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Everything posted by Sengin

  1. Wow! I definitely enjoyed it. Thanks for much for writing one, and for sharing it. If my song ever gets on OCR, I'll be sure to leave a link here to it (or do you have it online somewhere on your own webpage?) in the comments section. Thanks again! It's beautiful. And thanks to Willrock for his time listening and reviewing. Haha, yeah it seems that way. That's why I didn't include the source . At first it was just Ice Cap, but then I really wanted to incorporate Hydrocity in there, and forgot to link to the source. Do you mind telling me exactly where, in the course of the whole song? The only notes I used to purposely sound dissonant are from 0:48-0:50. Other than that, I don't know what you are referring to. Are you sure you can't hear it (are you on headphones, lowered the master EQ for bass or the bass on your speakers)? The piano plays the role of the bass until 0:58, where the bass drum comes in, and it's there throughout the song (with variations, etc...) except at the very end and from 1:48-2:09 where the hydrocity section in being introduced. It's not quite Ice Cap, it's a section that was inspired by ice cap though. Yeah, I really love what came out of me for that transition I hope people like that section, because it took me such an incredibly long ass time to find a suitable way to mess with the hydrocity zone act 2 melody and make it interesting, but also in keeping with the style of non-standard notes that is hydrocity. Glad you like it! Do you think it is too long, or do you think it works as it is? I agree with the piano, I'm working on that (there is variation on the velocities everywhere, just not enough). I don't understand what you are meaning about the clashing notes and bass, though. Thanks!
  2. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you. And thank you too, MIT.
  3. Melee falco does not twirl and spin like brawl falco. If there were less "Look ma! I'mma dancer!!!" moves and more moves that could hit (i.e. his melee nair), he could fastfall after a laser, and he wasn't sluggish (though that could just be the new game engine and not have anything to do with him at all), then things would be different and I'd probably still play him. Oh, do people still play online much anymore?
  4. He's also fairly quick and maneuverable. And jeez, that's a beasty second jump. Though his dair moving him down? Argh I hate that. I want to spike THEM, not commit suicide, thank you.
  5. I played Brawl for a while yesterday after not having played it in quite some time, as there's a tournament coming up in less than two weeks and I want to at least start getting used to the gameplay (every time I try, I just can't play for a long time because I get angry with how sluggish it is. That and tripping - "Haha! You fell for my bait! I'm gonna grab y~ face plant. And now I'm eating a smash, my reward for tricking you"). I don't know why, but I've gotten used to Peach. Of all the characters. I know, I know, not awful, but still. I guess she's quick enough on the ground to remind me of melee, in initial dash speed or something, I dunno (that and one of the only real "techniques" you can use with her, the shield boost thing where you throw a turnip - it makes it feel like I'm actually doing something - I can't stop l-cancelling every damn aerial and I still want to wavedash). I'll play toon link occasionally, but I'm not too familiar with him yet, though I do like him and will probably use both in the tourney. The transition has been difficult for me from melee to brawl. Speaking of, I also played melee yesterday. And if felt SO right. I missed falco so damn much.
  6. Doesn't mean that he isn't bad to play against. This was a good spammy Pit. Pit vs. Metaknight is not a fun match to watch. Unfortunately, that is what the finals came down to at the last tournament. Bargh.
  7. You can change the timings in StepMania, you know. It's in the stepmania.ini file. Here's the settings for In The Groove (just paste over the corresponding lines): JudgeWindowSecondsAttack=0.130000 JudgeWindowSecondsBoo=0.180000 JudgeWindowSecondsGood=0.135000 JudgeWindowSecondsGreat=0.102000 JudgeWindowSecondsMarvelous=0.021500 JudgeWindowSecondsMine=0.070000 JudgeWindowSecondsOK=0.320000 JudgeWindowSecondsPerfect=0.043000 JudgeWindowSecondsRoll=0.350000
  8. Yep, it does. I've gone through and edited all the piano velocities, but because I don't have a midi keyboard, I don't see just how much velocities are altered, so I think a difference of say, 80 to 95 is plenty. However, it is not. But after thinking it is, you start to miss out on the fact that it isn't. Thanks for reminding me. I think it's both, but after thinking about it, I do think it could start a little louder. What exactly are you referring to here? I've got a few ideas I'm racked my brain, but I can't come up with a good enough transition. I guess I just haven't thought enough yet. I've tried a couple ideas here and there over time, and came up with nothing other than the general ice cap theme for a bit, then more of a sax duel before transitioning into the next part. But I haven't gotten to thinking about this part for a while yet, so I'm bound to come up with something. ...I just got an idea, we'll see how it goes... You know, I had that in a note I wrote to myself somewhere, but it got lost and forgotten with focus on other things over time. Thanks for the reminder! Yep, but it's probably just my stubbornness. I'll give it a shot (I'll probably remove the first section before the left hand comes in). Again, thanks for the review! I'm sure I'll have another one up soon, and maybe you won't have any complains then I see many people downloading the wip, even if it's only a single critique, can you please leave something? Most of the posts in this thread are by me, and I'd sure like to hear other people's opinions. Thanks!
