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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Remixer: me! Lemmings 3D has the best soundtrack no one ever heard, and it's the only game I've ever bought just for the soundtrack (though the game is not bad too). I even came up with names for the tracks - I'm dedicated, dammit! In my mind, some of the songs on it are perfect and unremixable; I remixed one of the ones that lends itself to embellishment. The original is desolate and sounds like a battlefield after the conflict is over, so I tried to go the opposite route, a heavier zircon/Crystal Method-inspired heat-of-battle style. This is my first mix with sampled dialogue and it comes from the very good documentary The Fog of War, which is ripe with great quotes for stealing. The lines fit the war theme, and can you think of a game with more unnecessary death than Lemmings? For da judges: I tried to include bits of the source everywhere, so I think it's dominant. Here's the breakdown of the source: 0:00-0:01: Three-note keyboard riff gets used everywhere 0:01: Low three-note riff get used in the first verse and the end 0:02-0:03: Three-note chime gets used in the second verse and the end 0:03-0:05, 0:13-0:15: More keyboard riff, gets used in the intro, verses 0:09-0:10, 0:14-0:15: Bass used at the end of a lot of the basslines in the song 0:15-0:20: Soft pad used in intro after drums come in 0:20-0:30: Staccato keyboard used in pre-choruses and extrapolated higher 1:01-1:03: Descending string triplets used in choruses and extrapolated lower and backwards up the scale 1:02-1:03: Plucked strings riff used in second half of bridge I think that's it! If you guys have got suggestions for production tweaks or ways to include more source, I'd love that. -------------------------------------------------------------- Track 02
  2. Your ReMixer name = .echo Your real name = Eddie Your website = TBA Your userid = 29883 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged = Megaman/Rockman 8 Name of individual song(s) arranged = Frostman Theme Remix Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. My first attempt at remixing. Tribute to one of my favorite game soundtracks. I think I may have gone overboard with the synth but it was a learning experience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Finish track for an upcoming project (I'll possibly end up starting on that this year) Make at least 2 non-project OCReMixes. I'll be lucky to finish one of my own remixes this year, and I have so many ideas, damn it! Make at least a couple Flickerfall songs, ideally a cover and an original Keep practicing the guitar so that I can be a musician who can actually play music
  4. Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18757 2nd decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22159 Contact info: Remixer name is Jabond23. Real name is Joe Nichols. Website is http://www.myspace.com/nintenjoe64 UserID is 25151 I've submitted this mix a couple of time before, but after countless hours and help from the peeps in the forum, i'm hoping its finally up to your standards. I did a rock remixed version of the dungeon theme from the original Legend Of Zelda for the NES that i titled Dungeon Of Desair. It also includes very small parts of the magic whistle and the item discovery theme towards the middle right before the solo, but the overall song is the dungeon theme. Its an awesome song that always brings back the days of old. I used a keyboard to play the synth leads and all the guitar parts played by myself. When i was making this song I really wanted to do an almost epic version of it by taking the original and making the riffs and solos soar. I attached the file in 192kbps mp3 format and if for some reason it doesn't come through you can also listen to it here: So please let me know what you think? Thank you, Joe (NintenJoe 64) ------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14178 - Track 4
  5. needs a name if accepted - palp "Secret of the Forest" from Chrono Trigger, SNES Fully orchestrated Name (and remixer name): Aaron Paul Low Website: http://www.aaronpaullow.com Username on forums: iwriteyourmusics Thanks for checking it out! -- APL -- http://www.aaronpaullow.com -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - Track 111 "Secret of the Forest"
  6. Yeah timing seemed like the biggest issue here. There's perfect evenness, and a piece with dynamics like this needs more ebb and flow, some slowdowns, speed-ups, and what have you. Velocity changes would help too. Please fix it up! NO (resubmit)
