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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Hi attached is a remix I produced using the score from the track "Astea's Voice" from the SEGA Saturn game Dragon Force. The track was produced to sound like a UK Hardcore anthem combined with the beauty and mystique of a classic RPG track. Remixer name: Tonberry_Hunter OCR user id: tonberry_hunter Real name: Robert Dunn Website: tonberryhunter.com Sega Sautrn Dragon Force "Astea's Voice" - Rob ---------------------------------------------------------------- Astea's Voice
  2. Contact Information * Remixer Name: Luhny * Real Name: Christoph Luhn * Email: luhn@gmx.at * Website: http://www.darksoulproject.com * UserID: 30857 Submission Information * Game: Final Fantasy Legend 2 * Song: Burning Blood * Add.Info.: Kenji Ito, Nobuo Uematsu, Gameboy, 1990 * Link to original: http://www.fantasyanime.com/saga/ffl2_burningblood1.mid * Own comments: There is probably no childhood memory of mine that I am more fond of than Final Fantasy Legend 2 for the Gameboy. I cannot recall how many times and with how many different partys I played this one. The most memorable thing about it is - in my opinion - the music. Burning Blood has accompanied me in my head over all those years and still is present as a melody that just makes me smile. I did a remix of this 5 years ago and tried to give the song a rock/metal flair to it. But I was absolutely clueless in terms of recording and mixing - as well as my guitar skill lacking. I was never satisfied with what I did there. Five years later I was able to make up with myself by doing another remix of this song. Finally it sounds like what I had in mind all those years before. I am happy with what came out in the end and I would like to share my joy with all of you. If this piece of music can at least give you a little hint of an nostalgic smile then I am already glad to have shared this one. Production wise I just want to say that the guitar parts are made via a Line6 Guitar Port and Propellerhead's Reason for the drum lines rewired into Cubase where I did the mixing. Well I guess that's it, I hope you enjoy listening. Take care --------------------------------------------------------------- Burning Blood
  3. ReMixer name: Kruai Real name: Asa Price Your email address: abprice@gmail.com UserID: 19037 Game: Sonic and Knuckles Song: Final Boss This is my second submission to OCRemix, Infinite Horizon. I loved the epicness of the final boss song from Sonic 3 (and Knucles), so I decided to make a remix of it. I made it with Reaper, after tweaking a bunch of virtual instruments to make this sound. I like making sounds that, combined, aren't normally heard together (i.e. the strings, rock guitar, sax, breakbeat drums all put together). I hope this one sounds nice to you guys! --------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Remixer Name: 4 Keys Real Name: Michael Dangremond Website:http://www.myspace.com/4keys USER ID: 22714 Name Of Game: Crystalis NES Name Of Song: Opening song Comments: Remix composed, performed, mixed, mastered and written by: Michael Dangremond. Additional Guitar tracks provided by: Adam Amos (Contact: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=515716143&ref=nf) My personal tribute to one of greatest Adventure RPG games on the NES (My opinion). Playing the game now leaves me stupefied at how I once beat it as a kid. Man! This game is difficult! Anyways, I hope you at least enjoy this rendition of mine. My good friend, Adam Amos provided some of the Lead Guitar Harmonies, Which I felt helped the tracking out. I am currently organizing some future tracks to submit depending how well this one does. Check out my band's myspace, We're also found on OURstage.com. -------------------------------------------------------------
  5. diotrans and I will be going too. Woop woop!
  6. I got 1:55 on any %, better than I thought I'd do. I remembered halfway through the game, down to my last life or two, that the game doesn't auto-save your progrress. That was a lucky recall, I got a game over on the next level after saving my game.
