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Everything posted by justinj212

  1. Hey all! Listen to Radio Free Gamer this Wednesday at 7PM EST only on http://radiofreegamer.8bitx.com/ to hear a spotlight on OCRemixer and Composer Mattias Häggström Gerdt (Another Soundscape). We will air an exclusive interview discussing his site and his work scoring Xbox games, play tracks from those games and from OCR, and air a (semi) exclusive preview track from the upcoming Xbox game Kaleidoscope. If you can't listen live, stay tuned for the podcast. I'll have the podcast for last week's show (spotlighting the UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra) available sometime later tonight or tomorrow morning at http://radiofreegamer.8bitx.com/.
  2. I'll be there, with about 20 ppl from the GSO.
  3. That's 7PM EST, as I was asked to clarify. I suppose being on the East Coast almost my entire life has left me with some sort of time zone bias
  4. Hey all, My new podcast themed around free VGM will air live tomorrow night at 7PM, only on 8bitx.com! It will then be available to download as a podcast from 8bitx.com. Each week I will feature spotlights on VGM artists, with music and exclusive interviews! This week I will showcase the UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra with recordings from their recent concert and an interview with some of the head honchos there. Anyway, I hope this will be the next big thing: an outlet for new VGM artists to promote themselves and for people to learn about and download some of the amazing VGM that's scattered around the internets. So please help spread the word, and tomorrow at 7PM point your browsers at 8bitx.com! -Justin Johnston
  5. Hey all, My new podcast for free VGM airs next Wednesday, June 3rd at 7PM on 8bitx.com! The goal of this podcast is to introduce people to the many VGM artists on the internets, particularly those who offer their music free to download. I will have music, listener interaction via chat and Skype, and interviews with VGM pplz such as: -The UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra -Larry Oji (Liontamer) -Mattias Häggström (Another Soundscape) -Andrew Luers (OA) -Shinobininja And many more! Tune in live Wednesday June 3rd at 7PM, or download later as a podcast from 8bitx.com! I will have the exact address for the podcast in a bit, so stay tuned! Also, if anyone would like to point me towards some free VGM, would like to be interviewed, or has an idea for the show (perhaps a nifty segment or way to improve interaction between the audience and me) drop me a line at radiofreegamer@gmail.com! Also, if you're on twitter, follow justinj212 for updates! Thanks, -Justin Johnston
  6. Hey all! Recordings of the UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra's Spring 2009 concert are available on our website! Check out http://umd.gamersymphony.org/ for the free downloads! We are also on twitter under GamerSymphony and on Facebook under the group "Gamer Symphony Orchestra." Check them all out! They are officially the best thing on the internets.
  7. Hey all, I mentioned a while back that I was starting up a new podcast, Radio Free Gamer, on 8bitx.com. I'll feature VGM (original soundtracks, remixes, arrangements, or music related to video games) that can be downloaded for free on the internets. My goal is for this show to become a source for people to learn more about the many and varied VGM artists on the net. To that end I need some online sources for free VGM as described above. Anything goes, as long as it's related to video games and is free to download. Please either respond to this thread with links, PM me, or email me at radiofreegamer@gmail.com. Please send anything fitting the description, I need as many sources as I can possibly get. If you yourself are a VGM artist and would like to be on the show, let me know. I'd also like to do some Skype interviews, as those are always fun. I aim to start the show in June. Until then, you can check out the other shows on 8bitx.com. My show will be available as a podcast, and will also be aired regularly on 8bitx.com. I'll post again when the show is available. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (latest) This week Radio Free Gamer will interview MAGFest PR Director Nick Marinelli! We'll also give away 2 free passes to MAGFest! If you want the skinny on how to win, check out the forum post at 8BitX. As always, we're live from 7-9PM Eastern on Wednesday. If you guys have any questions about the contest, or if there's anything you want me to discuss with Nick during our interview, please leave them here or email them to me at radiofreegamer@gmail.com. Thanks!
  8. Excellent, but I think asking for a review from me is a conflict of interest >_> Thanks to everyone who checked out the arrangement and interview. Again I'd invite you to check out some more of our recordings on our website. And if anyone can make it, please come to our FREE show, this Saturday May 9th at 3PM in the Dekelboum Theater of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center on the UMD Campus. We're also on twitter @GamerSymphony, and have a facebook group "Gamer Symphony Orchestra." Check them out for regular updates!
  9. Thanks for posting the link. And I understand if you only want to listen to the preview tracks and the interview. Naturally they're at the end of the show, but you can skip right to them Thanks for all who tuned in and downloaded/will download the show. It will also be available on my podcast for about two weeks or so. I have to stop hosting them at the end of the semester, as I will no longer be in college and thus no longer protected by laws governing school radio stations. However, I will have a new show starting soon (June or so!) featuring all free VGM-related music. Naturally I'll feature OCR, but I'll also delve into stuff that doesn't get as much airtime. I'd also love to get monthly interviews from remixers, composers, artists, etc. just like I did for this FF4 project. I guess my point is, keep an eye out for that. And if you have any sources for free (legally free!) VGM, or VGM-inspired or related stuffs then I'd appreciate some links!
  10. i'm glad it meets your approval o_O
  11. Hey all, This Monday from 8-10AM EST, 8-Bit Radio on WMUC FM will air an exclusive interview with Final Fantasy 4 project director Andrew Luers (OA). The interview focuses on the conception and goals of the project. Best of all, I will also air two FULL LENGTH TRACKS from the project! The only place to get them is 8-Bit Radio on WMUC FM! If you're in College Park MD, tune in to 88.1FM this Monday May 4th from 8-10AM. If you're not, you can listen live or download later at WMUCRADIO.COM. It's free to listen to and download. If you like the show, be sure and check out my podcast via the link in my sig. We can only host the podcast until the end of the semester tho, so you may want to hurry up and download all my old eps.
  12. Hey all, As it says in my sig, I host a weekly radio program on UMD's FM and online station, WMUC. The VGM-themed show (8-Bit Radio) has been a blast for me, and I don't really want to let it die when I graduate next month. However, I can no longer take safe haven under laws for school stations, laws that let me play whatever I want. My solution? Start a new show featuring free VGM (original, remixes, covers, video game-related music, etc.). It would be a podcast, updated weekly and featuring about an hour and a half of music/talk/interviews/what have you. The issue? I need to learn more about web hosting, and come to a decision about who to use there. I was thinking about using Square Space ($8 a month) to make a home page, and then use Amazon S3 ($0.10 per GB) to actually host the podcast. Does anyone have any experience with this, or other suggestions? I also would like to have some sort of regular airing of the show on some VGM internet radio stations. If any of you know of some such stations and could give me contact info, I would really appreciate it. I'd also like to know how to get the show on ITunes' podcast directory. Lastly, I need a name for the podcast. I was thinking "Radio Free VGM" but I'm not sold on it yet. Any ideas more creative than my own would be welcome. I'll keep you all updated on it. Thanks!
  13. could I get a sticky on my thread about the GSO concert? called "FREE Orchestra VGM Concert @UMD 5/9" thanks!

