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Status Updates posted by Chernabogue

  1. Nope, I got no PM from you, man. Send again! :)

  2. Not even close! Only HL has it now. :lol:

  3. NP, that's my bad. Thanks a bunch for re-doing it. (BTW if you wanna change the second part of the Sturm solo, feel free to do so.)

  4. October 10 would be a latest for VV2 (with KNGI done for now, I prefer to give Kyle and I some time).

    And yeah, I totally forgot about "Dungeon" -- I'll see what I can do. When is next deadline?

  5. Of course! Your contribution will be credited! :D

  6. Oh and happy birthday too, have a good one! :)

  7. Oh and yes, the example I took could mislead you!

    I wanted to explain to people that they could arrange a theme from a villain, which is not their battle theme. But don't worry, "One-Winged Angel' will be fine! :)

  8. Oh crap, that's a typo! 0_o"

  9. Oh dude, you're here too! :D

  10. Oh man, you're so fast! Your track is now in blue! =P

    Well, good luck with your omfg-ingly huge to-do list, bud'! =)

  11. Oh you're right, I totally forgot about it. It'll be done later today. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  12. Oh, enjoy your holidays on the other side of the world, man! :D

  13. Okay, thanks for telling me! =)

  14. OMG it's already back on the panel!

  15. On the contrary, we encourage people to remix boss themes, no matter which boss it is! :) And yes, I think your remix, with some work, may fit the album! :)

  16. Once we're done with the three Game Over themes from FF1-3, we should release a collab EP with the three tracks and call it "You Just Fucking Died". :D

  17. Orchestra, with an ominous feeling. Something like this or that, but with good/better samples. :)

  18. Perfect then, it's already done! Nice job on Eino's track BTW. :wink:

  19. Perfect, thanks for the lightspeed answer, haha. :) I sent a quick reminder, and just wanted an update on everyone's track(s).

  20. Posted a first WIP in the PM project forum, go check it! :wink:

  21. Same here for The Shizz, I almost only check the project threads.

  22. Sorry, the texts were clear, and I didn't realize. The other stuff I needed to do draw my attention from it. Really sorry, my mistake. :S

  23. SoS is amazing! Thanks for making it so awesome, you did justice to the great game Sonic 1 is! Congrats on the release, bro! :wink:

  24. Sounds very good, thanks, you're a boss! (your PM box is full LOL)

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