  9. Updated! Hopefully for the last time. There are a host of new changes, on a medium to small scale. Panning, volume, instrument changes (slightly), timing differences, EQ, more variance in the drums, some new notes, changed intro to be a bit more jazzy leading into the first section, and more. Check it out! And please leave feedback. http://www.box.net/shared/7p1s1cfsws
  10. Thank you again for your review and comments, they are much appreciated! Also, I responded to those questions in the post. Man, doesn't it suck when you spend a couple hours trying things just to come to terms with that it doesn't work? Ah well.
  11. I updated a slightly updated version. Fixed drums a little in a small section, took out some focus from piano and added some flamenco guitar in a section. About the guitar: yes? no? Opinions? I still have a lot to do, including the panning on the guitar and piano starting at the part after the Ice Cap section (and more). EDIT: Uploaded a more updated version. Changed some EQ for the high range starting at the sax ice cap, raised the high ranges of the piano to make it brighter, changed some panning around, and various other tweaks and such. The transition from hydrocity to ice cap is indeed awkward as of now, I know. That's just where I started messing with the EQ. I'll work on that, and other transitions, tomorrow. Any comments? http://www.box.net/shared/7p1s1cfsws
  12. Unfortunately, I think it's impossible in the scope of the game to go without doing that. That's the only thing that doesn't really go with a programmer - you would never call a function that did something that was unneeded. But within the scope of this game, it added to the puzzle element and made it more difficult. But that's ok because it was a puzzle game, after all.
  13. Fixed, your variables had far too long a name. Function name was on the right track, though.
  14. It depends if you are a programmer or a Computer Scientist. Computer Scientists do the best they can to make their code either a) as small as possible, or run as fast as possible. In most cases, it's a mix of the two depending on resources. In some cases, you need to make your code pretty small. While functions do make life easier, its other purpose is to decrease the space needed to hold the .exe in RAM and when not running, on the HD (also to increase readability of the source code, to keep certain parts (i.e. the functions) in the cache so that it doesn't cause a page fault and have to fetch it from HD, which could actually DECREASE the efficiency and speed of the program). Either way, this is indeed a fun puzzle game, but it definitely holds merit into showing how programmers think or need to think (while not in ALL cases, but in some cases - in this case, as programming to make your code very small and for functions to keep common sections of code in the cache (tidbit of knowledge: 90% of a process' life is running the same 10% of the process). EDIT: Finished the game. Lots of fun. I like how the achievement says: " Game completed – We know this is easy if you're a programmer. Don't rub your brilliance in the faces of us simple-minded folk." Yes, I am a Computer Scientist (student).
  15. Super Mario 64. 100%. Well, it's not me, but it's still damn awesome and I figured other people would want to see it. NOTE: it's about 1 hour and 40 minutes (and tool assisted, but that doesn't take away from the awesome. If you want to see non tool-assisted, head this way: http://speeddemosarchive.com/demo.pl?Mario64_SS_100p_20940 . There is also info for the 120-star run, a 70-star run, and a 16-star run here: http://speeddemosarchive.com/Mario64.html ). For myself, probably Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I'm not sure the time it took, but I have played it so often over the years I blast through it (though I take my time on Hydrocity because the music is just TOO DAMN AWESOME) in ...I don't even know, it's been a while. I guess I should play it again.
  16. No, I wouldn't mind at all. In fact, please do. I am flattered that you want to write a poem that my song inspired! Just at least let me know when it's finished Thanks for taking the time to listen and post! I thought about that, but there was recently a good-quality mix posted at 6:30, plus DiscoDan has his Triforce Majure that clocks in at 7:20. I was hoping to find a good VBR encoder, but priority was on working on the mix and finishing it. Do you mean the transition at 0:28? I have strings in the background, but it is a bit faded, and it does stop immediately at the first note... Can you please provide a time in which is doesn't work? Do you think that 0:47-0:49 has too much clash? EDIT: I found two notes in another track that caused a lot of the bad dissonance. I'll try to upload a version soon without it. Hmm...thanks. I will take a good look at it. I've been trying to figure out why the whole mix sounds "odd" to me and how to fix it, and I think that's why (not enough of the spectrum at all times) and a tool to help fix it. What instrument would you recommend for the highs? Synth/flute, or something different? Yes, I know, and I am working on it, though besides adding something in the bg at the transition times, I'm a little stuck at the moment. I figured they were for the most part (what did you think of the drums at the piano/sax hydrocity part?). I don't think drums are my forte...well, this being my first mix, I'm still trying to FIND my forte . Do you think just spicing up the rhythm would help, or do you think new drums or keeping the rhythms but changing the sample to a different kind of drum would help? Thanks! It's a remix of Ice Cap and Hydrocity Acts I and II. And I was a little worried about it not being interpretive enough, but I don't think I am anymore. Thank you for your critique and comments. I have some more energy for working on this now, I think I just needed another person (or 2) to have a listen and to give me feedback.