  7. ReMixer name: ProtoDome Real name: Blake Troise Userid: 25246 Name of game arranged: Pokémon Red Name of song arranged: Route 1, Guidepost Original Composer: Junichi Masuda Original Sound Track: Route 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnkiDGKrUrs&feature=PlayList&p=8096BB678CB42D2D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=48 Guidepost http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kFA7CY2A_M&feature=PlayList&p=518C9899CDA99242&index=38 Okay, yet again another Pokémon track (I‘m not gunna make this habit or anything)! This time I thought I’d go for the whole ‘new age’ jazz scene, however I guess I just can’t escape merging it with a little chiptune/electronica. I’ll put a source breakdown, just so you know where the bits are. :22-:36 Modified Route 1, A Section :36-:48 Route 1, B Section :50-:53 Guidepost A Section :56-1:10 Modified Route 1, A Section 1:10-1:22 Guidepost B Section 1:58-2:03 Route 10 B Section 2:05-2:39 Guidepost A Section That makes about 1:38 seconds of source material in total, I hope that’s enough (it‘s over 50% anyway)! The source is a lil’ limited so I’ve been battling to keep this within OCR standards, yet liberal enough to make it fresh and original. Urm, what else do I need to point out? Oh yeah, the distortion and ‘clipping’ sound at 1:17-1:24 is intentional. I also need to say that I do include more than the first three notes in the Route 1 modification only there’s an extra note run before the chord change. Most people didn’t seem to get that, that’s all. I think that’s probably enough, I tried to keep that ‘fun’ feel the Pokémon games have but lose the immaturity of the source. Oh and the title is the Japanese equivalent of the Pokémon move “Rain Dance”. あまごい (or amagoi) means “Rain Prayer”, which just seemed a fitting title really with all the rain sounding analogue noise. (If the Japanese characters aren't allowed, this is just called 'Rain Prayer'.) No fade out this time, a piano solo as previously suggested ;D ---------------------------------------------------------- Route 1, Guidepost
  8. Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22407 Submission link: Source track link: - Also on YouTube, (0:38)Contact Information # Your ReMixer name - Skummel Maske # Your real name - Thomas Bullock # Your email address - kordeth@hotmail.com # Your website - http://velakhar.blogspot.com # Your userid - 21629 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Gradius III * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Crystal Labyrinth * Name of the mix: Stuck In The Crystal Maze * Remixers involved: Skummel Maske, Hy Bound * Your own comments about the mix This was my first entry to the Dwelling of Duels competition back in May '08. I hadn't really listened to the music of the Gradius games before this, so I scoured Youtube and websites looking for a track that had a nice, strong main lead. The result is a guitar-driven rock track with some sweet guitarmonies playing around an already interesting lead. After the DoD contest, it took half a year to get around to do some proper mastering on it, which still wasn't quite up to OCR standards. I felt I'd reached the height of my potential at the time, so I asked Tyler (Hy Bound) to help me out with the mastering. He offered to do some slight mixing on the track as well, which gave great results. The mix reached a level of polish that I would never be able to achieve by myself. --------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Remixer name: Jetta Remix name: iFreya Game: Final Fantasy IX Song: 'Forgotten Face' by Nubuo Uematsu -------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24340 Gawd u ppl n ur demands!!1 attache'd cheers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14690 - Track 2 ("Underground BGM")
  11. AmR - Destine.mp3 (pop-up) SUBMISSION Info: Game: Chrono Cross Track title: Life ~ Faraway Promise Comments: Sequenced in Logic Pro 7. I'm a traditional remixer; meaning I remix for the DJ, and with the DJ in mind. I've paced around submitting this remix for awhile simply because of the source. This is a Trance / Dance geared remix of the Life ~ Faraway Promise track from Chrono Cross. CONTACT Info: Remixer Name: AmR Real Name: Aaron Rigby E-mail: rig1015@gmail.com Website: http://www.soundclick.com/amrus (Artist) http://www.soundclick.com/rig1015 (OCR) -- rig1015 --------------------------------------------------------------
  12. That guy drops more names than a clumsy phone book delivery man. I'll be here all hour, folks.
  13. Ha! I own the game and had forgotten, though maybe on some level I remembered. I stuck this song on our Halloween party playlist this year and it fit right in. It's dropping from a major key to a minor key, but I dunno if that's usually called a key change. The root stays the same.
