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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. Diggin' it. Appears to be fairly deep, though only time will tell... haven't read the manual yet so I'm just playing SF2 style at the moment. PSN, "djpretzel", if anyone's down.

    Don't care for the j-popish intro track but overall the score seems hot.

    Gameplay-wise, the jumping game seems radically different... I hear people complaining about moves being sluggish, but honestly everything on the ground seems fast enough, but in the air... wow, kicks sometimes come out REALLY late. It seems very difficult to kick early/preemptively, and of course, SF3-style throws mean I suck in that arena.

    But overall, it's growing on me. More and more it seems like the fighting game I'll be playing for the next few years, learning more, etc. In other words, it seems like a plausible and viable successor to 3 and 2, which was the biggest challenge ANY 3d game would have had.

    Load times are bad plus they seem very quiet... I would have thought looped music would be a no-brainer...

    Love all the options/tweakability.

    Still gonna be playing HDR quite a bit, and feel like I'd be saying that even if we weren't involved in the score, but SF4, on initial inspection, seems pretty damn tight.


    interesting you should say that about the loading times, they're really not too bad on xbox as far as i can tell. either that or i'm too patient.

  2. I love the new version to death as well. I especially love the new synth you put in at 2:55, but I feel as if it could be even better if it didn't jump around sooo much, at times its too quick to follow imo. it sounds great as is but maybe could sound even better, with a more strictly arabian scale.

  3. Both soundtracks from the Jazz Jackrabbit games have gotten far to little acclaim.

    Quoted for emphasis.

    Also does anyone know where you can get Jazz Jackrabbit? I tried once but couldn't find a working version for the life of me. I really really want to play it so anyone who knows where to find a compatible version let me know.

  4. after I played through Portal, for the next few days I looked at elevated orthogonal architecture in terms of how I would portal myself up there and then caught myself and wondered what I was thinking


    Also in another sense, SSBM changed my way of thinking in a competitive sense. I've been an athlete my entire life, and many of the strategies and head games I learned from smash translate into other competition, such as getting by a blocker in football or finding an unexpected passing lane in basketball. Stuff like that, I use the strategy from that game in real life.

  5. They were excellent and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

    You have to understand that they're not Solid games though, they're Metal Gear Tactics games.

    shoot, I need to dig up my copies and play them again

    Metal Gear + Tactics = splooge

    love tactics games, and metal gear. it sounds awesome.

  6. Oh please.

    You don't get more money-grubbing than remaking a game with little to no emphasis on controls for Wii. -_-

    think about the game pikmin. what better could there be than an interface that allows you to say, choose your pikmin specifically and tell them just where to go instead of with a HUGE GODDAM CIRCLE whistle

    i never owned pikmin but i might buy it just cause it seems like it would be really nice that way

  7. Damn, half of these I would have never even known about without you guys, keep it coming!

    I can live w/ slowdown, I've been around since the NES era so I know the deal with that.

    Also, I admittedly have a soft spot in my heart for fighters and platormers to go along w/ rpgs any ideas in those sectors?

    EDIT I already have DS a jam you sillykins. I've been putting some major work in to FFT A2. Speaking of which is tactics for PSP a good buy as well?

  8. To piggyback on the PS3 thread, I am considering purchasing a PSP, mostly for Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (15 bucks!) and some other older, yet quality games such as the Metal Gear portables. What are people's ideas on good games to own for the PSP?

  9. I really don't understand how people have decided this game's a lost cause on something as unsubstantial as this trailer. Clearly it looked good (a given) and the battle system was confusing (cause no one knows how it works). But aside from that and a few lines from the main characters that don't really mean much, because no one knows what they're talking about, there wasn't much to see.

    I thought it was pretty and could continue to get more interesting. But aside from that judgement on something like this is a bit of a no go.

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