  17. Routers don't use sound waves as their choice of communication. Light and sound are different types of waves. Light waves are radio/micro/IR/visible/UV/XRay/Gamma/Cosmic waves, and are used everywhere from routers, phones, radios, medical equipment, etc. These are transverse waves. Sound waves, on the other hand, are longitudinal waves, which are caused by anything moving, which cause the molecules in the air to compress and rarefact. These waves have different properties (like actually moving the air around it). The different types of waves are why you need eyes AND ears, and why you can't "hear" light or "see" sound (synthesia is a bit different, I mean how your eyes do not pick up and translate sound waves into something your brain can understand - that's what your ear is for, and vice versa with your ears and light waves).
  18. In the same respect, it could just disappear, move out of the 3 dimensions we live in, or do something we haven't even thought of. Since the action of dividing by 0 is undefined, perhaps what happens is undefined. If it's undefined, then there is absolutely no possibility of it happening, so there's no need to try and find out what would happen. Or, our mathematical system could be missing a key concept that allows things that are currently undefined to occur. In that case, then we really don't know what would happen. At the question of hearing tones >20KHz: I don't really know. I assume that tones near 20KHz we just wouldn't hear and wouldn't cause damage, but at some point, I imagine that it would hurt, but you still wouldn't be able to hear it. I assume that a 20Hz tone and a 20KHz tone at the same volume have different energies. Because the 20KHz has to vibrate a lot faster in the same amount of time, it has more energy. What would happen if it were a 1MHz tone (1,000KHz)? The energy there would be massive, and my guess is that it would screw up part of your ear/inner ear (cochlea, etc...), and brain, at the least. Hmm...if something traveled an infinite distance in 0 seconds, wouldn't that mean that it's omnipresent and is everywhere at the same time? Kinda like static? But what happens at the 13 billion or so light years away from Earth at the end of the universe? Warp around to the other side? Change dimensions? Random worm hole? Ceases existence?
  19. I've sold one thing on Amazon: a brand new ipod with case. I sold it for $175, after amazon's cut and whatnot they sent my bank account a credit for $162.50. Electronics are on the cheaper side of what they take out though; if you're selling things like antiques though, they take a bigger cut (I think the highest they take is 15%). It was rather easy to set up, I sold my item in less than a week (I also actually saved the person $75, unlike most who try to sell their item for $5 or so less), and they paid me right after the 14 days to set up my account (or rather, the option to disburse funds became available, so I clicked it). Overall, great experience, and if I had something else to sell, I would most likely use Amazon.
  20. Well, since the human ear on average can't detect pitches greater than 20KHz or so, a person couldn't hear it. As for your second question, ...possibly. Before you get to a point in time one second from now, you must get to a point in time 0.5 seconds from then. But before that, you must get to a point in time 0.25 seconds from then, etc... If you think about it like that, then yes, it would get to the positives. However, if you think about it a bit differently in that it's not based on time elapsed, then no, it would not get to the positives, or even to 0 for that matter. But since it would be digitally replicated, it wouldn't be at an infinite resolution (that would be analog), and since speakers have a maximun frequency they can output, it would just sound really low pitched for a whlie, get higher, then sound really high pitched for a short while, disappear out of your hearing range for a brief moment, have a really high pitch getting lower and lower. Edit: Wow, 5 posts as I was typing mine.
  21. I definitely prefer DH rather than pitcher-hitting. Those two are such different skills that I think it balances out having one guy pitch really well (I mean, the guy pitching is the primary defense guy on the team) and one guy hit really well. I grew up in Southern NH and will say that I like the Red Sox. But as far as the national league goes, I got a chance to see a Mets vs. Rockies game in NYC over the summer (7-0 Mets) and will say that I like the Mets as well.
  22. And yes, it is a hell of a lot harder than 4-panel stuff. Well, I cannot vouch for PIU:Pro because I've not played it, but there are songs on previous incarnations of PIU that are insanely difficult (Dignity comes to mind).
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