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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. @ The Derrit: Pokemon Trainer is one of the worst characters in the game. If you don't switch pokemon before 2 minutes passes, they become SIGNIFICANTLY weaker (they're slower, take more damage, get knocked back further, deal less damage & knockback). Also, Ivysaur is one of the easiest characters in the game to gimp, even easier than Lolimar in my opinion.

    I'm pretty positive the only effects of stamina are less damage and knockback. I don't disagree there's lots of not good stuff about PT, most definitely not anywhere near high tier, but even the stamina issue can work to the advantage in some situations (less knockback more squirtle fair/bair chains). But all in all guess that's right

  2. ------------------------------ ------------

    LIGHTBULB LEVEL the album(2005):



    ElectroRock vol.1 (2006)



    ElectroRock vol.2 (2007)



    ElectroRock vol.3 (2008)

    (a 3 disc mixtape set to be individually released on 8.8.08, 8.16.08, and 8.24.08.)

    From the guy who did the Gigaton Punch rap, he's quite an intelligent rhymer. Pick it up.

  3. Hey does anyone remember that crazy asian guy who made the 3d environments, like the virtual reality landscapes by putting the sensor bar on his hat? That's the point of this isn't it? That it can do things like that with the new precision, which is awesome. I could be wrong but its moving into that kind of territory which I find pretty exciting.

  4. Perhaps you are just losing fat and gaining muscle weight. It happens. Reduction of fat is more important than losing overall weight. If you are pretty fit, and stop all physical activity, you would lose weight, but that would just be your muscle wasting away. Muscle is heavier than fat. So yeah, weight isn't really a good way to gauge your progress if you are doing weights. If you're trying to reduce solely fat, and doing aerobics, then weight would probably be a more appropriate way to keep track.

    This is all very true, but I'm a relatively slim guy, weighing in at 190 6'4", so its not as if i've got tons of fat to spare. I don't mind being light, as by my sport its a good thing, but I feel like at this weight there will be a limit to my power. So we'll see how it goes.

  5. I'm really bad at checking in... my apologies.

    There's nothing new for me to say really, still training by my schedule and its going amazingly. Its funny, while I've gained tons of strength, i'm the same weight. and i really don't know how. I wouldn't mind a few extra pounds here and there...

  6. Hey, shecking in.

    There's not much to show that I haven't already put up, my workouts from this past week were the same as the ones from this week, with more weight in most cases.

    However, I have started doing sprints training with a group of high school and graduated kids who i've worked with in past summers these past couple weeks, which i think has helped me get back in more athletic shape, if you will.

  7. i think smashboards is much better in terms of quality information, but as far as looking for people to play against i've had much much better times doing this on allisbrawl. seeing as i'm not heavily established in either one its easier for me to get better using allisbrawl and some of the info i can get from smashboards.

  8. i discovered allisbrawl the other day and its been an excellent source with which to gain experience. i reccommend it to everyone, its what smashboards was to melee (and still is to some degree to brawl), and is very well organized.

  9. Ok so here's the motherlode, all this week's workouts.

    Tues. 6/10

    Dumbell Bench: 3X10, w/ 65s, 70s, 70s

    Abs: 2X40, +120 w/ crunch machine

    Seated Cable Row: 12, 10, 9, 8 with setting 11,11,11,12 (not sure about the weights, have to ask someone)

    Military Press: 2 X 8 w/ 50s, 55s

    Lat Pulldown: 2 X 8 w/ setting 11,12

    Upright Row: 3 X 10 w/ 135, 140, 145 (done explosively w/ high acceleration)

    Triceps Extension 2X8, 75, 80 (french curls)

    Thurs. 6/12

    Power Clean: 4X8, 115, 135, 135, 145 (done explosively)

    Abs: 3X30, +10 w/ weighted leg lifts

    Back Squat: 12,10,9,8 w/ 175, 180, 185, 200

    Bicep Curl: 1X12 w/ 40s

    Back extension: 1X12 +55

    Leg Curl: 1X12, 259 (the machine wouldn't go any higher.. could be an issue.)

    Leg Extension: 1X12, 189 (also maxed out)

    Fri. 6/13

    DB Bench: 9,7 w/ 80s, 80s

    Abs: 2X30, one w/ +45 true crunch, one w/ +10 leg lifts

    Seated Cable Row: 4X10, setting 8,9,10,11 (done explosively)

    Military Press: 2X10, 50s

    Lat Pull Down: 2X10, setting 12

    Upright Row: 3X8, 150,175,200

    Triceps Extension: 2X10, 80, 85 (french curl)

    I love this. I already feel a ton stronger than the beginning of the week, and am making gains like crazy. If everything stays at this rate I should meet my goals with ease.

  10. Regimen START!

    Leg Press: 2 warmup sets, then 4 real ones. 7 reps X 600, 610, 625 and 650 respectively.

    Abs: Vertical toe touches, with 35lbs extra weight going up. 3 sets X 30 reps.

    Front Squat: ugh. hate these, i always feel like i'm going to hurt myself when i front squat, even though my technique is not that bad. Three sets of 10 10 and 9 respectively, all at 145 lbs. its a start.

    Curls: two sets, 8 X 40s. Nothing extraordinary here.

    Roman Chair: 2 sets, 8 with 55 lbs extra. Back extension if that makes more sense.

    Leg Curl: 2 sets of 8 (again), 220lbs. Gonna have to find another way to do that, maxed out the machine.

    Leg Extension: 2 sets of 8, 230 and 255 lbs. respectively.

    For a first day I was really happy to see how much of my strength I had retained, I still have a ways to go however.

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