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Everything posted by justinj212

  1. Was going by what IGN said in their review, where the game is listed as being on the Mac. I'm not 100% sure about that atm, but I can get back to you. But I appreciate the comment
  2. Danny Baranowsky will be interviewed on Radio Free Gamer tomorrow, Wednesday the 20th, about his soundtrack for the newly-released Super Meat Boy for the Xbox 360, Wii, PC, and Mac. IGN Editor Daemon Hatfield referred to Baranowsky's chiptune soundtrack to Super Meat Boy as "the best I've heard since Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game", which is high praise considering the amazing quality of the . Join Radio Free Gamer this Wednesday from 7-9 PM Eastern at 8BitX.com to hear the interview, as well as other great video game music. If you cannot listen live, be sure to download the podcast when it is posted later this week. The interview will also be posted to Youtube. If you have any questions you want asked during the interview, please feel free to leave them here!
  3. Hey all, I've posted part 2 in my series "A Guide to the VGM Scene." This part of the series focuses on remixing culture and sites where you can download video game remixes. It includes quotes from OCRemixers to give it some insight as to the motivations behind remixing vgm. I hope you enjoy it! The article is here. If you can, I'd appreciate upvotes on Digg, Reddit, or N4G and any mentions on Twitter or the like. If you like the article, I also host a podcast featuring free VGM. The links are in my sig.
  4. Some fun tracks in there. Really dug the eastern styles on the Shadowrun track, and it's great to see that game get some attention. Anyway, would you mind if I played a few of these tracks on my radio show/podcast, Radio Free Gamer? PM me if you have any questions about the show, or check out the links in my sig. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the insightful responses! I aim to have the article done by Thursday, and if I quote you I'll send you a draft before I publish the article.
  6. Hey all! I'm prepping to write a short article introducing people to the video game music remixing community and places they can find remixes. As part of the introduction I wanted to explain the appeal behind remixing, that is, why musicians choose to remix vgm. It would be very presumptuous of me to answer that question myself, so I wanted to get your thoughts on it! For you remixers - What is the appeal of remixing video game music and becoming a part of the remixing community? For everyone - What is the appeal of listening to video game remixes? Your responses would be greatly appreciated, and if I quote you I'll send you a draft of the article so I don't horribly misconstrue your answers. If anyone's interested, the article will be posted on my blog.
  7. Oh man, wow. I never played TES 1 or 2, but 3 and 4 were amazing. I didn't put much emphasis on exploring the game world itself, but rather on finding exploits in the leveling system to make my character as powerful as possible. It kinda reminds me of the WoW episode of South Park. I did tons of grinding to have this powerful character, but I hadn't really experienced the game at all. Maybe I'll go back to Oblivion myself to try and appreciate it more.
  8. Hey all! I'd just like to remind everyone about the interview with DarkeSword and invite you to post any questions you want me to ask during the show. The interview will be live, so feel free to post here or join the chat during the show if you want your FF5 questions (or any other questions) answered. If you really wanted to go the extra yard, you could even leave me a voicemail (with questions for DarkeSword, song requests, or other comments) at 206-984-3330 or via Skype at RadioFreeGamer and I'll play it on the air! This is a newly added feature to boost interactivity and get your opinions out there in your own voice. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you guys tonight at 7PM Eastern on 8BitX.com.
  9. DarkeSword will be joining us this Wednesday the 15th to discuss the Final Fantasy V remix project! It is certainly one of the most underrated FF games, but think of tunes like "Clash on the Big Bridge (Battle with Gilgamesh)", "Dear Friends", and "As I Feel, You Feel" and imagine the possibilites for a remix project! The interview will happen LIVE, so be sure to jump in the chat during the show to ask your questions! As always, we'll have more free video game and video game-inspired music for you guys. Join us live on Wednesday at 7PM Eastern only on the 8BitX Internet Radio Network! If you can't listen live, hit up the podcast!
  10. I've started a series of articles entitled "A Guide to the Video Game Music Scene", aimed at introducing readers to some of the facets of the video game music community. Part 1 focuses on original soundtracks, where you can find them, and which ones you should listen to first. I know this information probably won't be anything new for the people on this forum, but if you like it I'd appreciate it if you'd spread it around so that other people can get an introduction into VGM. I've posted the article on Digg, Reddit, and N4G if you want to upvote it on any of those. Thanks!
  11. I enjoyed the album very much! "human:disengage" is my favorite track, but I love the epic orchestral feel of some of the other mixes. I haven't checked out any of the originals yet, but I will soon. Thanks for posting! Please post here if you have any other album releases, I'd definitely be interested.
  12. Hey all! The first-anniversery episode of Radio Free Gamer is going on right now at http://8bitx.com/streams.html! Check it out We have dwelling of duels, Overcoat's new album, Shiryu's new album, and more lined up for tonight. Randy from Elder-Geek.com will also drop by to discuss their coverage of E3. Tonight will be a really fun show, so if you can't listen live be sure to download the podcast at http://feeds.feedburner.com/radiofreegamerpodcast. Thanks!
