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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. yeah see the thing about charge ultras is that once you see a guile or vega player start to turtle or jump backwards a lot you know they are charging their ultra so if you're any kind of intelligent you'll know when to dodge it

    that's not really true, you can buffer it in moves like a sweep or roundhouse or (of course) a block, or in a forward/standing jump too.

  2. I'd say Weezer's Green Album AND Maladriot. I vividly remember playing DK64 with the Green Album for some reason.

    Speaking of strong music-to-game memories, I remember listening to Beastie Boy's "Hello Nasty" while playing Link's Awakening. The two still go together in my head.

  3. Eiffel 65 - Europop (single: "Blue")

    (AkumajoBelmont agrees with me on this)

    DAMMIT someone beat me to it. Definitely true story.

    and I'm sure everyone will be like LOLpopularmusic but

    Usher: "Here I Stand" (single: Love In This Club) I love it love it love it. Great to listen to.

  4. I never played FFVII.

    I started Earthbound and never got past Threed..


    I'm gonna stop there.

    owait one more I've never played a mega man game. how did i even get here.

  5. I'm more impressed with the Cammy player by far. This video is a perfect example of why ultra combos should not have been included in the game.

    I don't see why. Gen is the ONLY character who can combo the two (aside from dan but that's.. different) so its not as if anyone can just fill there meters and get an easy win cause they have ultra and super.

  6. all my friends were like "it was too preachy and super lame and stuff."

    i loved it. there's so many commentaries up for discussion its mindblowing.but no one to discuss it with on my block.

  7. Anyway, Mistabishi's debut album came out the same week and I'm digging it a lot more -- definitely recommended for anyone who likes drum and bass. Its not life changing in anyway but still pretty sweet.


    It's so good. There are a couple tracks that aren't really drum and bass at all, but the drum and bass ones are excellent.

  8. Well, it wasn't rejected completely yes, BGC asked me to rework the sound that was sampled in the track because you aren't alowed to sample from the original track I believe. But 1 reformat and 2 studio upgrades later and its impossible to open the remix ( which was made in June 2008 ) anymore. Too many software issues to deal with making it very hard to edit the remix. Its kind of a dead end for me.

    I did make a Chrono Trigger Zeal (Corridor of Time) remix which I was planning on sending into OCR but I think you guys have enough Chrono Trigger mixes to go around.

    If you guys are interested however ill send in a proper email with the track.

    You can hear it here:

    uhhhmmmmm yeah.

    Send it in! Worst that happens is it gets rejected, and best case scenario (also likely from my standpoint) you get a mix and some publicity up on the site! There are some working producers around here and publicity is never a bad thing.

  9. I like using Ken. There I said it.

    I've been using him since before SF2 went TURBO.

    I'm trying to branch out though.

    Also looking into Sakura, Abel, Rose, and I appear to be the only person even vaguely interested in Viper. (I refuse to acknowledge that C.)

    haha not quite. c. viper is S tier in japan, one of the best.

  10. I only play as Fuerte, Abel, Rose, Sakura and Dan just to prove a point against stupid Sagat and Ken players that I can beat them handily while NOT spamming a single f'n move.

    Where did everyone get the idea that ken is really good? he's not.

  11. Because there aren't alot of Guile players, people aren't as familiar with him. It's quite easy to trap others because they don't know what to expect. I've met two Guile players now, and i had quite a hard time with them. Shoto's are easily done in by a decent Guile player. When i use Guile, i also use the D-pad, seeing as his moves are more easy to perform that way.

    And i came across two Sakura players, lost one and won one. The match i won was pretty easy, however, the guy who i lost against was, i dunno, maybe a cheater? He set up a crazy combo which i've NEVER seen anybody else do. Starting off with a few jabs, EX Tatsumaki, and then arial down FP's me FOUR TIMES. For some reason both our characters went up after one of those arial punches, which never happened when i was playing Sakura...

    Its her K shoryuken, she jumps up and can hit a few times before knocking you downwards. legitimate

  12. derrit you fucking ass kisser :P

    yeah whatever. i happened to be listening to public adress 006 the other day when i read that so i was like jeahz

    anyways, my favorite as of right now is possibly abel. focus -> crouching hp -> EX air grab = mad sexy. forward mk -> dash into whatever is a great addon too you can do a lot of things with it

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