  14. Hi, This is a mix I've called "Voices", based on two themes from Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (original composer: Alexander Brandon). The themes are Academy Combat and Spirit Army Battle; I called the mix "Voices" because there's a central character who (--spoylar alert!!--) has a fragmented soul and occasionally hears the voices of the other fragments in her head, telepathically, because those other fragments inhabit living bodies also. Eventually those other fragments are killed off. So this mix is about the event in which those "voices" die. Wah-wah-wahhh. I thought about calling it "Voices Silenced" or something, but I was afraid that would be way too melodramatic and the mix itself might try to commit suicide. Although, just "Voices" does make it seem like a study on mental disorders, so I'm kind of dissatisfied with the title, nonetheless. If the mix gets serious consideration, I'd be open to advice on this front. Anyways, the info: Contact Information Your ReMixer name: filaminstrel Your real name: Ryan Wong Your website: n/a Your userid: 10386 (my forum name used to be filaminstrel as well.. and before that, arthropod, I believe.. but now it's benevolensaurus.. I'd like to change it back to filaminstrel somehow :/) Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer Name of individual song(s) arranged: Academy Combat/ Spirit Army Battle Additional information about game: system: PC (/Mac) composer: Alexander Brandon I did post it in the WIP forum before submitting. Got one post of feedback, made some adjustments, re-posted, but didn't get any more feedback.. I figured bumping would be against the rules, so I let my thread die a ronery death. I've made some more adjustments to the mix since then, though. Anyways, thanks for reading, and thanks for listening! --------------------------------------------------------------
  15. I was a little torn on this so I didn't put down an initial vote, but ultimately I agree with what the others have said here. This reminded me of a PS-era RPG. Excellent writing, I really liked the arrangement (and I also love "To Zanarkand"), but the strings sound uniform and unrealistic, there's no getting around it. When other orchestral elements come in later, there was more to focus on and it wasn't as big a deal. Sorry Brad and Justin. I think you guys have both done better than this in terms of production before. NO (resubmit)
  16. ReMixer name: BonzaiRob Real name: Robin Hayes Website: http://pandrgames.co.uk/ Userid: 16200 I've followed OCR for a few years now, mostly sticking to mixes from games I know. I submitted a few that were, admittedly, terrible, when I was in high school. I'm not sure whether this one will make it through the judging, given the source material, but I'm hopeful. This mix is based on the evolution music/jingle/hypnotism from the Pokémon games. I've always had high hopes for Pokémon remixes on OCR, being a fan, but the general opinion seems to be that the majority of Pokémon music just isn't that great to start with. I concede the point. However, a lot of the music back on the Game Boy was, out of necessity, pretty minimalistic. And then today, or some reason, I suddenly remembered, that minimalism is (surprise) a genre of music. And it often has marimbas. So, anyway, here it is. I couldn't resist the ending, unfortunately. Thanks, BonzaiRob ------------------------------------------------------------- This has got a Philip Glass thing going on, but at the expense of the source. I totally lost the source under the layers of new melody. I also think it was a little random and the layers didn't always complement. On that basis, I'd have to say NO. It was an interesting approach to arranging this song but it'd be difficult to keep the focus on source and expand it within the parameters of this song. NO
  17. Since when are video game songs longer than one minute?? I thought they just looped after that. But seriously, thanks for the due diligence, 'Ili. The Ronfaure usage is definitely there and there is a little more arrangement in that section than the Forest Temple. However it takes some time to get there, starting with a simplification that just leaves out the bass part. This doesn't change my vote though, nor would I imagine it changes OA's. The Forest Temple section is still too conservative, and though I didn't touch on the production, it comes across as unbalanced and indistinct. Sticking with my NO vote, sorry Adam.