  13. Hey all! This week on Radio Free Gamer we will feature an interview with MegaRan and K-Murdock concerning their upcoming album, "Forever Famicom"! This album is fantastic and may really change how video game music is viewed in the hip hop community (and vice versa)! One random listener will also win a FREE copy of "Forever Famicom", so be sure to tune in live at http://8BitX.com/Streams.html and join us in the chat at http://8Bitx.com/ircchat. The show airs on Wednesday from 7-9PM EST, and is added to the podcast at http://feeds.feedburner.com/RadioFreeGamerPodcast on Sundays. We hope to see you this week!
  14. This week on Radio Free Gamer, nerdcore rapper Beefy joins us to discuss his latest album, "With Sprinkles." As always, we'll also play some great, free video game music. Afterwards, there will be all sorts of craziness on the 8 Bit Extravaganza as we rapidly approach our next 8 Bit Tournament! Will also announces the winner of this week's prize: a copy of the Oneups' latest album, "Super Mario Kart." Be sure to register on the forums at 8BitX.com in order to be eligible. Radio Free Gamer airs Wednesdays from 7-9PM EST on 8Bitx.com, and the 8 Bit Extravaganza follow from 9-11PM EST. If you can't listen live, be sure to download the podcast via the links in my sig! Thanks, and we hope to see you this week at 8BitX.com!
  15. Donated. Cheers from the 8BitX crew.
  16. Be sure to tune in to Radio Free Gamer tonight, as we will be giving away some epic Lord of the Rings Online swag! That's right, the great people at Turbine Studios provided us with some signed Art and Music Books for Lord of the Rings Online. Not only do they have some beautiful concept art, but they come with a CD of the LotRO Mines of Moria soundtrack! This is something you can't get anywhere else, so be sure to tune in live at 7PM EST tonight. Listen live here, and be sure to join us in the chat room if you want to win! As for the show itself, we will play some tracks from the Duck Hunt HD Remix soundtrack and do an album review of the 100 Rogues soundtrack! Everything we play on RFG is free to download, so listen live and discover some great VGM artists.
  17. Sweet! Will take a listen tonight. Thanks for putting the word out, I'm really looking forward to it.
  18. We'll miss you Wes! For everybody else, listen live right now at 8bitx.com/streams.html!
  19. This week's RFG is jam-packed with excellent features. First and foremost, Tommy Tallarico will join us to discuss the upcoming Video Games Live special on PBS! He gives us some great insight to his concert series, answers your questions (thanks again for submitting such excellent questions!), and even reads off his OWN PERSONAL LIST OF NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR VGL! You interested in knowing what one of the largest VGM concerts around has coming up in terms of new music? You can find out right here! We will also feature the new DKC2 album, give you the lowdown on why it's one of the best OCR albums yet, and discuss a couple of tracks. We do this live, so if you want us to air your opinions of the album and join in the discussion, be sure to join us in the chat room tonight! Finally, on a more serious note, we will air a special tribute to Nujabes. His music is truly amazing, and if you've never heard of him we'll show you exactly why he was one of the greatest hip hop producers ever. We'll also feature some excellent fan arrangements from the community here at OCR, so be sure to check it out as well. So, be sure to join us live from 7-9PM EST only at 8BitX.com. Tune in here, and definitely join in the chat here. Thanks, and we hope you can join us. If not, be sure to subscribe to the podcast.
  20. @Robotaki Thanks man, I definitely appreciate it. It's an awesome mix and I'd love to have it on the show. No, you haven't missed it yet. As it says in my sig, the show airs live on Wednesdays at 7PM EST at 8bitx.com.
  21. Thanks for all the submissions! We really appreciate the interest in the interview, and we see a few of your questions which we'd like to ask Tommy. We'll give a well-deserved shout-out to you guys during the interview! Be sure to check out the interview (and our feature on the DKC2 project) on Radio Free Gamer this Wednesday the 24th. Tune in at 7PM EST at http://8bitx.com/streams.html and chat at http://8bitx.com/ircchat! If you can't listen live, be sure to check out the podcast here, but we'd really really love to have you guys join us live! Thanks!
  22. Going to do a tribute to Nujabes at the end of next week's Radio Free Gamer. Any requests? Also, @Robotaki, would you mind if I played your remix as part of it?
  23. I stared at the thread title for a solid minute, utterly dumbstruck. I didn't know until now. It's a shame his music isn't as widely known here in America. A lot of people have seen Samurai Champloo, but his entire body of work is utterly amazing and really should be checked out. It has the kind of poignant emotional content which is so rare and special. He will be missed. RIP
  24. Good question! Any more out there? We'd really like to have a couple from the fans, and we figured OCR would be a good place to get some.
  25. This week RFG falls on St. Patrick's Day. In order to celebrate, we're going to have a feature on Irish and Celtic influences on VGM! Kenley Kristofferson, host of Into the Score, will join us to lend his musical expertise. Join us to listen to some Irish-influenced VGM, drink some Guinness, and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the 8BitX crew! After RFG, Will continues the celebration with a night of craziness fueled by classic video games and adult beverages! Listen live and join in the chat, all at 8BitX.com! Radio Free Gamer starts at 7PM EST this Wednesday, and the fun continues with the 8-Bit Extravaganza at 9PM EST. Hope to see you there!
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