  14. The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra will hold its Spring 2009 concert on Saturday, May 9th at 3PM in the Dekelboum Concert Hall at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. Admission is FREE, and the event is family friendly! Come here our 90-member orchestra and choir perform selections from games such as Metal Gear Solid, Katamari Damacy, Kirby, Smash Brothers, Halo, and more! Our past concerts have been very exciting, but this will be the best yet in the biggest performing space on campus! Help us fill the 1200 seats in Dekelboum Hall and bring your family and friends! To access free recordings of our previous concerts, please see our homepage. Please help us spread the word, as success at this concert could have great implications for us down the road. Who: The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra What: FREE Spring Concert When: Saturday May 9th, 3PM Where: Dekelboum Hall, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, UMD Campus Web: http://umd.gamersymphony.org/ Please help spread the word!
  15. Indeed I was, plugging the GSO as usual. And it's going to be awesome, just a matter of how many people we can get there.
  16. Amen. The game is also almost as bad as Counter-Strike Source in doling out random headshots. God help you if you're running up one of the multitude of stairs and someone at the top shoots at you. Instant headshot. It's still a pretty fun game, and the single player is amazing, but while online I couldn't help but ask myself why I wasn't playing COD4.
  17. The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra's third annual Deathmatch for Charity will be held on Sunday March 8th from 1-6PM in the Colony Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union. All proceeds will go to benefit Child's Play, a non-profit organization which provides toys to children's hospitals. A suggested donation of $5 at the door gets you access to free play video games and tabletop games, a live GSO performance, music by 8-Bit Radio, displays by local gaming, music, and anime clubs, our name-that-tune contest, and more! There is an additional entry fee PER tournament if you wish to enter them. These are separate from the free play games and run at the following times: $3 Tetris 1PM $5 Street Fighter 2 HD Remix 1PM $3 Guitar Hero 3 2PM $5 Smash Brothers Brawl 3:45PM Please visit our homepage at umd.gamersymphony.org to register or to learn more about our tournaments and free play games. Email umdgso@gmail.com with any questions. WHO: The UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra WHAT: Video Game Tournaments and Free Play Benefitting Child's Play WHEN: Sunday March 8th, 1-6PM WHERE: Colony Ballroom, Stamp Student Union WHY: Have fun and help raise money for a good cause! WEB: www.umd.gamersymphony.org, www.childsplaycharity.org EMAIL: umdgso@gmail.com ALSO, we may be looking for local OCR'ers to rep OCR at the event. Keep this in mind, and I'll keep you posted!
  18. you could also look into specific remixers. if there were any mixes you really liked out of the ones you mentioned, do a search for the remixer under "artist" on the left-hand side, and listen to some of their other mixes. It's a good way to find music from games you've never heard of.
  19. Hey,

