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Everything posted by justinj212

  1. excellent guitar arrangement, and things just build from there. I enjoyed this very much, and the choice of synths worked well. good work.
  2. woah, synth cello metal. would love to hear this performed live. very excellent arrangement of an equally excellent song. the drums were a little heavy toward the end, when the piano came back in. otherwise no real complaints. good work!
  3. very groovy, especially takes off around 2:10. always love some funky synths, especially when the original is so awesome. enjoyed it very much, and it ends with a bang.
  4. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .......?
  5. had no idea what to expect, but the synths were very funky and refreshing will definitely come back to this mix again. good job!
  6. awesome song, and the mix feels very retro. parts of it sound like Sega Genesis music, which I liked. the drums at the end were good as well.
  7. very awesome mix, focuses a bit more on the "streets" than on the "rage." kind of a different take on the beat-em-up game, and I like it a lot. good work!
  8. very good stuff, definitely worthy of addition to the dungeon-grinding playlist on my mp3 player (is it bad that I have one of those? >_>) . Look forward to reviewing your next.
  9. I always like a song with a good, steady beat. The differences between the source and this mix were subtle, but present. Good job.
  10. ZOMG I'm really looking forward to this. Recently rediscovered the DKC2 soundtrack, has some fantastic stuff and I know you guys will do it justice. Keep us posted!
  11. very good stuff, I was tapping my toes to the upbeat sound. The synths are really retro at parts, especially right at the end. Reminds me a lot of vgm back then.
  12. I liked the groove in this, very funky and the synths give it a unique sound. good work!
  13. Hey all, Thanks for everyone's support for the GSO. For those of you who aren't familiar with our group, we're a student group at the University of Maryland dedicated to performing orchestral arrangement of video game music. We have most of the recordings from our December 2008 concert up on our website free to download. We'll have a recording of our finale 'Korobeiniki' up soon, I'll update this thread when it's available. Thanks! -Justin Johnston
  14. good stuff, was tapping along with the drums the whole time. funky synths over the top of it really bring it to the next level. good job!
  15. starts off setting a very nice mood, but I'm not too crazy about the guitar when it's introduced. I think there was another one in the background behind it, and if so I'd like to hear it with just the one in the background. I just think it clashes a little too much with the acoustic guitar which is key in establishing the atmosphere.
  16. I do kind of think the chiptune-y sounds kind of sound out of place, especially when you introduce the synths around 1:50. they sound good on their own, but maybe a different synth could have been used for the chiptunes.
  17. I like the use of the sound effects from the game ("GO!"). Certainly brings back memories. Also liked the snares and drums, really keep the pace nice and upbeat. Not too wild about the synths, but they're faithful to the original track. Good job overall!
  18. working my way up OA's list of songs to be reviewed, I finally get to listen to something I've actually played! Very nice and subtle piece, has a good emotional feel to it. I really like that music box theme at the end, goes very well with the concept in the title. Brings to mind a music box held to remember an old promise.
  19. wow, what is that deep voice? it's like undead Barry White >_> seriously I'll wake up in a cold sweat tonight hearing that voice over the synths and awesome drums. good job.
  20. does kind of take a minute to get going, but I absolutely love the funky bass line. good job.
  21. not sure what the synth was supposed to be around 0:22, maybe a violin? sounds kind of weird, maybe a better synth could have been used. kind of feel like the drums drown out everything else midway through. I like the song and the arrangement, but some different choices could have been made in synth selection to really improve this. good effort!
  22. fun track, but I agree that it does kind of start up and end abruptly. nice transition in the middle! good job.
  23. I liked the integration of the voices in this track. I think this one does it properly, not thinking "play music-> stop music to deliver generic sci-fi quote-> continue with music". I like how they kind of hover in the background just beyond comprehension. Other than that, I'm not terribly fond of the high-pitched noise that occurs several times in the track, but that's just me Good job overall!
  24. wow, this is too short (and that's a good thing, since I liked it). I really liked the use of the synths, it gave the track a distinct flavor . would like to have seen this developed a little into something even better!
  25. wow, this really took me by surprise. love the variations between the funky baseline and the furious synths. the contrast really gives it something early on, and the synths around 2:20 are nice as well. Good job!
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