  18. remixer name: the prophet of mephisto song name: a world without sin ost name: to znaarkand (FFX) by nobou uematsu this is a resub from mid-2006. the piece has been through various iterations since then in my pathetic attempts to make it sound real. none of them worked very well. after much begging, nutritious made this sound like a real orchestra instead of the mess that was my original version. i think that this is the seventh version i've done to date. when i asked if he wanted to be listed as a co-remixer, he said that he was just 'facilitating'. so he gets honorable mention =) this song (and, in turn, this game) means a lot to me. when i started working on this song in april of 2006, i was in the middle of a really tough semester. i was just starting to play through FFX at nights after classes, and it turned into a refuge of sorts - i'd come home after hours of being told how poor of a student i was, and then turn on the ps2 to hear this song. it was freeing, in a way. it's still probably my favorite VG song of all time. i started this arrangement as an adjusted string quartet - two violins, no viola (i hate writing in alto clef), and a string bass - and added in a viola later to make a quintet. as i worked on it, though, i just couldn't help adding in brass and winds to make for a full orchestrated piece. the addition of percussion was a last-minute thing, and it really helped emphasize some of the major parts of the piece. you'll notice i do a lot behind the melody - one of my hallmarks when i do orchestral writing is to have these little three-second features of different instruments. so, you'll have the melody, but you'll have the horns, and then the bones, and then viola...etc. this is really noticeable about 2/3rds of the way through the piece, as the intensity is ramping up. i consider this one of my best remixes that i've ever done, and even though it's as old as it is i still use it for auditions for jobs and the like. thanks for judging. BRAD
  19. Submission // "Lavafair" by Kaznasty Remixer Info Remixer Namer: Kaznasty Real Name: Chad M. Johnson Email: kaznasty@gmail.com Website: myspace.com/kazualbeats Forum userid: 29812 Submission Info Game Arranged: Super Metroid (SNES) Song Arranged: Lower Norfair Additional Info: Final Metroid game in the pre-Prime era trilogy Original Soundtrack: n/a (not sure where I got this) Comments: I usually stick with hip-hop but I started off making drum n bass back in 1999-2002. I made this in about 2007 as a revisit to my old genre. I started off with the MIDI for the game and manipulated in in Reason 2.0. The majority of the toned sounds (ie, non-drums) come from a "chaos" soundfont through the NN-XT machine. I'm not sure how much of the drums are original as I made this 2 years ago but I have a habit of making most of my own drum loops so there's a good chance it's made by hand. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Norfair Ancient Ruins Area" (sm-26.spc) No offense to Chad, but this is a perfect example of a song that marginalizes the source in favor of some really cool original stuff. I really like those drums, great programming and sound, but the source is completely lost under it. It needs to be more integrated into the piece, I think it's even out of sync at times. The bass also clashed with Norfair, so that's something else against this. Not much else to add! NO
  20. The title I had in mind for the remix I'm finishing up follows the "___ of War" pattern, and my original idea for a title for it had "Darkness" in the name.
  21. Nah, we're just far behind. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2819 This thread mentions what date we're up to (currently July 19).

  22. Yeah, I'm not sure why I thought this was played - in retrospect, it does seem pretty obvious it's sequenced. But like Jimmy said, there's nothing wrong per se with a sequenced solo piano song, and I thought the arrangement made up for the evenness. There's some humanization there too, it's not totally robotic.
  23. Not sure if I'd call these ballads, but a similar style to Derulo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGxcL8CYYoc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFknBy7F2R8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hpiwPXkbVc
  24. Yep, source checks out, my bad on that. I definitely hear the FFIV theme in there. I'm still going with NO for the problems with the arrangement and production that I listed.
  25. Pretty cool arrangement, though it hangs on the piano a long time in the beginning. But you had some excellent riffing with the piano later on, great adaptation of the "Corridors of Time" melodies. The mixing is definitely unusual, with the pad being the element taking up the most space or close to it. There's a lot of low frequency instruments competing, not that much high-frequency content. I'd recommend toning down the pad, bringing up the drums, and making the piano less muted. And finally, I'll also third centering that instrument, that was distracting. I like the ideas here, some of the execution doesn't cut it yet. But having a solid arrangement is much easier to work with than a solid production with arrangement problems. Take our tips to heart, I don't think this is that far from a pass. NO (resubmit)
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