  7. Too conservative, and the instruments are thin. Keep working on it. NO (resubmit)
  8. J-hosted sub Remixer Name: DJ SymBiotiX Real Name: Fernando Chorney Website: http://www.djsbx.com Userid: 15925 Game Arranged: BeatBlox (http://megidolaon.com/beatblox/) Song Arranged: 4:51 PM by Jason Moses Link to Original Song: (You can hear the original song in this youtube video, the song starts at about 33 seconds in, it is the full and complete song)Link to Remix: http://www.djsbx.com/SUBMIT/451PMCSTREMIX.mp3 Comments:Well, I never intended this remix to be an OCReMix, but once I realized that this was from a game I decided to submit . My idea for this song was to pretty much take it out of its element. The original is straight up chiptune, and I wanted to trancify it. The song takes the original source from a breakbeat/trance genre into a smooth melodical trancy piano genre. Most of the main melody is pretty much the same as the original, but this is because I wanted to keep that integral part of the song intact. Like I said, the main goal was to take the song out of its chiptune element, and build an entirely new soundscape around the source tune, and I think this remix does that very well. I really hope you guys enjoy it, and hope that my improvement in mixing/mastering is good enough this time -------------------------------------------------------------- (song starts at 0:33)
  9. Contact Information • No Miss • Emil Ekberg and Patrick Lindgren • www.myspace.com/nomissmusic • userid: 26037 (Emil Ekbergs) Submission Information • The songs are from games ( in order of appearance ): • Mega Man 7, Castlevania, Duck Tales, Mega Man 2, Super Castlevania 4, Rygar, Donkey Kong Country • The song names ( in order of appearance ): • Wily stage 1, Wicked Child, The Moon, Stage Select, Theme of Simon Belmont, Den of Sagila, Gang-plank Galleon • This mix consists of songs from platformers. Arrangened in a metal style medley. -------------------------------------------------------------- , , , , , , Gang-Plank GalleonOok, these mega-medleys. It's rare to see one that meets the guidelines we have of having a consistent, singular piece and this one is no exception, I'm afraid. This is too disjointed to meet our criteria, and to boot, it's not that interpretive either. The Gang-Plank Galleon section was probably the most interesting - if you could expand that one a little, I could see that passing. The metal style you've got is pretty good. NO
  10. Contact Information TimReinink1992 Tim Reinink www.timreinink.tk 23698 Submission Information Final Fantasy VII Cid's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2WYkfGYD8k I heard the original theme, I liked it, so I made a remix of it... I hope this one is qualified, because it was a lot of work. I don't know if I had to give my mix a title, if so? name it: Cid's Dream Thanks for your time -------------------------------------------------------------- Cid's Theme
  11. If you listened to OCAD, you'd already know. But for the rest of ya, it's DragonAvenger! Does she avenge dragons? Is she a dragon that avenges? We may never know! But please give her a hand as she helps us tackle the neverending pile of subs!
  12. With the advent of non-game titles on VG platforms (I'm a proud owner of My Japanese Coach ), we have to draw a cutoff somewhere, lest we start accepting mixes from any Windows program. Music for an operating system definitely should not count, though if there was a game native to the Wii, like built into the OS, the music IN THAT GAME would be OK. Sure, some programs like edutainment games get fuzzy whether they are a game or not, and we'd handle that case-by-case, but I agree with djp that music on a video game system does not always count as VGM.
  13. Dash Myoku Miguel Morales (No Website) UserID#: 12108 Toy Story A Buzz Clip Patrick Collins, Sega Genesis; 1996 (Source plays around 0:29)I don't really have too much to say about this remix. I love the source track and only because it seems unrefined. I wanted more from it, so I tried to make more for it and give it my own little spin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: The arrangement adds a lot of layers to the original and generally works, but this felt unrefined too. The drums were thin and the instruments had blocky sequencing (which isn't so bad in an electronic song usually, but here it was especially noticeable). There was a fair amount of repetition too, felt like some instruments were playing the same thing for too long. With those fixed, I could see this really taking off - I liked the different styles and drum patterns you've got. NO
  14. Alright, chill mood, liking the instrumentation and buildups, possibly a little repetitive. And then I hit the acoustic guitar. I can't tell you how not getting the job done that is. If you're gonna use something that fake sounding, please don't solo it and bend on it. Tuck it away. Or better yet, enlist a friend to help you out if you know one who plays. But besides that, this song has other issues. The use of Crystal World/Prelude gets somewhat repetitive and there isn't a whole lot going on to make up for it. Sequencing is rigid and samples are thin. There's also some mixing issues, the buildups don't quite get loud enough, the leads don't stand out much. Afraid this isn't going to cut it, but there is a lot to like about this so don't get discouraged. Almost every problem here comes down to production, the writing is pretty good. NO (resubmit)
  15. I really love this, there's a ton of variety within what is a pretty basic source. There really aren't a lot of original sections here - almost all of this uses source - but every iteration handles the source differently. And then what is original is seamlessly led into. Love that acoustic intro that adds some Spanish flair that I would have never expected. A very well-crafted, enjoyable arrangement. While a great production, I don't know if I'd go as far as saying the best either. Those rhythm guitars could be more pushed back and muted to give some breathing room. But that starts to get into personal taste. Definitely a pass. YES
  16. There's also these clowns: Flickerfall Our sound is pretty comparable to some of the artists listed in your last.fm, atmuh, so you might like it if you haven't checked out our music before. I'll also add that Imogen Heap and Bjork are two of my all-time favs.