    This is Justin Johnston with 8-Bit Radio, an all VGM radio show on the University of Maryland's public radio station, WMUC. I attended the OCR panel at Magfest 7 and I'd really like to have you on my show to discuss the upcoming FFIV remix project. If you have Skype, I could record a conversation over that. If you don't have it, it's basically AIM with voice chat that's free to download and use to call from computer to computer. I'd like to record around 15-20 minutes worth of useable material, so it should probably take a little over half an hour. If you're interested, please let me know when you'd be free to talk. Links to the show are in my forum sig. Thanks!

    -Justin Johnston (justinj212)

  20. Thanks for the suggestions. Keep them coming! I really need anything you could think of. All of the above, as long as the arrangements, covers, and remixes are of original VGM. Sorry I didn't make that clear
  21. Hello all, I host a VGM radio show on UMD's public radio station WMUC. I need your suggestions to help me fill my weekly 2-hour time slot. It can be from any video game, just as long as it was written for that game (though I have occasionally delved into licensed soundtracks). Just need to know what games you would like to hear played on the show. PS- see the links in my sig to listen to the show and subscribe to my podcast!
  22. I got about 50 blisters on my palms and ruined the control sticks on about 3 controllers playing that damn tug of war mini-game.
  23. Just trying to make a statement people could support or refute. Not saying that's necessarily my opinion. Sheesh....
  24. I know! I guess it is a beta version or maybe developer hax.
  25. I wanted a SNES soooooooooooooo bad, was 4 when it came out in 1991 and got it for Christmas in 1992 along with Turtles in Time. In the mean time I was playing Punch Out, Mario, Marble Madness, Kung Fu, and Battletoads on my NES and avoiding commercials like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRO_bVJqkkQ
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