believe that you can play forever and not be good. Things like link combos aren't going to be randomly discovered during play, so you'll get better, but only with the tools you know and understand. If you only know and understand some of your overall tools, then you'll never excel at the game, and you'll never know all of your tools without external information.

  8. For all the theory and nonsense written about competitive fighting games, IMO it just boils down to playing it a lot. That's really all there is. There aren't any bad players who have spent thousands of hours on SF,

    lets stop that right there.

    That is most certainly untrue. Its incredibly easy to be bad at SF, depsite playing it a lot. Now if you play that much, most likely you'll take the time to look up the information needed for you to play well. But let's say you didn't just for kicks.

    If you didn't look up information, you would probably never figure out, for instance, abel's mk -> forward dash -> whatever. You would never know that you can cr.mk xx Change of Direction. These are things that you need people to tell you, and playing a lot would never teach you that. That's just 2 examples from one character but there's plenty for each.

    The same happens in melee, a game which i played competitively (and still do when i get the chance). There are people who play that game for YEARS that I can wallop on with no effort at all. Their experience doesn't teach them anything, because its not on the proper level of competition. They don't understand why mewtwo is bad, or why short hop lasering is worthwhile. And unless someone teaches them (or they teach themselves) they never will.

  9. Seeing as everyone is tossing out suggestions/ideas, I'll toss in some for inspriation.

    Paper Mario: TTYD (Doopliss)

    Metroid Prime Final Battle (Prime Head)

    Super Mario RPG (Fight Against An Armed Boss)

    Super Paper Mario (Bleck)

    KOTOR (Darth Malak)

    and the Great Giant Poo.

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