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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. I promise I'll try to have something for "Dungeon" as soon as I can. Uni starts back on Monday, so I'll be a bit busy. I think I'll meet next deadline.
  2. holy shhhiiiiiiit dat trailerz with mah song DO WANT
  3. Two trailers for VV2 -- if you want ads for KNGI, that's the right time! :)

  4. All tracks claimed again! In order to celebrate.......... DOUBLE TRAILER TIME!!
  5. October 10 would be a latest for VV2 (with KNGI done for now, I prefer to give Kyle and I some time).

    And yeah, I totally forgot about "Dungeon" -- I'll see what I can do. When is next deadline?

  6. That's how Nomura refers to the KH games so far (including KH3). He said a new "saga" would begin after KH3.
  7. Wait and see. I'm currently playing through KH3D (quite good) and I have high expectations for the conclusion of the "Xehanort" saga.
  8. Re-bumping this: we have 1 track left (Slash from Rondo) and it'd be a shame if no one does it! Come and claim! Also, update: everything is coming along nicely -- the album is going to sound fantastic!!
  9. Not bad, I like how it sounds. I was hoping for more songs, but guess I'll have to wait, duh.
  10. One new finished track, and another one open! Come and claim!
  11. I already wrote a few orchestra remixes. I'm also intrigued and interested.
  12. I used Vegas for years, and for basic/medium VFX, there's no need for After Effects or other softwares, as Vegas can handle them pretty nicely.
  13. http://chernabogue.bandcamp.com/track/detective-whale Just wanted to share a little track with you guys, something I made a few weeks ago. It was inspired by blues and detective movies. From BandCamp: This track was composed as I wanted to try new jazzy/world samples. It has a nice blues / jazz feeling, and would fit an old detective movie. Hope you'll like it.
  14. All tracks are claimed, except the "bonus" one (from DXC), so we're good for now! Thanks everyone!
  15. KNGI Forums are (temporarily) down, so use PMs to contact me for VV2.
  16. Offering orchestra and drum programming if needed (like for Gunstar Heroes, hehe)
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