  17. I don't always count chords, but because they're so blocked out in the original song, the link between the intros is pretty direct. The progression is also somewhat unique. I like this. It's a little more subdued than previous Nutritious subs, but the same amount of care is spent, this time making the sound clean and nuanced. I really love the first break with the bells and the lonely violin - unexpected, and a beautiful little diversion. YES
  18. Happy birthday! You're the only judge on panel that's not crooked.
  19. Sounds cool to me! I'll see if I can get people to go there Saturday night, though you probably had djp at "bar".
  20. The songs in it written for the game are. Quick Googling seems to suggest the song you linked was written for the game.
  21. Besides the fact that this has synth and guitar energy via crazy arpeggios (par for the course in a Castlevania synth/rock arrangement), you've got little moments like the soft synth gliding above the crunchy guitars at 0:47 that make this stand out from the pack. I really liked it. The first half was pretty conservative but you've got a cool original(?) bridging section followed by a more varied take on Iron Blue Intention. Interpretive enough for me. The drums are a little high in the mix, I would pull those back. Also, the synth pad at 0:39... I almost laughed. Not sure if that was your ironic intention, but the use of it again later for a longer period of time leads me to think it wasn't. I'd replace that with a meatier organ or something less thin, that's not getting the job done. Overall song volume could be louder. Is the production enough of a problem where I'd make you take another look? Nah. This felt finished enough, I think people would enjoy it in the state it's in. We'll see what others think. YES
  22. Very cool textural changes to the original (love that instrument that sounds like dog barking), but it still felt conservative. Most of the major parts are still there, it's more of a sound upgrade. Credit where it's due, you did introduce a few brand new background parts and structurally it has changed. With a production that sounds overcompressed and a little unbalanced, that swings me to a NO. Production is not a huge deal, probably some easy things to fix, but I'm not really feeling the arrangement, and the production issues tip the scale. Even with perfect production, I'm not sure I would pass this though it would be close. It needs more differentiation from the source, a new section, changed melodies, something. NO
  23. Mixed feelings about this. Beat is good, and some parts of the arrangement that mix multiple melodies from the song are interesting. The section starting at 2:11 was my favorite. But there are also several parts where it doesn't sound that melodic or smooth. Some instances include the synth entering at 0:58, which has a background-y attack to it but acts as a lead for a while. In the 1:27 section, the chords don't really match the source melody you've got going there - it just doesn't sound that good to me. The parts get repetitious after a while, possibly because some of the elements are in play for much of the song. I think you tried to use too much of the song too much of the time, and that sums up all my complaints nicely. Good resubmit candidate though, a lot of good stuff in place. NO (resubmit)
  24. Haha I love the vocals. I dunno if that is my favorite part, but it's gotta be close. Pretty short song, but it's reasonably well-expanded. The main melody plays straight each time but you've got different stuff going on underneath it, plus the solo at the end. It's fun, a little simplistic from an interpretation standpoint, but probably just over the bar. There was something about the production that bothered me though. Didn't sound like the right elements were pushed loud enough - the first time the guitars dropped, they sounded weak. The synths were in a totally different space from them, floating on high. There's things you can do with the levels and reverb settings to the song sound more natural and full. Close to a pass but not there yet - sorry, Connor. Maybe others will be swayed the other way. NO (resubmit)
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